The First Order

Chapter 820: Chicken ribs ability

No one could have imagined that a steam train would come out of this smoke-filled tunnel!

To be honest, the warden saw that the alloy gates in this passage were exploded. It was clear that the explosives between the two gates were detonated, which would cause such a large blasting force in the confined space.

But isn't the detonator in the hands of the Chief Intelligence Officer Wang Ziyu, someone took the detonator and detonated the gate directly, that means ... Wang Ziyu is probably too fierce.

The warden was in a secret prison. After all, the news was still a little occluded. He knew that something had happened outside. Someone ran into the 31st barrier, but he did not expect that even Prince Wang had encountered an accident.

The steam train rushed out of the smoke, and the smoke on the car rolled like a cloud, with an amazing momentum.

However, the most amazing thing was that the front of the car stood a man in black with a very tight body wrapped around it, and a cold, heavy machine gun was mounted on the front!

Someone in the smoke-filled passage shouted, "Wang Congyang, fire!"

With that said, the muzzle of the man in black burst out his tongue of fire, and the jailers who had just been shocked were killed suddenly without even responding!

The power of a steam train equipped with heavy machine guns is like moving a bunker. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

After entering from the entrance of the passage is the square of the secret prison. This secret prison is located underground of the abandoned comprehensive gymnasium and has a large area, which is just suitable for the use of steam trains.

The warden Tieqing looked at the steam train with his face, he did not expect that someone was so arrogant on his site!

Even the train is on!

At this moment, the warden suddenly showed a flying needle to fire the steam train.

The flying needle is very thin, if you don't distinguish it carefully, you can't see it at all, and it is extremely fast, faster than the steam train!

In this secret prison where the soldiers and horses were raging in the dust, a flying needle sneaked into the air and it was invincible.

This flying needle was hitting the man in black with the machine-gun machine gun. The warden sneered, thinking that after the flying needle, there were nothing more than a few prisoners in the secret prison, which was not indistinguishable from the past.

But the flying needle hit the man in black, and then the flying needle covered the black man with silver light, and then the black man disappeared out of thin air!

Ren Xiaosu who was hiding in the passage and did not get on the steam train also choked!

The man in black was Lao Xu, but Lao Xu suddenly returned to the palace and stood motionless at this time. No matter how Ren Xiaosu called, there was no response, and Lao Xu's forehead had a fine hair like a cow hair Silver needle ...

Ren Xiaosu whispered: "There is something strange, there seems to be some extraordinary person in this secret prison who can seal the capabilities of others!"

He had also been imprisoned on a steam train when he was on Wangchunmen Long Street in Luocheng, but the extraordinary person at that time was no less relaxed this time.

As everyone knows, while Ren Xiaosu was astonished, the warden was also astonished, but his ability was as guessed by Ji Ziang and Ren Xiaosu. As long as the silver needle hits people, or even the ability to attack the opponent is realized, This ability fades to invisibleness and will not be available for a while.

Even if Wang Yun controls the air, his flying needle can still seal on the air, which is why he as a warden can sit in a secret prison!

But the warden didn't expect that this man in black turned out to be someone's ability. He thought he was a living person.

The prison governor thought secretly that he could gather one flying needle in three days, and could store three in his mind. Now that one is used up, there are two left.

However, he has determined that there are only two people coming, and now he has abolished one, and he will abandon the steam train by himself!

Thinking of this, the warden did not hesitate to control the second flying needle to shoot out, right in the steam train!

At this time, the prison governor was finally relieved, and the two extraordinary people were resolved in succession, and the overall situation was set!

Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi stepped out of the passage, and the warden smiled: "You two are both dared to walk in after being sabotaged. It is really courageous ..."

Before the words were over, the warden realized that something was wrong, and he suddenly turned around. The third flying needle suddenly shot back and hit him, only to find out there was a shadow door!

The flying needle hit the gate of shadow, and the gate of shadow disappeared.

Originally Ren Xiaosu thought that the flying needle of the other party would pass through the gate of the shadow, but he did not expect that the flying needle of the warden's ability to seal others' ability was so strange.

It's just that the warden is a little panicked now, because he saw Ren Xiaosu withdrawing a black knife from nothing, and the other girl showed a **** sniper.

The warden was wondering. Did n’t he already sealed the three abilities, but the other party ’s abilities seemed to be incomplete!

Too evil!

To tell the truth, the warden's ability meets other extraordinary people, and it is definitely the upper hand to fight alone. After all, he has three opportunities to seal the ability, and flying needles can hurt people.

But this time he met Ren Xiaosu, and even Ren Xiaosu himself is too lazy to count how many abilities he has.

The generous point said, the three flying needles of the other party are not enough to see ...

Ren Xiaosu said to Yang Xiaohibin next to him: "Looking at his appearance, it is estimated that the flying needle has run out."

Yang Xiaoquan was surprised at the side: "Is it just three? That ability is a bit of a chicken."

"Well, it's pretty bad," Ren Xiaosu nodded.

The chief warden heard what the two men said. The whole person was not good. His skills were so bad. How long has he cracked down on this prison and never made a difference? Isn't it because of his special ability? Use him as a killer, how can it become a chicken rib when you get here?

The question clearly appears to you both!

When thinking for a while, the wind suddenly heard from behind. The warden looked back suddenly and saw the big foot of Da Huyou getting closer and closer, until he was in close contact with his cheek.

Then, the warden's face was deformed, and the whole person flew out like a disconnected kite.

Da Huyou eagerly looked at Ren Xiaosu: "You are so handsome, young master!"

Ren Xiaosu looked at the unconscious prison governor and the footprints on the prison governor's face, then looked at the sincere Dahuyou, and Dahuyou's expectant eyes, suddenly a goose bump.

Ji Ziang behind Da Huyou looked at Ren Xiaosu: "Hello, my name is Ji Ziang, this time I will go back to the northwest with Da Huyou."

Ren Xiaosu hurriedly frowned and shook hands with a smile: "Hello, hello, this rescue Wang Yun also gave an extra one, too polite and polite."

Wang Yun's face next to him turned black: "How can my two hundred brothers save?"

Ren Xiaosu comforted: "What's urgent, it can definitely be rescued, we must first release the prisoners in this secret prison and let them go out to create greater confusion."

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