The First Order

Chapter 1110: Expedition

When Da Huyou returned to the 144th barrier, Wang Fengyuan also explained to him specifically: The young master's development of the Daxing Northwest 3.0 plan, it is best not to let those young masters' heirs know.

After all, it is now the stage of the great development of the No. 144 barrier. If those core backbones suddenly know this thing, and then lose their mind, I am afraid that it will affect many things.

However, Da Huyou felt that the paper could not cover the fire. He couldn't let Xiao Su keep hiding before he returned.

Moreover, he also wanted to visit the wizarding country ...

In the past, he suggested that he should go for a trip in person. As a result, Zhang Jinglin and Wang Fengyuan disagreed, fearing that he would be in danger.

But now he disclosed the news to Wang Yun and others, which is almost equivalent to half of the Northwest Transcendental Celestial Team going to the wizarding country together, and he is not so dangerous.

In this situation, everything is under control!

In the eyes of Da Huyou, if Commander Zhang is the present of the Northwest, then Ren Xiaosu is the future of the Northwest. Although his young commander is powerful, what happens?

That evening, Wang Yun and his team packed up their bags and drove off, preparing to abandon the car for a walk at Yangjiaoling. This is the best route to avoid the post and it is not easy to walk, so only the extraordinary can pass.

In order not to be blocked, they also chose to drive forward while driving.

In fact, this is not necessary. After all, with the certificate of Da Huo, the entire northwest can be visited anywhere except the private houses of residents.

But Da Huyou worried that Wang Fengyuan and others would get the news and come over to stop it in person ...

In the car all the way to the west, Wang Yun and others laughed and laughed, and even p5092 was always cold-hearted.

It's as if they weren't involved in a dangerous situation, but were going for an outing.

"Hey, you guys, what is the young master's plan for the Daxing Northwest 3.0? Will it even the wizarding country?" Ji Ziang asked.

Xun Yeyu said weakly in the car: "It may be similar to 2.0. For example, if someone returns from the inflection point, it is really unrealistic to push down a wizarding country."

"You are too underestimated and handsome," Wang Yun shook his head. "Don't you say that there are intelligence personnel over there, you should pass some information back, otherwise you will introduce us first?"

"There is nothing to introduce," Da Houyou said: "We only know that there is a very powerful wizard in that wizarding country, which controls the entire wizarding country with divine power, and the divine power is higher than the imperial power. In secular society, it is basically the same. Each wizard family controls the economic lifeline of the entire kingdom. In fact, we really want to see this happen. After all, the wizard family is like a prince everywhere, and the country ’s move towards disintegration should be sooner or later, and then there will be heroes or Xiaoxiong stood up to complete the unification. "

Da Huyou continued: "Originally, Commander Zhang's plan was that the uneven distribution of benefits among wizard families will occur sooner or later. This is not what we pushed for, but human nature. So when the sign of the wizarding kingdom collapsed, We are about to start a counterattack plan. It was just that no one expected that the young master ’s plan was a step ahead of us. Although he did n’t know what he wanted to do, he could only let him go. "

"Is the wizard family," Wang Yun muttered: "How many wizard families are there in the entire wizarding country?"

"More than forty," Da Huyou said: "The intelligence work has just started, and the information is not perfect."

Suddenly Wang Yun said: "How about we make a bet, I bet 10,000 yuan, the young master can destroy 8 wizard families."

p5092 evaluated Ren Xiaosu's combat effectiveness, and then said: "I guess 10."

Big Fool said: "Then I guess 14."

After that, everyone looked at the white-net fat man Xun Yeyu in the car. Xun Yeyu felt the eyes of a group of big men around him crying nervously: "I ... Can I not bet? I don't have much money ... … "

"Fart," Da Houyou said, "The young commander gives you such a high salary every month. You say you don't even have ten thousand?"

"Then I guess 16," Xun Yeyu said grievously.

Just as the little witches and others guessed how many people Ren Xiaosu had killed, the Northwest Celestial Group was also making the same type of guesses. However, unlike the little witches, their understanding is that this Northwest Celestial Group guessed not how many people were killed It's how many wizard families the young marshal wants to destroy ...


At this time, Luo Lan had just stepped out of the waterfall in one of the mountains of the Qing family. Now Luo Lan is no longer fat, and his burly body is full of muscles, just like a giant wrestler.

Although it still looks fat, it is completely different from the previous Luo Lan.

At this time, the logistics personnel responsible for the logistics immediately sent the bath towels and also handed in a document: "Boss Luo, you told the intelligence department to pay attention to Ren Xiaosu's movements. Some abnormalities have occurred recently."

"What's abnormal," Luo Lan wondered: "He ran to the Central Plains again? Wait, isn't it that he wants to console the soldiers at the outpost?"

"Yes, he and Zhang Jinglin went to the outpost outside the 178 fortress. The original plan was 2 months. As a result, Zhang Jinglin returned early, but he disappeared," the soldier replied.

"His," Luo Lan suddenly took a breath. "Disappeared? Didn't you return to barrier 144?"

"All of us at barrier 144 were repatriated, so there is no specific information, but the people over fortress 178 can be sure that he did not return with Zhang Jinglin," the soldier said.

"Isn't this product running to the enemy in 178 Fortress?" Luo Lan wiped all the water off her body and immediately shouted at the tent not far away: "Zhou Qi, don't sleep! Come out soon , Let's pack up and go to the northwest now! "

Zhou Qi walked out of the tent sleepily: "What's the matter? Fighting with the Wangs?"

"Wang's finishing up the Zhou's still has to be trimmed, and now it's his turn to hit us," Luo Lan didn't have a good air: "I'm asking you, do you want to go to a place outside the northwest!"

Zhou Qi froze for a moment and said directly, "Don't go!"

"Give you money!"

"Don't go to give money, there is a Gobi over there, and there is nothing to go where the birds don't shit," Zhou Qi didn't have a good air.

"The wizarding country is said to be at the other end of the Gobi. Who would stay idle and live on the Gobi," Luo Lan said: "And, don't you want to see exotic style ?!"

When Zhou Qi heard this, he moved a little: "Uh ... you tell me first, why are we going there?"

"Of course, I helped Ren Xiaosu fight," Luo Lan said with a frown: "I have been practicing hard for so long, I must show off with him!"

Zhou Qi heh twice: "Who do you show off badly with, to show off with him?"

"Also," Luo Lan said, "no matter, leave immediately!"


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