The First Order

Chapter 1063: 178 outposts

Prior to this, Ren Xiaosu had never been to the west of 178 fortress.

The place outside the fortress is not as desolate as imagined. Ren Xiaosu and Zhang Jinglin walking on the wilderness can also see many northwestern people cultivate and graze on the wilderness.

Zhang Jinglin explained: "The factories are in the protection area of ​​the fortress. You should also see those factories when you come from the barrier 144, but if you are farming and grazing, the northwest is more suitable. The presence of the outpost is not only in advance Tell the fortress to prepare for battle, and also fight for the evacuation time for these people who are engaged in production. "

Ren Xiaosu nodded silently. Fortress 178 has a special environment. There are few places where he can cultivate and graze, and he must make full use of it.

He suddenly asked: "When did the person who succeeded the commander have to walk through the post to set the rules?"

"A long, long time ago," Zhang Jinglin said calmly: "The post is very bitter. Some soldiers stay there for many years. They are exposed to the sun in summer, the roads are frozen in winter and the resources are scarce. There may be five or six more important posts. Personally, this is not too lonely, but there are only two people at some outposts, so you must endure loneliness. "

Zhang Jinglin continued: "Of course, the commander stayed comfortably in the fortress, but you must understand that the 178 outposts carried the most dangerous responsibilities in the war, what they are experiencing. Just like I let you into the sharp knife. For the same reason, only when you have been to the most dangerous place can you understand what each of your decisions means. People who were born and died with everyone are eligible to be the commander. "

I have to say that the 178 stronghold can attract Ren Xiaosu, probably this kind of people-oriented spirit.

Zhang Jinglin said with a smile: "And this also has a psychological effect. I don't know if you can understand it. The hardworking people will look down on the lazy people from the heart. If a commander has been to the sharp knife company and walked through all outposts, From the bottom of my heart, I look down on those bureaucrats who are greedy for life and death, and do nothing. I didn't notice it at first, but then I found out that if I found a general who was sneaking and sneaking, I would subconsciously say 'You think about those who are suffering Lonely sentinel soldier, think about those brothers who were born and died on the front line, would n’t you be ashamed? '

"In general, this is to make the commander of the fortress understand what the responsibility of a commander is," Zhang Jinglin said.

Walking through the post and entering the sharp knife company, these two things are like a unique inauguration ceremony.

In fact, Ren Xiaosu did n’t quite understand it at first. Since he was a candidate for the commander, what would he do if he died if he died in a real situation? Is normal.

This kind of thing usually takes two months to walk the sentry post on foot. The new commander still needs to be accompanied by the old commander. Isn't it afraid that something will go wrong during this long time?

But now he suddenly realized that the convention of the 178 fortress was to choose a person from the most difficult road, and then to carry the destiny of the entire northwest.

On the northwest Daxing 2.0 abduction refugee road, Da Huyou told Ren Xiaosu about his time at the post.

Da Huyou said that when she was at the post, she didn't stay at the post every day after waking up, but went to patrol with her guns.

In the winter season, a person walked up a mountain road with a gun on his back. Before dawn, he set off. When it returned to the post at night, it was already dark.

The runny nose will be frozen on the face, and a thin smoothie will be formed in the shoes, and the cheeks are red and frozen.

Do n’t dare to be too close to the bonfire when roasting a fire in the post at night, because suddenly heating will make you bloated.

On the patrol road, his only chance to communicate with the outside world was to walk up a hill called Tiger Ridge at 12 noon and wave his hand to the sentry of another hill.

The patrol routes of the two sides did not overlap, and the closest location is the two hills.

Everyone arrived at the top of the mountain at noon every day at noon, and then waved their hands to continue on their patrol paths.

Regardless of wind, rain, or snow, the two sentries must rush to the top of the mountain at 12 noon, and they will get some solace in the soul when they see that the other is also there.

Not everyone is too busy, but because it is too lonely.

If this sentinel's service period ends and he is ready to leave, he will definitely ask the new sentinel Thousand Dingwan: He must arrive at Tiger Ridge at 12 o'clock every day and wave with his comrades across the mountain because he is waiting for you.

Over the past 100 years, there have been 178 outposts since the establishment of the 178 strongholds. These 178 outposts are like lonely stars and torches in the wilderness.

Ren Xiaosu curiously said: "Mr. Zhang shouldn't understand my strength at first, did you send me to the sharp knife to fear that I would die like this?"

Zhang Jinglin calmly said: "I am in my early forties, and it is relatively young in the commander's age, so if you really die in the war, I should have more time to choose the next one. You know Some commanders only found suitable candidates in their 70s, and I was lucky. "

Ren Xiaosu raised his eyebrows: "Is it too late to run?"

"Of course it's too late," Zhang Jinglin laughed. "Don't you say you can't look back."

Many people think that Zhang Jinglin is serious and serious, but Ren Xiaosu has seen what Zhang Jinglin looked like when he was in the market town. In fact, he understands that this product can serve as the commander of the 178 stronghold because it is also a rogue.


Ren Xiaosu and Zhang Jinglin are expected to depart in the morning and arrive at night in the first post at 80 kilometers northwest of the 178 fortress.

Then Zhang Jinglin discovered that he was tired and somewhat prostrative, but Ren Xiaosu was still fart.

This plan to travel through the outpost itself is also to hone the minds of previous commanders, so it is necessary to walk.

But I guess that the old commander who set this rule in the past did not expect that this commander will even drill such a transcendent person with the same physical strength as the beasts of animals. The so-called experience of training the mind does not play its due role ...

In Zhang Jinglin's plan, Ren Xiaosu has experienced too many battles in recent years and has killed many people. On this trip, he hopes that Ren Xiaosu's temper can calm down and give Ren Xiaosu a chance to precipitate himself.

As a result, Ren Xiaosu didn't have anything to do, but this walk was more like training Zhang Jinglin himself ...

In the afternoon, Zhang Jinglin watched the lively Ren Xiaosu finally unable to bear it: "You go to carry a stone!"

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment: "No such rules before?"

"Now," Zhang Jinglin said seriously.


There are two chapters at night

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