The First Order

Chapter 798: Small shrimp

Ren Xiaosu looked at Liang Ce, who looked quite happy sitting next to the bonfire. He asked with a bit of wonder: "What are you happy about?"

The campfire set Liang Ce's face in orange-red, and there seemed to be some joy. He answered with a smile: "I can help Meng Nan, I'm happy!"

All these words fascinated Ren Xiaosu, and he said silently, "How old are you this year?"

Liang Ce replied, "I'm 25, what's wrong?"

Ren Xiaosu asked, "How many girls have you chased after all these years?"

Liang Ce: "Three, starting at the age of 16, but failing every time."

"After you failed to chase these three girls, did you understand something?" Ren Xiaosu guided Liang Ce to reflect on himself.

As a result, Liang Ce thought for a while and replied, "I'm a good person."

"Oh," she couldn't even listen to Yang Xiaoyun this time, she said, "You shouldn't give her a walkman just now, and you can't give it to her. Didn't hear her say you want to chat with her? What a walkman. "

Liang Ce also reacted now, and he slaped his thigh annoyed, "Yeah, why didn't I think of it? What should I do now?"

Ren Xiaosu comforted: "Wash and sleep."

Liang Ce: "..."

This product also turned to Yang Xiaoquan for help. Yang Xiaoquan thought for a while and said, "Be proactive from today. You are not the type that can make a girl fall in love at first sight. Then you can only make up for it through the efforts of the day after tomorrow. When a girl leaves her hometown, she will definitely feel insecure. If you chat and contact her, you will always leave some good impressions. "

Ren Xiaosu sighed. For the first time, he saw Yang Xiaorong talking so much with outsiders. It seemed that Yang Xiaohibi couldn't stand it anymore.

But he whispered to Yang Xiaohibin: "So am I the type that makes girls fall in love at first sight?"

Yang Xiaoguang rolled her eyes and went into the tent to sleep.

The next morning, Liang Ce hurried out of the camp to go to the toilet after waking up, and then washed his hands by the river.

At this time, Meng Nan also came to the river. When Liang Ce saw Meng Nan, she remembered that Yang Xiaoquan said that she had to take the initiative last night, so she wanted to say hello.

But he didn't know what to say when he was nervous. After a long while, he said hello to Meng Nan: "You pee yourself?"

Meng Nan:"???"

Ren Xiaosu who was watching this all not far away sighed to Yang Xiaorong: "I always think that these two people may go further and further away under the guidance of our two ..."

The convoy left again in the morning, but shortly after they left, a whispering sound was heard in the northern woods, and some people walked through the woods.

In the early morning sun, light spilled on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, and the sound of the electric current was very abrupt in the woods. A fully-armed soldier with heavy camouflage on his face said on the communication channel: "Safety, The target has left. "



In several other locations, soldiers responded in the communication channel.

Someone in the headset said at this time: "One group searched for the deserter's body, checked the camp's traces, and two groups armed."

Having said that, the combat squadron in the woods speeded up. Five soldiers in khaki uniforms entered the camp, searching for all suspicious signs, and five soldiers searched in the woods.

"The body of the deserter was found. The wound was on the left chest, but he didn't hit the heart. The shooting method seems to be amateurish."

"The camp is normal, there are no suspicious signs, there are no traps. Although the camp has a good choice of location, there is no way to set up tents at night, and the bonfires are arranged randomly, unlike professional soldiers."

The commander standing behind thought quietly. The reconnaissance unit he led was specially for the Trinity Society, but his mission was not to assassinate these people, but to check in advance whether there were suspicious characters in the Trinity Society's convoy. .

Now is a special time, Kong does not want suspicious characters to enter the 31st barrier.

Originally, this medical communication should be cancelled. Kong ’s had informed Wang Jing in advance, but Wang Jing insisted to go forward and answered Kong ’s: If they were not allowed to exchange academics, then this old bone would sit on the 31st barrier. In front of the gate, wait until Kong agrees.

The above officer does not seem to want to bear the pressure of related public opinion. After all, the Trinity Society has become more and more influential in the North in recent years, and it has been more and more recognized by the public.

Really let Wang Jing sit and die in front of the barriers, then I hope the media will report this incident wildly.

Therefore, the three intelligence field teams were dispatched. Their mission was to conduct advance investigation. If suspicious characters were found in the academic exchange team, they would directly kill everyone in the team in the wilderness and then disguise themselves as bandits. Because this has nothing to do with Kong.

Last night they were quietly stationed in the north. They saw it when the deserter came from the north, but instead of blocking it, they deliberately let the deserter go and tried to use it.

If this deserter fires a killing ring, then they will just save trouble. What does the life of everyone in this academic exchange team have to do with them?

As a result, they watched everything happening in the telescope, and then saw with their own eyes Ren Xiaosu's panic shot and killed the deserter.

On the surface, there seems to be nothing unusual. Except for the deserter who is a bit stupid, the academic exchange team members are performing normally.

"Captain, chase them down?" A soldier asked on the communications channel.

"Wait until I report the matter here to the chief," the commander calmly said, "such things as killing Wang Jing still have to wait for the order above."

He called the satellite phone and reported the situation here.

The officer on the opposite side of the phone was silent for a long time: "Let them pass, no more branches. I will also arrange people to check their identity on the 31st barrier, you go to the front line to report."

"Received," the commander hung up the phone: "Everyone pay attention, close the team, the sergeant ordered us to report to the No. 3 forward base and go there to accept the new task."

Having said that, this trained combat team quickly evacuated to the north.

The No. 3 forward base is one of Kong ’s important forward bases facing Tinder, and further north, it is the Tinder Control Area.

After these people left, Lao Xu with a white mask stepped out from behind a big tree and silently looked at the direction in which these people were leaving.

Ren Xiaosu discovered these people last night, otherwise he would not be so realistic as to need to disguise.

Originally, he wanted to solve these people directly, but thought that his goal was Condon, it is better not to frighten the snakes because of these little shrimps.

However, this group of people was also very fierce, and even deliberately let the deserter come over to kill.

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