The First Order

Chapter 816: Chief Bae! Chief Bae is dead!

Dozens of gray "beasts" are raging in barrier 176. Most of the patrol units on the street fell apart when they encountered them. Other mobile units wanted to encircle them. It was just a minute ago that they were aware of their presence. The position in the barrier, the next minute these large-scale killing subjects have broken through another line of defense.

It's not that Wang's troops haven't responded fast enough, but that these new experimental bodies are too mobile.

The scouts sent news back before. The evolution direction of this northern group seems to be different from that of the Central Plains. The Central Plains is an individual that protrudes all the way to the temple of the gods, and this northern group seems to have evolved as a whole. So many strong soldiers with huge axes.

No extremely powerful individuals have been found in this northern group, but no one is sure.

This group of experimental bodies kept running in the barriers, as if their strength would never be used up, but the Wang's garrison quickly discovered that this group of beasts was not killing at all, but planned to approach the north!

The commander had just ordered the northern city walls to switch firepower, but it had been received that the beasts had already climbed up the northern city walls.

Wang's defense in the city, facing such a powerful beast, was as fragile as paper.

But this is not Wang's fault, but the times are different.


Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun were advancing through the 31st barrier, and behind them were the noise of roaring engines. After killing the Chief Intelligence Officer, the two of them seemed to be stinging horse honeycomb, and began to be frantically besieged by the entire Kong intelligence agency!

The people in this group of intelligence agencies did not even cooperate with the t4 special forces that guarded the fire with the security forces!

Since the parent officer was killed at the door of the house, the murderer also fled. If it was passed out to Kong, he would want to raise his head in the intelligence community.

Ren Xiaosu shouted as he ran, "Turn left and turn left! Are these people crazy? Why are there more and more!"

The two ran into a small alley, and as a result, someone was blocked there before crossing the alley.

The other party was wearing a black suit, and immediately saw Ren Xiaosu and shot up.

However, at the moment he was about to pull the trigger, Yang Xiaojin behind was already holding the sniper rifle to move sideways to avoid Ren Xiaosu, and then a shot without aiming came out, it felt like using the sniper rifle as a xian bomb Guns come in general!

The man who was about to shoot was shot back like a scrap of paper.

And Yang Xiaogun did not pause after shooting, turned directly to face their way and waited quietly.

The chaser behind him saw Ren Xiaosu and they got out of the small alley to catch up, because the car could not enter this alley.

However, as soon as they rushed into the alley, they saw the young girl with a peaked cap holding a sniper rifle under his arm, roaring a shot, and the sniper bullets blasted the two intelligence agency fighters who had rushed in with radial blood.

The armor-piercing projectile did not stop after shooting through the two people, and interrupted a street lamp with a huge rotating force. The sound of the street lamp squeaking and crumbling was sour.

Yang Xiaorong didn't even blink her eyes from beginning to end: "Well, they shouldn't dare to chase them in for now, let's go."

Talking about it, Yang Xiaoquan took the lead to drill out of the alley and continued to rush to the secret prison.

But they underestimated the determination of the intelligence agencies to pursue, and after just a minute of halt, the crazy engine sounds were heard again.

And there was even a vehicle coming across in front of it!

"Before you, after me," Yang Xiaoyun said, then turned and stood behind a newsstand, using the newsstand as a bunker, while Ren Xiaosu flew towards the forward-looking off-road vehicle without hesitation.

Oncoming were two cars, one behind the other, with only one driver in each car.

The driver saw Ren Xiaosu rushing and did not turn. He seemed to intend to directly drive Ren Xiaosu to death!

The distance between the person and the car is getting closer and closer. Just as the person and the car are about to collide, Ren Xiaosu suddenly slides to the right to avoid the car, while his arm is holding the black knife flat, leaving the black knife and the vehicle Front window collision.

In this scene, it was as if the other party had hit the knife on his own initiative. The black knife cut the tofu like a tofu, and the person sitting in the car was already in a different position.

The rear vehicle was frightened when it saw Mars rubbing from the knife and the car in front, but now it is too late to step on the brakes.

The driver in the car saw the teenager getting closer to the knife, but he could only make a frightening howl in the car. The driver tried to adjust the sitting position to avoid the blade. But how can such a narrow space in the car be avoided?

Ren Xiaosu stood in the distance with a blood-stained knife and looked back at the passing of these two passing vehicles.

Without the driver's control, the two cars were still relying on their huge inertia to crash into the pursuers behind Ren Xiaosu!

The chasers who drove the car saw the two cars run out of control and hurried in the direction to avoid, but in this direction, the fuel tank was exposed.

Yang Xiaoguang hid behind the kiosk, and she knew it was an opportunity that Ren Xiaosu gave him.


It only took a moment for Yang Xiaoquan to reach a certain balance in all body functions. The body was like a precision machine, only serving the will.

In the roar, the first car turned into a fireball, and none of the four people on the car were spared.

The eyeballs of four people in the other car were set against orange by the fire light next to them. Just before the flames in their eyes were completely burned, they felt the explosion from their seats.

The burning vehicle suddenly became a flame barricade, blocking all the followers from behind.

Yang Xiaoquan looked to Ren Xiaosu: "I don't think they will give up. I just visually checked that there should be hundreds of these people. It is annoying to keep them chasing after them. It is better to scare them."

"Where to fight?" Ren Xiaosu thought and asked.

Yang Xiaoquan raised his finger to an 8-storey small building not far away: "Let's go up there, end the battle within 10 minutes."

There was a smile in Ren Xiaosu's heart. The girl next to her faced all the fighters of the intelligence agencies in the core of Kong ’s core barriers. She even said that he would end the battle within ten minutes. .

This is against an entire intelligence agency!

When Ren Xiaosu wanted to say something, she saw that Yang Xiaoquan had quickly climbed up the top of the building along the outer wall, and she looked down at Ren Xiaosu downstairs: "What do you think, they have already surrounded the road."

Ren Xiaosu smiled and climbed to the top of the building. He saw the shadows on the nearby streets and could not see who came. In the dark, he thought of a black spy and shot with Yang Xiaorong to suppress firepower. .

But as soon as he fired a shot, someone outside the street exclaimed: "Director Pei, are you okay, Chief Pei! Come on, Chief Pei was shot dead!"

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