The First Order

Chapter 1062: Read the newspaper

For the heroes, everyone quarreled with Ren Xiaosu and became angry, but they first recognized the premise that Ren Xiaosu was the next commander of the Northwest Army, and never denied that the other party represented the future of Northwest.

So after getting angry, everyone will calm down and seriously think about Ren Xiaosu's proposal.

But as Commander Li said, all of the more than 200,000 heroic troops have become a private army, so it is really hard to say where the northwest will go in the future.

Therefore, such an important decision, you will never make a choice easily.

In the following days, Ren Xiaosu continued to tear the newspaper every day, and the spirits were still scolded with rage.

Ren Xiaosu's insistence on mourning the heroes made many barrier residents feel moved. Slowly, some people even followed Ren Xiaosu and walked around the Tongzhong Square every day.

Of course, this kind of daily free is basically the elderly.

At first, the heroes scolded Ren Xiaosu for shamelessness, but then the heroes suddenly discovered that as someone came to mourn them every day, their spiritual will became more solid.

It should be known that they could only stay in this world because of the mourning of the Northwesterners. This shows that the mourning of ordinary people will indeed have an impact on them.

The time is still short, so we still ca n’t judge what the impact will be, but it ’s a better direction.

Just as Ren Xiaosu was going to continue to live this leisurely life of two points and one line, Xu Xianchu suddenly came to inform Ren Xiaosu that Commander Zhang ’s affairs had been completed and the two of them set off tomorrow!

Ren Xiaosu felt a little regret in his heart that the more than 200,000 heroes were not abducted by himself.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, Zhang Jinglin had been waiting for him at the Tongzhong Square early. Zhang Jinglin put on a military uniform and carried a marching backpack, standing in the morning mist.

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "I've never seen Mr. Zhang dressed, what's in the backpack?"

"This trekking plan is a two-month period, so bring some laundry and food rations on the road," Zhang Jinglin explained: "You didn't bring anything."

"Relax," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "When I enter the wilderness, it's the same as returning home, no difference."

"OK," Zhang Jinglin nodded.

"But Mr. Zhang, don't you need to bring some bodyguards with you?" Ren Xiaosu curiously said: "Are you afraid of going to danger outside the northwest?"

Zhang Jinglin calmly said: "I have nothing to fear if you, the barrier destroyer, are by your side."

"Also," Ren Xiaosu said.

The two departed from Tongzhong Square, and no one saw them off, and no one witnessed it.

Only Ren Xiaosu knows that more than two hundred thousand heroes are staring at them vigorously and watching them leave.

"Right," Zhang Jinglin said: "I heard that you are here every day to mourn the pioneers of the Northwest Army? Why?"

Ren Xiaosu glanced back at the bronze bell square behind him, and then said seriously: "Because I admire the pioneers’ dedication to the Northwest, Mr. Zhang, you also know that I am a more selfish person, so I will endure when I hear their glorious deeds. I couldn't help moving. Since this time I have come to talk to them every day, as if they are blessing me beside me, they have been very fulfilling and have a sense of security. "

Zhang Jinglin froze for a moment. He didn't expect Ren Xiaosu to be such an answer. In his impression, Ren Xiaosu didn't seem to be a person who was touched by a glorious deed.

But he thinks this is a good thing. Since playing Ren Xiaosu this time back to the northwest, he has always been able to surprise him.

Zhang Jinglin said with a smile: "I have a heart."

However, while Zhang Jinglin felt so relieved, the whole square was filled with sounds that ordinary people could not hear.


"Bah ah!"

"This kid said that in front of us, his face would not be red!"


"Zhang Jinglin, open your eyes and see, this kid is not a good thing at all! Bad stomach!"

At this time, the heroes suddenly felt like they had heard the storyteller tell a story before. For example, everyone heard a story in which a traitor pretending to be a loyal minister wanted to murder Zhongliang. The listeners all knew that this product was a bad person, but the protagonist But I do n’t know, so the listeners ca n’t wait to plunge into that story, warning the protagonist to see this traitor ...

As Zhang Jinglin and Ren Xiaosu went further and further, the heroes slowly discouraged: "If you were summoned to the heroic temple by this kid, wouldn't you be able to beat him physically? If I could, I would accept His call! "

"me too!"


The sun rose from the east, and the blazing sunlight spread across the northwest.

When the sun sets down in the evening, the evening sun sets the bronze bell square into a golden appearance, such as golden feathers covering the ground.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a 13-year-old boy suddenly took a newspaper to the square, and then found a place to sit down and read the newspaper word by word.

"On May 28, the army of the Wang consortium broke through the blockade of Zhou ’s northern defense line, and it took only two hours to successfully win the barrier 71 abandoned by Zhou. The army of the Wang ’s group marched south again at 5 pm , Expected to arrive at barrier 73 tomorrow ... "

"The system reform in the Northwest presents a prosperous scene. People in the past were reluctant to carry a **** to plant land, but now the barren hills are in Baoshan, and everyone lives and works ..."

The heroes felt strange under the bronze bell. Why did this little boy suddenly run to the square to read a newspaper? what's the situation?

But everyone didn't have much time to think about it. Anyway, if someone reads the newspaper, then they listened.

Is this better than reading newspapers like everyone is fighting? !

For seven days in a row, the little boy came every day and patted his **** until he finished reading the newspaper. The spirits began to look forward to 7 o'clock every night. The ordinary-looking little boy also looked cute in their eyes.

In the eyes of the heroes, this child is probably the cutest person in the whole northwest.

It's just that everyone is very curious, why is there a child coming to read the newspaper suddenly, is it to exercise his eloquence?

Until the seventh day, suddenly a middle-aged woman came to the square. She saw the child and asked curiously: "Son, why are you running here? What are you doing?"

The little boy seemed a little panicked when he saw his mother coming: "No, nothing."

"What do you hold in your hand?" The middle-aged woman took away the newspaper from the child, and then wondered: "What are you doing with today's newspaper, where did it come from? Did you pick it up?"

A hope media newspaper costs two dollars, but the child has only ten dollars a month for pocket money, so she doesn't think it was bought by the child.

The child hesitated for a while and explained, "I bought this."

"You bought it? Where did you get the money?" The middle-aged woman froze.

"The young master gave it," the child explained: "He said that as long as I came to read the newspaper every day, I would give me three hundred dollars a month for pocket money. If I could keep going uninterrupted every day, I would give me an extra one year later. Thousands! But he has requirements that he ca n’t come during the class, he has to wait for school at night, and he also asked me to exceed 90 points for each subject in order to get the one thousand. "

The middle-aged woman was stunned, and her family lived next to the guest house. There she opened a small laundry shop. The young handsome would send the clothes to be washed every day. During that time, he knew his own children.

But she didn't expect that the young marshal had made such a deal with her children before leaving.

The middle-aged woman froze for a while: "I said how come you have been home late these days. I thought you were playing outside. But did the young handsome say why he made you do this?"

The child replied: "I also asked him why he wanted to read a newspaper in Tong Zhong Square. He said that the martyrs died to protect their homes, so they have the right to know how prosperous their protected homes are now. Yes. "

The middle-aged woman thought for a while, and then rubbed the child's head with a smile: "Then you can say nothing to us, and my dad and you can stop you from doing it? Okay, after you finish reading the newspaper every day, then go back Dinner at home, dinner will be an hour later at home. "


Goodnight everybody

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