The First Order

Chapter 813: Run!

Ren Xiaosu looked far away from the night, the black shadows were fully armed, Kong's dark stakes collapsed as soon as they contacted them, and they could not cause any great casualties to these people.

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help thinking about this. Hundreds of super soldiers suddenly emerged, squinting at each other's strong physical fitness and powerful combat capabilities, which was not a force that any organization could have at all.

If it wasn't for the lack of silvery lines on the opponent's face, Ren Xiaosu would almost have thought that this was Qing's new nano-battle group to attack Kong.

In his impression, it seems that only Nano Warriors can fight on such a large scale.

No, Ren Xiaosu felt that he had missed something, it was Tinder!

I saw these hundreds of super soldiers shuttle freely on the top of the building. Even if they were blocked by fire, they wouldn't stop at all. They just broke through the ambush behind the hole set by Kong. This group of people in black was like It's the locust swarm on the rooftop that looks dense and scary.

However, these people did not seem to expect to encounter a sudden encounter on the top of the building. At the beginning of the battle, there was a rush, but it was adjusted quickly afterwards.

At this time, on the rooftop more than 300 meters away from Ren Xiaosu, a t5 gloomy face: "Are there spies inside us, why do so many people stop us on the roof in the middle of the night?"

"It can't be determined, but it can't be explained except for spies. Kong used to have no such habit before," said a t4 commander shaking his head. "It seems they already know that we are coming, what should we do now?"

T5 sneered: "Know in advance what happened to our whereabouts, change the backup plan, lead the team to destroy the barriers to create chaos, and then wait for the guards to be transferred, and then go straight to the Condon official residence! Our army has begun to attack Barrier No. 32 has been reached. According to the plan, it will take only eight hours to reach the 31 barrier. I will wait for eight hours without having to consider evacuation. "

"Received." Hundreds of T4s gathered in a high-rise building looking unusually horrible. The alarm sounded not far away, and a large number of Kong's guard troops were converging here.

This beheading army did not continue to stay, all the way to the north, and wanted to make a gap there for the upcoming army.

After watching them leave, Ren Xiaosu turned and ran to the south of Xinzhuang West Road. He originally planned to send Wang Jing and others away after 6 days, and then talked about the rescue of Wang Yun and the assassination of Kong Erdong.

But now things suddenly changed, and even he was a bit surprised.

Ren Xiaosu was not an indecisive person, but he knew instantly that the best opportunity to save and kill was now tonight!

When he rushed to the door of the hardware store in Nanxinzhuang West Road all the way, Ren Xiaosu knocked on the shutter door, triple light and double, and then said, "Da Xingxi ... Right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come back, I want to buy Ladder, do you have any goods? "

The shutter door slammed and was lifted to half the height from the inside. Ren Xiaosu bowed in, and Wang Run saw that Ren Xiaosu was in a hurry and rushed to him: "What's going on outside?"

Ren Xiaosu explained: "I suspect that the Tinder company launched a war against Kong earlier. I saw hundreds of Tinder fighters on the road, all of whom may be t4 or higher. Now they are heading north."

"Why are they here?" Wang Run frowned, thinking, "Before that, we didn't receive any information at all. How did Tinder come here through the Ningjin Mountains?"

"No matter what they do, I suspect they came to kill Condon," Ren Xiaosu hurriedly said. "Hurry and give me the information of Kong's current intelligence chief, as well as the information of the secret prison and the 31th barrier prison. give me."

Wang Run froze for a moment: "Since they are going to kill Kong Erdong, then we just put them behind to see if they succeeded. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Kong Erdong."

Ren Xiaosu said earnestly: "Look, now there is a strengthening brigade stationed in barrier 31. Can only a few hundred of them make it happen? Even if they are fierce, it is impossible to beat a brigade. I will go All the prisoners in the two prisons are released. Can this help them create confusion? I heard that the secret prisons are all dangerous elements, and there are several extraordinary people who have been held for so long. Can they not Do you hate Confucius, you will definitely get revenge. "

"It seems to make some sense," Wang Run said in a humbling, but he wondered, "but do we need to do more?"

"Yes, it's too much. Do you understand this!" Ren Xiaosu said.

Wang Run thought for a while, then turned back and said, "Give him the information he wants."

Having said that, some of Wang Run's men retrieved some information from a laptop computer. Ren Xiaosu stood in front of the computer and watched silently, until he confirmed that he remembered, turned and opened the shutter door to drill out.

Before going out, Ren Xiaosu said, "Now you are rushing to the villas of Wang Jing and others. When the barriers are in chaos, many residents will start to plunder the shopping mall's items, and people with more sinister minds will directly rob the villa area to grab all the valuable things. Thing, the battle between Tinder and Kong should not spread to that side, but I worry what happened to Wang Jing. "

Wang Run froze: "You don't have the authority to direct us."

"So Condon's mission failed, will you take responsibility?" Ren Xiaosu coldly said, "Rest assured, I will complete the mission."

After that, Ren Xiaosu went out of the hardware store.

Wang Run suddenly asked, "Why didn't you come to hand over the information with us yesterday? Did you forget?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, look at what you said, how is it possible!" Ren Xiaosu disappeared after finishing speaking.

Only Wang Run and others were left in the hardware store. Wang Run murmured: "Looking at this reaction, this product really forgot us ..."

After going out, Ren Xiaosu didn't go straight to the information provided by Wang Run, but went back to Yang Xiaorong first.

No matter how important the mission is and how important rescue is, he has to join Yang Xiaorong first.

As a result, before he returned to the villa, he had already seen Yang Xiaoquan standing on a rooftop where he must pass. Ren Xiaosu was surprised: "Why are you here?"

"I know you will definitely go back to me first, so I'll wait for you here and save a little time," Yang Xiaoquan explained.

I don't know why, Ren Xiaosu always has a strange tacit understanding with the girl in front of him.

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "I was still thinking about how to remove the barriers to narrow our goals, and now Tinder came to help us do what we have to do, tonight.

"What do I need?" Yang Xiaogen asked.

"I need you to fight alongside me."


One more chapter, but it will be late

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