The First Order

Chapter 1103: Bounty Hunter and Wizard

If Ren Xiaosu really wants to leave the other party, the battle may be fierce, but as long as Ren Xiaosu has full firepower, how can he escape from his hand with such a person from the other party?

Are the barrier destroyers vegetarian?

However, what the little witch said before made Ren Xiaosu still have doubts. If the other party denied it just to hide the identity of the knight organization?

Or maybe she doesn't know the inside story, but someone in the organization knows?

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu is willing to let the other party leave and wait for the other party to pass the message back. He believes that after the little witch returns, someone will ask her what happened, and she will certainly express her doubts.

Of course, there is another situation: She was really sent by the Tudor family.

But Ren Xiaosu is also not afraid of such a result. As long as it is not the entire wizarding organization that attacked, he can drive the steam train and walk away, and then take Zhou Yingxue and others to set foot in Dujiazhuang ...

Now, even if the other party suspects him, it must have sent some little people to solve the problem. How could the long-famous and well-respected wizards run around for such a small matter?

Although the fighting was fierce tonight, the intensity was not very high, Ren Xiaosu determined his judgment.

At this time, Yorktown was already lively. The owner of the stable who was burnt by the little witch seemed to be a big family. At this time, he was organizing manpower to fight the fire, and a group of people were also divided to arrest the arsonist.

Apparently, they also found that someone was walking on the roof, so it was concluded that someone had set fire maliciously.

Ren Xiaosu didn't want to go through the muddy water, and simply made a big circle on the roof to go back to the wizard tower. He thought that such a big movement should wake Mego, but the result was that he didn't wake up at all.

After investigating abroad for more than two years, he was still embarrassed on the way back, and Mego was indeed too tired.

The next morning, Mei Ge suddenly ran to beat Ren Xiaosu door: "A big event, something big!"

Ren Xiaosu rose helplessly and opened the door: "What's wrong?"

"Did you hear what happened in the town last night?" Mega said.

"No, I'm too tired. I slept very badly. What happened?" Ren Xiaosu's sleepy eyes looked hazy.

"Also," Mega said whispering, "I didn't even notice it, but I told you, be careful recently, this is for us!"

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment: "What's going on, aren't you unaware?"

"But someone saw the arsonist's murderer," Mego said. "I called someone in the morning to ask. The other person said that someone saw a man with a white mask flying across the roof. Now everyone says it is an arsonist. It! "

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

Mego continued: "Do you remember what happened on our way back? The wizard with white mask has attacked us many times before and after!"

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help crying and laughing. He used to use Li Xu as a guise to lie to Mego, but now he has gotten into trouble with himself. I don't know how Mego will react after seeing Lao Xu.

But one thing is certain, he probably made another contribution to Xu Xianchu's black pot ...

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "Is it possible that someone else did it?"

Mega said firmly: "It must be him! It must be him who released the pillar of fire before, he was sent by the Tudor family!"

Okay, Ren Xiaosu thought you said yes, without explanation.

At this time, Mei Ge said again: "It seems that he was found on the way he touched it, so he set fire to attract the attention of others, and then fled again. I think he will come again, you have to be careful."

"Hmm, I'm careful," Ren Xiaosu responded.

"How do I think you are a bit perfunctory, I am worried that he killed you, are you not afraid of death?" Mei Ge was anxious, saying that there is such a powerful killer in ambush, and if you are careful, you will die!

Ren Xiaosu shifted the topic: "By the way, do you have any books more precious here?"

Mei Ge froze for a moment: "No."

Ren Xiaosu pondered, is it just a guise to steal books? He asked again: "Is there any special book? For example, a long time ago? Or does it have a very special meaning to you?"

Mego froze again: "How do you know?"

Ren Xiaosu's eyes lit up: "Show me quickly!"

"It's not good," Mega said.

"What's wrong with this, I'm your personal follower, see what happened to your book?" Ren Xiaosu was not happy to say: "I'm going to help you regain your sweetheart!"

Mei Ge grinded Hao for a long time, and turned back an iron box in his bedroom and handed it to Ren Xiaosu.

Ren Xiaosu took a deep breath and then opened the iron box ...

"Are you serious?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Seriously," Mego said, "what's wrong? You said it has a special meaning. This means something very special to me."

"Then I haven't said that I want to see the love letter between you and your sweetheart. Are you having any problems with your mind?" Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt helpless. How did this goods become a wizard?

However, if Ren Xiaosu thought about it, could it be that there was a secret hidden in this love letter, for example, the other party wanted to tell Mego some information? As a result, I now regret it and want to get these love letters back.

Thinking of Ren Xiaosu's endurance of Mahjong over twenty love letters, he turned up in shock: "How old were you writing this?"

"9 years old," Magor said rightfully.

Ren Xiaosu put the iron box back into Mego's arms, no wonder these two people are still in the love letter to discuss whether to secretly catch the frog the next day ...

I grabbed your sister's frog. I started to feel sorrow when I was 9 years old? Is there any magic method?

"Is there really no special book?" Ren Xiaosu was a little unwilling.

"It's really gone," Mego said.

The next Xiaosu can only be sure that the little witch is indeed deceiving herself, but since the other party is not here to steal books, what else can they do here? Did you peek at Mego for a bath? !

Ren Xiaosu Xun Si Mei Ge does not have this beauty!

"Then I ask you," Ren Xiaosu asked again: "Is there any difference between the bounty hunters?"

Mega said strangely: "Why suddenly ask this?"

"Just ask," Ren Xiaosu said.

"In the early years, there were some differences. In the beginning, the bounty hunters liked to marry heroes and often do things that rob the rich and help the poor," said Mei Ge. There are still some who are hiding in the dark and continue to martial arts. The whereabouts are very secret, and the people begin to worship them gradually, calling them people who cannot kill for the gods. "

"And then?" Ren Xiaosu wondered.

Mega said: "Then the wizarding group disguised as a bounty hunter, did some very nasty things, and then publicized it with public opinion, so that the people immediately lost their trust in them."

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a while, let alone say, this wizard organization is really a good hand!


Good night everyone, sorry the fourth is so late

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