The First Order

Chapter 1098: Autistic

The yellowish book pages contain biographies of Russell's characters: Russell, born in 1981, was one of the greatest wizards of his time.

He was committed to the development of wizarding organizations, advocating the absorption of civilians and foreigners to become new wizards, and introducing fresh blood to the inheritance of wizards.

In the midst of the catastrophe, he once led wizard organizations and civilians to find a new pure land to rest and recuperate. At that time, Russell was the object of respect and love for everyone.

However, Russell is not only a great wizard, but also one of the most powerful wizards in the history of wizards.

He uses the black true eye, and is one of the custodians of the black true eye.

He specializes in meteorite star-falling for the rest of his life, minoring in resisting fire and fire dragon ...

The character biography of Russell has more than a thousand words. Ren Xiaosu looked at it for a long time and realized that this product is really powerful. Even the author of this wizard is a fan of this product.

However, the concept of tolerance and inclusion that the other party upholds is not in line with the strategy of the current wizard organization, so the master outline of witchcraft will only undergo seven reductions, so that even the author's signature can't be seen now.

The 80-year-old book in front of me is considered to be a survivor of Russell's records.

Ren Xiaosu quickly looked at Russell ’s character, but the previous sections talked about what this product did. For example, the young Russell is a cheerful and lively person, how to help classmates, how to organize young wizards, how to set up a new wizarding association ...

It can be seen that this Russell is a very good communicator. At that time, he should be active in the wizarding circle all year round.

The book wrote: "Russell has the most outstanding talent in the history of wizards, so that a large number of young wizards are gathered beside him, and he is used as an example of his own progress."

"With the advent of the new era, Russell could not stand the feudalism and conservatism of the wizarding association of the old era, and began to gather the forces around him to seek change."

"The wizarding associations of the old age believed that wizards should pay more attention to protecting the pure blood lineage and protecting the secrets of the True Eye from being revealed. The Wizarding Society of the old era insisted that the True Eye is the fate of the wizard, and there should be no outsiders. Come to intervene, this is likely to lead to the loss of true vision. "

"However, Russell believes that if the wizard community wants to be recognized by the world, then it must adhere to the inclusive proposition that only more and more people become wizards and influence the world, so that the wizard can stand in front of the world."

"The interest groups of the old era collided with the young wizards of the new era. A large number of young wizards did not hesitate to fight against their own families, but also followed in the footsteps of Russell."

"Russell at this time has a strong personal charm and has many followers."

However, with regard to Russell's character, he suddenly changed dramatically in his middle age.

The author of The Wizarding Record said: "At the age of 47, Russell suddenly decided to resign as the chairman of the Wizarding Association, and suddenly everyone was unprepared. His friend Tingens had written many times to persuade him, hoping that Russell would continue to lead the new wizarding association. However, Russell never agreed to the comeback, but settled down and decided to study the no-sing spell. "

The Sorcerer's Chronicles writes here and does not mention why Russell had such a change.

And Ren Xiaosu nodded when he saw this, and it matched the number. From this point alone, it can be confirmed that Russell is indeed the author of the Master of Witchcraft.

As for why the other party's personality changed suddenly, Ren Xiaosu seriously suspected that Ren He had autism directly to Russell ...

Ren Xiaosu said, Ren He is also a bit cruel, actually, he can give an optimistic and cheerful social talent to a dull research talent ...

However, it is a pity that looking at the witchcraft general outline, you can find that even Russell has not studied the method of cast without a chant, even if he has studied for a long time, even if he has black eyes in his hands.

"But this book doesn't talk about the two black eyes with real vision?" Ren Xiaosu wondered: "Mego said he saw it in this book."

Ren Xiaosu turned back, and suddenly found that between 31 and 61 pages behind the book, it was the letter content of Russell and his friend Tingens.

Tingens: "Dear Russell, since you resigned as the chairman of the New Wizarding Association, those nobles have regained their old style. They want to drive out the foreign wizards in order to maintain the blood of the wizards and the eyes of true vision. , They think that the wizard should not stand in front of the world in a fair and honest way, our efforts are only in vain ... "

Russell: "Dear Tingens, I already know your worries, but now I am obsessed with the no-singing spell, and I have no energy to manage the new wizarding association. I hope you can choose a new leader to lead you. go ahead……"

Tingens: "Great Russell, please tell me frankly, what has caused you such a huge change, I will visit you on the 15th of next month, please don't refuse ..."

Russell: "Tingens, I don't want to see anyone now. Life is short. I have to explore the infinite wizarding mystery in a limited life. This makes me very upset."

Tingens: "Dear Russell, I don't want to disturb you, but I hope you can tell me why this is happening. Is there a wizard of an old noble kidnapping your family?"

This time, the most critical clue was finally mentioned in the content of Russell ’s letter: "Dear Tingens, I met the powerful Middle-earth knight who took a black eye from me. You I understand what it means, I am not his opponent. "

To put it simply, I can't beat him, the black true-sighted eyes have been taken away, and I have no face to become the president of the wizarding association!

You guys please be smart, I really have no face!

It is no wonder that the author of The Wizarding Book does not mention this matter, the other party clearly has these letters that can be used as a reference, and he knows why Russell changed, but he did not mention the change of Russell.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly understood the mentality of this wizard.

Imagine how it feels when you find that your idol is being beaten to autism suddenly?

The author of The Wizarding Book does not mention this matter because the author of The Wizarding Book is also autistic!

I have to say that this thing makes Ren Xiaosu feel quite novel. Didn't expect Ren He to be so tough in that era?

He looked back, and suddenly a group of letters attracted him.

Tingens: "Dear Russell, I'm sorry to hear about this, and I express my sorrow ... But I don't understand, why did the Middle-earth knight take the real eye in your hand?"

Russell: "He said he would save his children with real eyes."


Chapter three, there is a chapter at night

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