The First Order

Chapter 797: oath

For Liang Ce, no matter how the other party helped him escape the crisis, after all, the deserter pointed at him from beginning to end, and once there was a conflict, he would definitely die first.

And Liang Ce felt that it was understandable that Ren Xiaosu fired in order to protect his girlfriend. If the other party wanted to take Meng Nan away, he was afraid to go up desperately.

Ren Xiaosu returned the pistol to Wang Jing in a panic-like manner: "I'm sorry, I didn't think about the consequences at that time. In case he didn't kill him, I'm afraid it would affect everyone."

As a result, Wang Jing didn't take the pistol. He smiled and said, "You're right to shoot, but you don't need to return the gun to me, you can keep it. This gun was left to me by my father. Now, It's more suitable for you. "

Ren Xiaosu was surprised: "But I can't use a gun."

"Whether it matters or not is the courage to shoot," Wang Jing said with emotion, and the middle-aged man next to him was a bit ashamed when he said this.

At first he didn't let Ren Xiaosu take the gun, but when he threw the gun to the ground, Ren Xiaosu lifted the crisis.

Obviously Wang Jing brought him out in the past few years because he has good shooting results, but what good is it?

Wang Jing waved to him: "You don't need to feel embarrassed. After all, we are doctors, we haven't killed anyone, it's normal."

Ren Xiaosu nodded secretly. Wang Jing was a very reasonable person, and he was right.

Wang Jing told the middle-aged and Liang Ce: "Take this man's body into the woods. After all, we have to stay here for one night, and it is not good to stay in the camp."

"Okay," Liang Ce nodded and agreed. The doctor's profession is a bit special. Ordinary people are afraid of the dead, but surgeons really see more of the dead, so they are not afraid of the dead, only the living.

Wang Jing looked at the north and said with emotion: "It looks like this world is really chaotic."

"Why did the old man say this?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Every hospital has been transferred some staff recently, you know?" Wang Jing asked.

Ren Xiaosu nodded and pretended to know ...

"In fact, these doctors were temporarily organized by the Wang family to enter the army," Wang Jing said. "It is said that the medics are not enough, so the doctors in the barriers are put on top. This is only the first batch, and there are still the second batch. . "

"Kong's fighting with Tinder is going on. Maybe Wang wants to make preparations early, but I don't think the war will spread to Wang's side," Ren Xiaosu speculated, in his opinion, it should be Kong Family and Tinder, now Wang's family is not waiting to take advantage of the fishermen.

Only after listening to his speculation, Wang Jing shook his head: "I may know more about this than you. These doctors and nurses were transferred to the north."

"North?" Someone wondered. Ren Xiaosu observed everyone's expression and found that everyone seemed to have heard the news for the first time.

Wang Jing explained: "It's going to the north, and it's going to barrier 176! It is said that new enemies appeared there. Previously, grasslanders came to report that enemies came from farther north of the grassland."

"Prairie?" A doctor was angry when he heard the slogan: "They just killed so many people at barrier 176. Can they believe what they say?"

"This time the prairie people did not lie," Wang Jing sighed. "The Wangs later sent scouts to go north and did find the trace of the other party, and some people said that the original herders on the prairie had all moved eastward to avoid this. This calamity. "

Wang Jing is a leader in medicine, and he is often contacted by dignitaries. Some of Wang's big men come to Wang Jing for treatment, so his news must be heard from those big men.

Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan looked at each other and whispered, "I know that there was a vast territory in the north before the disaster, but I read earlier years in the No. 88 barrier that newspapers said that the disaster was more serious than ours. Ah, why are there people still alive. "

Yang Xiaoquan replied: "I guess no one of us has actually been to the north. That should be speculation. After all, I don't want newspapers from the media, and their credibility is greatly reduced."

To be honest, I am afraid that no one in the entire Central Plains thought that one day more enemies would come to the north of the steppe.

Originally Ren Xiaosu thought that the Central Plains melee would be a matter between several consortia. I did not expect that there would be a turning point.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Wang Jing: "Is this why you have been frowning?"

"Yes, we have been learning how to cure and save people all our lives, but in the end we found out how small our ability is in the face of war. You cured ten people today, but it ’s just a small war that will have thousands of people. He died, and then there were thousands more injuries, "Wang Jing said.

A young doctor was a little passive when he heard this saying, "Was it useless to study medicine?"

Wang Jing patted him on the shoulder: "How can it be useless to save one is one. Each of us will take an oath when we enter the industry. Do you remember the vows you made?"

The young doctor said: "Remember, health is related to life. I am determined to make every effort to eliminate human suffering, help perfect health, maintain the holiness and honor of medical treatment, save the lives and help the wounds, and work hard for human physical and mental health. "

Speaking of which, the vow is not over, Wang Jing continued his eyes full of nostalgia and said, "I want to be a candle, burning from beginning to end, always bright."

Ren Xiaosu chatted for a moment, and Wang Jing's remarks Zhang Jinglin also said to him. It turned out that this was the oath of the doctor in the wasteland era. Only then can he remember that Zhang Jinglin was a fortress at the earliest time in the 178 fortress. Medical soldiers unwilling to fire.

At this moment Ren Xiaosu had an inexplicable respect in his heart, just like when he met Jiang Xu.

Before, he always held a pessimistic attitude towards the world, but later he realized that he had gone too short and saw too few people, so he didn't know that the world was bright.

Wang Jing waved to everyone: "Sit down and eat, rest early after eating, and continue to hurry tomorrow."

At this time, Liang Ce and the middle-aged doctor named Sima Gang also returned. Ren Xiaosu whispered to Liang Ce, "Don't you like Meng Nan? Now the impact of the crisis is still the girl's mood. Have you heard of the suspension bridge effect when the fluctuation is large, that is to say that a person will involuntarily increase their heartbeat in danger, and then when they meet another person, she will think that this heartbeat is a heartbeat to another person and hurry up Right. "

Yang Xiaorong glanced at Ren Xiaosu: "There are quite a lot of Huahua intestines."

Ren Xiaosu quickly explained: "I also read it in the book ... Isn't this an idea for Liang Ce? We should apply what we have learned."

Liang Ce also heard of the suspension bridge effect. Immediately when his eyes lighted up, he turned and walked towards Meng Nan, but saw Meng Nan sitting silently by the bonfire, holding his arms around his knees, and it seemed that she was still worried.

Liang Ce sat beside Meng Nan and whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Meng Nan's expression was a little loose, and she nodded and replied, "A little, I used to listen to all night songs when I was scared. When I first saw a corpse when I was studying medicine, I couldn't sleep all night, but as long as I listened The song will be less scared. This time I forgot to bring a walkman. Can you talk to me? "

Liang Ce was excited: "No, I'll take a walkman!"

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

Yang Xiaorong: "..."

Then Ren Xiaosu saw Liang Ce go to the car and picked up a walkman for Meng Nan, and then went to the fire while sitting by himself.

He suddenly felt that the manifest was not wrong at all ...

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