The First Order

Chapter 1104: Poisoning

"I need to know what these bounty hunters have done and how they were stolen," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Actually, the high society is very clear that those bounty hunters are indeed doing heroes," Mega said with a smile: "At that time, many children dreamed of becoming a ranger like them, and even made themselves out of wood. The poor crossbow is tied to his arm. "

"Have you been tied?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Tied," Mego said.

"What are you doing with a crossbow? Are you shooting a frog?" Ren Xiaosu said angrily.

Mego: "???

Mei Ge said with a black face: "You must look for me to read a book of special significance. I even showed you the love letter. You still have this attitude. Can the love letter be shown to others casually? I will show you Are you still grudged? "

"Xing Xing Xing, let's continue to talk down," Ren Xiaosu said, "Tie the crossbow to the arm, I adore them, and then?"

"Then, they took advantage of the night to loot a large wizard's secular family," Mega said. "In fact, ordinary people don't know about it, and if my family was not famous in Ghent, I wouldn't know . "

"Sack the wizard family? Is it so bold?" Ren Xiaosu curiously said: "The wizard family has not resisted?"

"No, the people of the Voss family would have thought that someone would dare to deal with them. You know, at that time, even if the Voss were not in the top five in the wizarding country, there were also the top ten. That is a real behemoth," Mego Said.

"So how much money did the bounty hunters snatch?" Ren Xiaosu asked, "Would the wizards have such a reputation as a bounty hunter?"

"Money is not important to the wizarding family, they have," Mego said. "And the really valuable gold is not easy to carry. They took 21 real eyes, and even one of them was still golden."

"So ruthless?" Ren Xiaosu took a breath, and he could imagine how angry the Voss family would be: "It's just that 21 real eyes correspond to 21 wizards. How did they succeed? Are there any great characters in the Golden Hunter? "

"No, they are not tough," Mego shook his head. "It is said that someone mixed into the maid team for two years, and then found a chance to poison at a family party, poisoning hundreds of people."

"I think it's not just money-robbing, I'm afraid there is still deep hatred," Ren Xiaosu frowned: "Does the Navos family disappear now?"

"No, this big family has a large population. For example, the number of Tudor families may be thousands. Now the hereditary prince of the Tudor family has 71 children. Now the person in charge of the Voss family is no longer the main line. By the way, in the internal power struggle, all power is inherited by the sideline bloodlines. "

"So, the wizards can't bear the bounty hunters and start the encirclement?"

Mego nodded: "Well, but the repeated siege has not succeeded. This group of people is very good at hiding tracks. They are hidden in the people. You don't even know who is the bounty hunter," Mego shrugged. "And then, when they began to be called" the gods can't kill ", the wizarding organization began to pour dirty water on them, letting them lose their foundation."

Mego continued: "Since then, the people have stopped trusting them. Some people have been betrayed by the people, and some people have been hiding deeper. In recent years, they have occasionally taken actions, but it is rare. If If you do n’t mention it, I ’m afraid they thought they were extinct. ”

"This folk is really fooling," Ren Xiaosu sighed.

But after saying so, Ren Xiaosu has changed the little witch and the organization behind her.

It's not that he admires each other's behavior, but he must be careful in the future that someone poisons the food!

In case the other party really has no relationship with Ren He, he could have offended the other party last night. He was really not afraid of fighting this kind of thing, but he did n’t know if he could do it. past.

To know that some poisons, 5 grams can cause sudden death!

In the morning, the two sheepmen only rested for one night, and then ran over willingly to continue serving Mego as a servant.

Originally Ren Xiaosu thought that the young masters in their gentry family would rest for a few more days. In fact, Mei Ge would not mind for a few more days. After all, everyone was really tired.

Along with the two sheepmen, there are family leaders behind them, Li Chenggong's father and Liu Ting's father.

Ren Xiaosu was in the hall of the wizard tower, looking at the two sheep people with a smile. After these people came in, the fathers of Li Chengli and Liu Ting suddenly discovered that their son was not the first to come after Master Mego. Say hello, but first ran to the strange boy to say hello ...

Head Patriarch Li and Head Patriarch Liu glanced at each other and did not understand the situation ...

However, they must not be rude. After entering the wizard tower, they came to Mego and knelt on one knee: "Dear Lord Mego, don't come unharmed, please forgive us. We didn't come to visit yesterday as soon as possible. We believe You also need time to rest and adjust. "

Mei Ge, this silly and white sweet, still holds up in front of outsiders: "Well, get up, your considerations are more comprehensive, but I don't know what the two of you are doing today?"

After the Patriarch Li and the Patriarch Liu got up, the Patriarch Li said, "I heard from the dogs that Master Mego intends to go to Ghent City in the near future and choose the true eye for him?"

Mei Ge nodded: "With this plan, Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting worked diligently in the past two years and showed outstanding performance. I was moved by their spirit, so I decided to complete them as soon as possible."

Both Li Gongcheng and Liu Ting cast their gratitude. As they said, the Li family and the Liu family have their own competition, so they also need to keep their own eyes in the face of the jealousy of their siblings. Competitiveness.

Now Mego is exaggerating about them, and naturally can increase their competitiveness.

It's just that Ren Xiaosu almost laughed out loud, showing what is outstanding, how much more grass does the other sheep eat? But he certainly won't say much at this time, after all, it's about the vital interests of the two sheepmen.

At this time, the biggest worry for both Li Guocheng and Liu Ting was that Ren Xiaosu was talking indiscriminately. Fortunately, they observed Ren Xiaosu's expression and found that the other party did not intend to spoil their good deeds.

Only the Chief Li clan said: "In order to express my gratitude to Master Mego, my family of Li and Liu are willing to offer 5000 gold coins in advance as a reward. If the purchase of real vision is not successful, Master Mego does not need to be refunded. It is our sincerity. But, please also ask Master Mego to leave as soon as possible. "


Sorry, everyone, only one more change today. I have been on the road these days. I only sleep for four or five hours a day. At the beginning of the month, I said that there would be two days off in May. Just take a chance today. Can't hold it anymore.

It will return to normal tomorrow, I hope everyone understands.

In addition, thanks to Linghu Baobao for the large amount of reward, the boss atmosphere.

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