The First Order

Chapter 814: incite defection

Ren Xiaosu's dismantling of what they have to do now is three things.

The first one killed the current intelligence chief.

Second, the secret prison released Wang Yun and Da Huyou. With the strength of Da Huyou and Wang Yun, it can definitely be a great help, and it is also written in Da Huyou's letter. He will talk to other prisoners. The extraordinary people discussed well, and the Northwest together.

The third thing is to take these people together to save Wang Yun's more than 200 brothers.

After allowing Xiaosu to analyze, Yang Xiaoquan wondered: "Da Huyou can talk about other extraordinary people in the secret prison?"

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "I think it should be very difficult, but after seeing the news from him, so sure, we trust him once. And even if these people can't make the Northwest thrive, they will definitely create confusion after coming out. It's better to get out of the way than to mess around. "

"Well," Yang Xiaogen nodded, "then follow your instructions."

At this moment, Da Huyou said to the extraordinary person next to him through a small room, "You listen to me, big brother, do you believe ..."

The extraordinary person next door snorted and said, "I don't believe it."

Da Huyou was choked, he thought for a long time and said, "Let's start again, do you believe in fate ..."

"Do not believe."

Dahuyu anxious: "You don't believe anything, I will tell you if something goes wrong with you!"

As a result, the other party slowly said, "Everyone is in the intelligence work. I have heard of you, Da Huyou. You can toss a lot of people to the northwest these years, and you are not short of me."

"You're different," Da Huyou said, "I came here this time running in!"

On the other side, Wang Yun suddenly said, "Don't believe him, he came to me."

Da Huyou was suddenly stunned by Wang Yun and said: "If you don't help, don't you do bad things?"

These extraordinary people are all locked in the same special row of cells. The entire cell is made of metal and extremely strong.

Wang Yun tried it and couldn't get out with his ability.

However, this design is still a bit flawed. There are hidden dangers in keeping the superhuman together. When the secret prison was built, the superhuman was not as powerful as it is now.

Later, Kong wanted to rebuild the secret prison and isolate the extraordinary people, but they found that these extraordinary people stayed together without any problems, and the cells were really strong, so they didn't move.

At this time, Da Huyou explained patiently: "I came in for you two this time. You're called Ji Ziang, right, originally was the Chief of the Second Intelligence Division of Zhou's, and later killed an occupying civilian woman in the barrier. The businessman was transferred to three places to be in charge of the field. Later, the son of Zhou on the businessman wanted to eliminate the future troubles and sold your actions to Kong. This led to your arrest. Am I right? "

The man named Ji Ziang was silent, and he ignored the reason.

Da Huyou said with arrogance: "I don't need anything in Northwest China, but I only admire you as a person, and I think you are suitable to work in my Northwest, so I will take this trip! You have to go to Daxing with me Northwest, you do n’t need to do intelligence anymore, just go to the Discipline Inspection Commission and see whichever you want to kill, kill whatever you want. If I do n’t talk to someone, you take off my son Zhang Xiaoman ’s head and kick it. ! "

Ji Ziang was silent for a long while, and he looked at the cold jail beside him.

It's underground, and I don't see the sun all day long. He seems to have forgotten what it feels like when the sun shines on the skin. The cold wind in the prison blows from the hair, just like an ant or a spider crawling over it, which makes people feel Discomfort.

He wants to leave here every minute, but how to leave? It was like **** holding him.

Ji Ziang said in a lonely voice, "It's useless to say too much. I'll tell you, don't even think about going out when you enter here. The three of us won't work together."

Da Huyou's voice came from next door: "I've counted. Within three days, someone will break the door and rescue us. If I count, you can follow me, can you?"

Ji Ziang didn't answer.

Da Huyou said again, "I have killed your Chou's children in that pit. Your wife and children were not dead and I was robbed to the northwest. Ji Ziang, I will ask you again. If someone comes within three days, Save us, will you follow me? "

Ji Ziang froze a moment: "They are not dead?"

Wang Yun and Da Huyou suddenly heard that next door Ji Ziang began to frantically cling to the metal wall. The whole secret prison seemed to tremble, Ji Ziang said loudly: "Da Huyou, don't lie to me, if you find me to lie Me, we two will have fun in jail in our lives! "

Da Huyou sneered: "Your son has taken the first place in the class this year, and your wife is working in the factory in the 178 fortress. I heard that your wife has quite a lot of suitors, but she was rejected by her and said she was waiting for you. Go to her. But I guess it's okay in a short time, long time orphans and widows ... "

Da Huyou said what stimulated Zi Ziang, but Ji Ziang was not angry. He slowly calmed down and asked, "You said that someone would come to save us within three days?"

"Hey," Da Huyou laughed, lying on her cold hard bed with her arms folded, "maybe it won't take three days."


There was a chaotic scene outside Kong ’s intelligence agency. There were people coming in and going out. No. 31 barrier had become a mess of porridge, gunfire and explosions roared, as if war was coming.

The streets are full of residents who have escaped from their homes. Except for the north, the gates in the east-south direction have gathered a large number of residents. They all wanted to escape before the tinder came.

At this time, the busiest is the intelligence agencies and the security forces. The security forces are fighting, and the intelligence agencies are accountable.

The current chief intelligence officer, Prince Xi, hurriedly walked out of the building, with dozens of followers behind him. Someone eagerly put on his trench coat: "Sir, where are you going at this time?"

Wang Zihuan said badly: "Where am I going? I'll see the boss and wipe your ass, you stupid people! Tinder's people are sneaking into the barriers, but we have no news at all. The boss called and asked if I would join Tinder! "

A group of people in the intelligence agencies are embarrassed. Everyone knows that after this incident, the intelligence agencies will probably face a major cleansing.

The prince looked coldly at the crowd in front of him and got into the car without a word.

But his car was not too far away when he saw the driver pressing the brakes urgently. Wang Ziyu was about to yell, and then saw through the window that a pair of young men and women were walking towards him at the end of the long road. With a black knife, a happy smile filled his face: "The license plate is right."

He looked at the prince's stern expression through the window of the car, then laughed: "The photo is also right, it is him."


Goodnight everybody

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