The First Order

Chapter 1099: The second clue about Ren He

"Save people with black true eyes?" Ren Xiaosu was dismayed. This black true eyes is not a medicine. How can it be used to save people?

Is this not a weapon?

However, Russell did not mention anything about saving people in the letter, and it seemed that he did not know what was going on.

Anyway, it was probably inexplicably beaten autism, and then painstakingly studied witchcraft ......

However, it is a pity that Ren Xiaosu's life through the wizarding history of Russell, the other party failed to achieve results in the non-chanting cast.

Russell is like a hard-working scientific researcher, exhausting the rest of his life is just to find a new breakthrough for witchcraft.

However, the reality is cruel, and even if many scientific workers indulge in wizards and work hard, it is possible to spend a lifetime in the field of their own research.

They devoted all their youth and passion to the laboratory and papers, but they may not be rewarded.

This is the real world, and no one is the protagonist of this world.

Ren Xiaosu looked back, not only the letters between Russell and Tingens, but also others.

Fletcher: "Dear Russell, the recent turbulence in the world is very likely to involve even our wizards. Some of the nobles have quietly avoided the world. After they replaced you to control the power of the wizarding community, they only focused on grabbing benefits. But he did n’t take the corresponding responsibility at all, Russell, there is something wrong with this world, we need you ... "

Ren Xiaosu suddenly froze when he saw this, is this the beginning of the catastrophe?

Although the letter did not mention what happened in the end, everything was said very vaguely, but how can the words "turbulent world situation" and "the world is going to go wrong" make people not think of it?

Ren Xiaosu quickly flipped back and wanted to see Russell's reply.

Here Russell said: "Dear Fletcher, I have decided to return to you and experience the baptism of life and death with you. The force of the Middle-earth knight who stayed with us found me, in order to show that he took the black true sight The apology of Zhiyan, his people will also help us through the difficulties together. I will return next week, but before that, I still need to reach agreement with the nobles. This disaster requires us to face it together. "

At this point, Russell finally decided to give up his research on cast without a chant, and then came forward for the entire wizarding community.

Looking at the time, he is already in his fifties.

The following things were probably also connected. Russell had already hung up the nobles when he was young, and the old nobles dared to come out after he retired.

At this time Russell came out of the mountain. Most of the agreement in the letter was almost the same as his own "consensus". From this point of view, Ren Xiaosu felt that Russell was quite angry.

Looking back, it was a letter from Russell to all the wizards: "Everyone, now that life and death are alive, you and I should abandon the previous suspicions ..."

Do not know why, Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt a magnificent tragic and splendid.

Except for losing the black true sight, Russell had almost no stains on his body. After such a person returned to the hidden mountain forest, he stood up again for the life and death of the whole family, and finally led the entire wizarding organization to successfully survive the disaster.

I have to say that the wizarding organization can live so well today, and it can completely compare the 178 stronghold at the beginning of the cataclysm, and most of the credit goes to Russell.

It's just that after the wizarding organization successfully survived the catastrophe, the old nobles soon seemed to have real power again, and Russell had no children and no children, which is normal.

Slowly, the old nobility began to eliminate the influence of Russell on the entire wizarding world. At first, it was a temptation, and then it was seven times to modify the general outline of witchcraft, and the author name was deleted.

Ren Xiaosu said with some emotion that Taiping was originally set by the general, and the general was not allowed to see Taiping. There was so little ungratefulness in it.

Wait, Ren Xiaosu suddenly looked at the previous letter, and saw Russell ’s letter that read: "The forces of the Middle-Earth Knights who stayed with us found me ... their people will also help us through the difficulties ..."

This clearly shows that Ren He left an organization similar to knights and Qinghe in the wizarding country, and if this organization has survived with the wizards to the present, there should be an organization like this in the wizarding country.

The previous mission of the palace was to find 4 clues about Ren He in the wizarding country, but Ren Xiaosu did not know where to go to find them.

Now, Russell ’s letter gives a hint: Ren He ’s power is the second clue. As long as he finds the trace of this power, the task is half done.

Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu had an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

While in Zuo Yunshan, Zero suddenly asked Ren Xiaosu if he was lonely. At that moment, Ren Xiaosu did indeed feel lonely.

He did not know where he came from, where he was going, or whether he had any relatives, and why they left him alone in the wilderness.

This feeling is actually very lonely.

But now, all clues are suggesting that he doesn't seem to be like this. He has never been abandoned, but in that era no one can protect himself.

Of course, the exact situation is still uncertain. You have to gather the clues first.

After a while, Mei Ge came out after taking a bath: "How, have you found any clues?"

"There are some," Ren Xiaosu said. "What is certain is that the Middle-earth knight did take away a real eye, but now that Middle-earth is so big, there is no way to find it."

Mego comforted: "It's okay, even if you can't find this one, you will definitely be able to buy your own real eye in the future."

Mega said this because he no longer missed the black real eye. If Ren Xiaosu found it, it was Ren Xiaosu.

However, Ren Xiaosu made a quick turn: "But I found other clues. Russell and Fletcher wrote a thing in the letter. He said that the forces left by the Middle-earth Knights helped the wizards to overcome the difficulties together to compensate for the loss. The thing about the black true eye. Have you ever heard of this, maybe this powerful person knows the thing about the black true eye. "

During the catastrophe, Middle-East suffered more disasters than the wizarding country, so the knight organization there also had a short fault in the inheritance. They knew that Ren He ’s son was still alive, but a lot of information was lost.

Everyone is exhausted to survive, and it is normal for some people to suddenly encounter accidents that cause the information not to be passed on to their peers.

But the knights in the wizarding country are different, they have survived the disaster together with the wizard, so they have a good chance to save the complete information!


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