The First Order

Chapter 1109: Northwest army assembly

Barrier 144 Northwest, late at night.

Today's Northwest Barriers are no longer the difference between refugees and barrier residents, and the gates will no longer be closed at night. Although this will increase the workload of some garrison troops, Commander Zhang insists on doing so, and no one will say anything.

Some people worry that this open policy will cause a large number of Wang and Qing spies to flood into the northwest, but Da Huyou and others are not worried because they have Wang Yun.

In just half a month, Wang Yun, like plowing the land, pulled out more than 70 spies from the No. 144 barrier, six of them were from the Qing family, and the rest were from the Wang family.

It was expected that Wang sent spies here, but it was a surprise that Qing's spies were so few.

After all, there were many deaths in Qing's, and Qingzhen was arranged ahead of time. Therefore, during the Southwest War, Qing's intelligence warfare and infiltration assassination reminded all the enemies of it.

Now that Kyungs only put such a spy in the northwest, can you not be surprised?

In the end, everyone felt that there might also be a relationship between young and handsome, because the relationship between the two was too close, so that the Qings were embarrassed to send too many spies, and they did not set the other as an imaginary enemy.

At this time, Da Huyou quietly left the barrier 144 and went to the barracks outside the barrier.

When they arrived at the conference room in the military camp, Wang Yun, Ji Ziang, p5092, Zhang Xiaoman and others were already gathered here.

As soon as Da Huyou entered the door, everyone's eyes locked him firmly, and Wang Yun said, "Hurry up and say, where is the young master?"

"You called me over in the middle of the night just to ask about this?" Da Huo froze for a moment.

Wang Yun sneered: "Your pupils start to contract, the contraction rate is roughly the same as when you fooled me, and the changes in the wrinkles of your corners are the same. Don't try to lie, I stare at you."

"Actually, you are also the core of our Northwest Army, so it's okay to tell you," Da Huyou said: "The young master has completed his Daxing Northwest 3.0 plan."


Everyone's eyes in the meeting room light up, is it so interesting?

p5092 analyzed: "The young commander was inspecting the outpost with Commander Zhang, but today Commander Zhang suddenly appeared at the barrier 144 to inspect the water conservancy construction, but the commander was missing, so the commander went to a place outside the northwest?"

"Yes," Big Fool sighed: "He and Commander Zhang encountered a wizard attack when he went to the post. Before the battle began, he found the trail of the enemy and asked Commander Zhang to leave. We will return to it after 8 hours. On the battlefield, I saw the word 3, and the commander determined that this was the meaning of Daxing Northwest 3.0. Wang Fengyuan checked the scene and said that the young master was taken away by the people under control, but in fact we did not worry too much about him ... "

Da Huyou paused and said, "You also know what kind of person the young marshal is. He can still leave the word intentionally, which means that the situation of the wizard around him is more dangerous than him."

"I wanted to come to Marshal after discovering the opportunity after encountering the enemy," Wang Yun said. "The maid of the marshal and the wife of the marshal are all gone. Have you already known the truth and left quietly."

"Yes," Da Huoyou smiled bitterly. The scene of Yang Xiaojin cheating on him was still vivid in his eyes. After so many years, he cheated others, or was the first time he was cheated by others.

"So what shall we do now?" Wang Yun looked at others.

"That's more to say?" Zhang Xiaoman exulted: "Of course, we went there together. The people of our 178 stronghold dreamed of counterattacks since we were young. Now that the young master has started this, we haven't rushed to seize the opportunity yet? ! "

p5092 also nodded: "Now that the Wangs are the enemy, we need to remove the hidden dangers before the Wangs fully integrate the Central Plains. If the front and back attack comes together, the Northwest is really dangerous, so I also suggest that taking advantage of the handsome This time I went to that strange country once and for all. "

Da Huyou froze for a moment: "Although I don't worry about what will happen to the young commander, you don't have to be so optimistic, how do you feel like we are going to destroy the group of wizards?"

Wang Yun also froze for a moment: "You are questioning the ability of the young master."

Da Huoyou's face instantly turned black: "Come on, come and give me less. When have I ever questioned the ability of a marshal? OK, let's talk about who will go."

"I am me!" Zhang Xiaoman raised his hand first.

Wang Yun smiled and said, "How can this be less me?"

p5092 said: "I need to understand their military intelligence.

Ji Ziang smiled: "I think my combat effectiveness is okay, I should be able to help everyone."

At this time, everyone turned their eyes to Bai Yu, the fat man who had never spoken at the end of the table, Xun Yeyu: "Aren't you going?"

Xun Yeyu hadn't dared to speak in the corner, quietly like a quail ...

Before he was sleeping, he was pulled by Wang Yun. He hadn't figured out what was going on for a long time. He didn't understand it until now. The co-author is going to a strange country together ...

Da Huyou looked at Xun Yeyu: "Don't you go, don't you think you are not part of our team? Then I see ..."

Xun Yeyu grumbled and said: "I didn't say I can't go either, I can't go yet, but I don't have much fighting power, you have to protect me!"

"Do you think the fighting power of these people is not strong enough to protect you?" Da Huyou raised her eyebrows.

Xun Yeyu hurriedly said, "Enough is enough ..."

"Okay, then it's so settled," Zhang Xiao said with satisfaction: "Let's set off and get rid of the wizarding country!"

"No, you stay at home," Da Houyou said to Zhang Xiaoman.

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoman anxiously said: "You all go out to play, why should I stay?"

"Because you are not a transcendent," Wang Yun also agreed with Da Huyou's proposal: "In that dangerous place, if you are not transcendent, you will probably die there, so you don't have to take risks, and now the Northwest is developing rapidly, No one at home can't do it. "

"Then I can't do it alone," Zhang Xiaoman muttered, "I can't greet it alone."

"In the internal affairs, there is nothing more about Wang Yuexi," Da Huyou said: "As for foreign enemies ... p5092, you can appoint a person to manage the troops."

"Black Fox," p5092 said: "He used to be my lieutenant before. This time we came back from the grassland with us. I trust his ability to fight with the army. It is now in the running-in period of the new army and the recruiting period. Best, I ’m not familiar with these minutiae. "

This black fox is different from p5092. P5092 retains its own number, and in order to express its renunciation with the past, black fox chose a new code name.

"Okay," Wang Yun got up. "Let's go now, bypass the outpost from Yangjiaoling, and then go straight to the wizarding country!"

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