The First Order

Chapter 817: Mr. Hole! Director Kong also died!

The other person's throat almost shouted at Ren Xiaosu in the middle of the night, and he fired a shot at random. He didn't even know who the target was. Why did he kill Pei Wenjin directly?

Black Sniper's scope does have night vision, but he has no time to distinguish who is who with so many people.

Is there any hidden attribute of this palace that cannot be achieved?

At first Ren Xiaosu felt that there might be fraud, but later he found that the people on the west really messed up after this throat, and some of the fighters who rushed downstairs turned back again!

Next to him, Yang Xiaoquan shot at the target and curiously said, "Luck or not?"

"Hahaha, how can it be luck," Ren Xiaosu said cheerfully: "This is strength, do you understand strength!"

Yang Xiaoyun rolled her eyes, and did not want to let Xiao Su continue to wonder: "There are many people on the east side, first suppress this side together and break them down."

"Well," Ren Xiaosu said, and he raised Hei Shui towards the east and shot at a person.

As soon as the shot was fired, an exclaimed sound erupted from the east: "Director Kong! What's wrong with Director Kong, come on, Director Kong was shot dead!"

The enemy was originally surrounded from the east and the west by Pei Wenjin and two newly appointed directors of the Kong team, respectively. As a result, Ren Xiaosu killed two directors with two shots, and the entire intelligence came at once. Institution panicked ...

For a moment, the image of the two snipers on the roof of the building suddenly became horrified. How could they know that Ren Xiaosu had fired casually, only if the two snipers had planned, they wanted to kill the two chiefs Too!

In addition, when Chief Pei and Chief Kong died, none of the commanders were on the scene.

There are temporary deputy directors everywhere, but the deputy director is afraid to speak at all, for fear of being killed by snipers as targets.

After all, these two snipers look like they are specifically fighting against officials!

After the director died, someone looked at the deputy director: "The director is dead, you are now the acting director!"

The deputy director immediately panicked. He said, "I don't want to be the acting director, should we withdraw?"


Ren Xiaosu's third shot was sounded, and everyone else watched as the flesh and blood of the newly appointed acting director was blurred.

For a time, the people of the intelligence agencies did not dare to stay, and resolutely chose to retreat!

At this moment, Yang Xiaoquan could not help but look back at Ren Xiaosu silently: "Really?"

Earlier Yang Xiaoquan did not believe that this was Ren Xiaosu's strength, but now he does not believe it.

As a result, she found out what Ren Xiaosu was thinking about. Ren Xiaosu looked at Yang Xiaorong and said, "Luck is also part of strength, right?"

Yes, the key point is luck.

Perhaps one shot and two shots are still possible, but with so many shots, one shot will always be in hand, and the one who will always be killed will be the biggest officer. This is definitely not Ren Xiaosu's own luck.

How familiar this scene is, Ren Xiaosu has also experienced the feeling of luck and body in the past, as if the random things can always work wonders.

At that time, he was still in market town 113, with Xiao Liuyuan still by his side.

The moment Mr. Kong died, Ren Xiaosu had already reacted. This was Yan Liuyuan's wish to protect him!

Yang Xiaoquan also responded: "You mean ... six yuan?"

"Yes," Ren Xiaosu nodded. "Although I don't know where he is, he must be alive! I can't shoot any more now, it will take him back!"

Yang Xiaohibi knew how much Ren Xiaosu cared about Yan Liuyuan. Now that Ren Xiaosu is sure that Xiao Liuyuan is alive, she is also very happy.

I saw Ren Xiaosu's emotions a little chaotic: "What should I do now? Let's go get six yuan?"

Yang Xiaoquan smiled: "You don't know where he is. Da Huyou and Wang Yun are still locked up in the secret prison. Let's finish the matter of barrier 31 first. Then what you need to do now is just to live well. To meet. "

"Yes, you can always meet when you are alive," Ren Xiaosu looked at the escaping fighters. At this time, Kong's intelligence system had completely collapsed.

Many people know that intelligence agencies are hunting down two extraordinary people, but when they want to come, hundreds of people are going to hunt them down, even if the other side is more powerful, you must know that Pei Wenjin and the director of the second office are both Amazing.

However, a group of people in Kong's mouth were shocked. Pei Wenjin and Director Kong died on the spot. It is said that even if the ability is not used, people will be lost ...

After tonight's extraordinary world, another legend will be added, a legend about a couple joining forces to destroy the Kong's intelligence system.

But to be honest, Ren Xiaosu didn't feel that these people were so powerful. It didn't feel like they threatened them much.

There is actually a misunderstanding in the middle. The capabilities of Pei Wenjin and Chief Kong are not weak, they just can't carry the sniper rifle ...

They didn't expect that they would die so rashly!

However, at this moment, there was a rumbling sound of collapse in the northern wall of the barrier. Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan looked at the same time. There was only a momentary blaze, which actually illuminated the clouds at night!

The entire barrier soldiers were in a wild state. At least half of the residents were still sitting at home, hoping that the storm would quickly calm down.

But when they found that even the walls of the barriers had collapsed, they could no longer sit still.

Tens of thousands of people rushed out of the house and rushed to the south, wanting to stay away from the fire, while the t4 fighters of the hundreds of tinders were led by t5 and mixed with refugees.

These people are pretending to be refugees. There are already guards on the road setting up machine gun lines of defense. The company commander at the position watched a large number of barrier residents and shouted, "Don't shoot! Repeat, don't shoot!"

The company commander picked up the communicator next to him and asked the commander: "Campmaster, there are many refugees here, what should I do?"

Someone across the communicator said coldly, "Fire."

But just one minute of the call, Tinder's combat forces had followed the refugees before coming to the line!

At this moment they no longer camouflaged, as if the cheetah finally showed its minions.

Between the electric light and flint, dozens of t4 suddenly jumped under the leadership of t5, plunging into the line of defense at a very fast speed. At this time, the machine gun position was completely useless!

The line of defense in the barriers began to gradually collapse under the shock of refugees. This is why the tinder must create chaos first. They only have hundreds of people. Even if they are all t4, they cannot directly compete against a strengthening brigade.

With refugees, it is possible.

Ren Xiaosu sighed at the chaos in the barrier: "Let's save Da Huyou and Wang Yun first, and then the day is about to dawn. I guess the main force of Tinder may be coming soon."


Good night everyone ~ pay attention to safety in the new year, remember to take protective measures

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