The First Order

Chapter 1102: Book thief

When it was time to stand, Ren Xiaosu had the time to look at the sorceress carefully. The dress was no different from the previous bounty hunter. He had a squirrel on his arm and a crossbow and rope around his waist. , A bit different from the previous bounty hunters.

The opponent is a little thin, and Ren Xiaosu did not recognize it when he quickly pursued it. It is only now that the opponent has obvious female characteristics.

This is the first time Ren Xiaosu has seen a female wizard. To be honest, before this he thought that the wizard was passed on from male to female. After all, he had never seen a female wizard, and he had n’t even recorded it in the book of wizards.

However, this does not affect Ren Xiaosu's plundering of his true vision.

Ren Xiaosu was very curious: "Is the Tudor family sending you, why did you assassinate Mego?"

As a result, when asked, the other party was stunned for a while: "Assassinate Mego? Why did you kill him?"

"Oh," Ren Xiaosupi said with a smile: "Just a while ago, a bounty hunter came to assassinate him. I guessed that you are from the Tudor family."

Ren Xiaosu talked so openly with the other party, but he did not intend to let the other party leave.

The Northwest Marshal is here, saying that if he wants to stay with you, he will definitely be able to stay with you.

The sorceress frowned: "We disdain to be with the witch clan, and don't confuse us with them."

Ren Xiaosu stopped thinking and began to wonder, are there two other bounty hunters? Mago didn't say this before.

"What is the difference between you and them?" Ren Xiaosu asked doubtfully, he was really puzzled.

"They sell their lives for money, and we have our own beliefs," the sorceress said coldly. "What do you know about wizards? How do you know these things on the first day, and pretend to be pure."

Ren Xiaosu thought that this was the first time he was scolded for being pure, he was all ready to beat someone ...

"It's just a group of bounty hunters. What are you pretending to say, they are for money, you are for faith," Ren Xiaosu was not happy: "What is your faith? Is it money?"

"Yes, make money," the witch replied.

Ren Xiaosu: "???

His heart said that your faith is really a bit pure ...

The sorceress added: "But we never make money for wizards. All civilians can hire us to kill evil with a copper coin! How can you, a wizard like a witch, understand that only faith and sun and moon can live in this world? Extinct truth. "

This time Ren Xiaosu was really stunned, not because of what the other party said to eliminate evil. In fact, Ren Xiaosu was not particularly interested in this kind of chivalrous person, because he had seen too many mouths saying good things, but in fact People and organizations doing dirty things.

However, only the belief and the immortality of the sun and moon, he had heard it before!

Qin Sheng said, Zhang Qingxi said, Li Yinglong said, this is the motto of the knight organization!

I just said that I would like to find the branch of the knight organization in the wizarding country. At this moment, I heard something related to the knight organization. Ren Xiaosu suddenly shined!

In fact, Ren Xiaosu knows very well that this witch may feel that she can't beat herself, so she is trying to delay the time, otherwise she will suddenly say so much to him inexplicably with the other party's cautious style.

But Ren Xiaosu could not care so much, no matter whether the other party was waiting for a rescue, or what means to wait for himself, he asked more questions: "Knight? Ren He?"

The sorceress frowned: "What a mess, a sheepman and a knight, do you have a brain problem?"

In Ren Xiaosu's heart, he thought that what the other party said casually was just a coincidence, maybe the other party really had nothing to do with the Cavaliers organization?

However, Ren Xiaosu could not judge, and could only try again.

"If you don't kill Mego, why do you sneak up on his wizard tower?" Ren Xiaosu wondered: "Don't say you want to go up to see the scenery. To see the scenery, you can go to the wizard church next to it, where it is higher. "

"I just want to take a book from him," the sorceress said calmly. "If you don't show up, I took the book and left. I wouldn't have caused so many things."

Ren Xiaosu Le: "Stealing books? You do n’t want others to take care of stealing books? Why are you so overbearing? Just because you are an excuse to believe you, you have n’t stolen meg for so many years since Meg has left the wizarding tower, but it ’s time to steal ? Why, it's not exciting to steal a book when there is no one? "

"It's your business," the sorceress said.

"Since you are not here to kill Mei Ge, then you tell me which book it is, maybe I can take the lead and give it to you, so that everyone can turn it into a jade silk," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Oh, are you stupid of me," the witch sneered.

As soon as the words were finished, a huge cloud of smoke suddenly burst at Ren Xiaosu's feet, and the smoke screen quickly wrapped Ren Xiaosu's whole body in!

It's just a flash of kung fu, the surging nano robots in Ren Xiaosu's body, and the cute little guys instantly condense into the outer armor outside his body!

But even so, Ren Xiaosu was still shocked. The other party just didn't take the eyes of true vision in his hands, and he didn't find any other party close to him.

At the moment when Ren Xiaosu was wrapped in a smoke screen, the sorceress turned to prepare to continue to run away, but as soon as she turned around, she saw the old Xu standing coldly behind her.

"Yeah!" The sorceress was shocked by the old white mask!

To be honest, in the middle of the night, I suddenly turned my head and saw a white mask that seemed like a smile, and it was indeed quite infiltrating.

When the smoke screen was about to disperse, Ren Xiaosu lifted his outer armor and sneered, "Want to run? Can you run away?"

The handsome northwest marshal, the destroyer of the barriers, and the person in charge of the Daxing Northwest Project, almost came up with a little witch's way, and Ren Xiaosu could not stand this grievance!

Seeing that her way was blocked, the little witch turned to Ren Xiaosu seriously and said, "This is actually a misunderstanding."

Ren Xiaosu held his hands calmly, his hands hidden in his sleeves already holding his black true eyes, and he said with a smile: "Do you think I will believe it?"

However, the voice just fell, and in the shadow not far from where they were standing, suddenly several cold arrows shot out, and they were wrapped in sharp wind breaking sounds!

These dozens of serial crossbow arrows flew from six or seven, respectively aimed at Ren Xiaosu and Lao Xu.

Before waiting for the arrow to approach Ren Xiaosu, he had already moved back, and Lao Xu's side was more strengthened, breaking the arrows one by one.

When Ren Xiaosu stood firm, he saw that the little witch was gone.

"I can let you go, but don't let me down," Ren Xiaosu whispered in a direction in the dark night: "Bring the news to your companions, and I look forward to seeing you come to me one day."


There is a chapter in the evening, sorry, something has been delayed today. The next chapter recommends that you read it tomorrow morning and it will definitely be late.

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