The First Order

Chapter 821: New mission

The release of the secret prison prisoner was not Ren Xiaosu's temporary intention. After all, the prisoners in this prison hated Kong, and releasing them will definitely help Ren Xiaosu.

However, Ren Xiaosu is certainly not released unconditionally ...

Ji Ziang and others followed Ren Xiaosu to return to the cell area, and Wang Yun said later, "A total of 313 prisoners were detained in this secret prison, and I recommend not to release them because they are all spies of Wang or Zhou, and Excellent ability. In my memory, during the interrogation of these 17 people, they all deliberately uttered some Northwest intelligence to confuse their sights. It was not good for Northwest to let them go out. Until they return to their consortium, they may be brought to Northwest in the future. Here comes some hidden dangers. "

At this moment, Da Huyou felt that the sufferings he had eaten before were worth it.

In the northwest, there is an extraordinary person with such a high intelligence value like Wang Yun. In the northwest, many things will become very simple, because taking away Wang Yun is equivalent to taking away the entire Kong's intelligence database.

Northwestern intelligence agencies are in charge of Wang Fengyuan. Da Huyou and him are one master and one master, so Da Huyou is very clear. If Wang Yun knows the information obtained in the past, he does not know how much it will cost.

It may cost a lot of money and energy, and it may cost hundreds of lives of the lurking people.

Now that Wang Yun has started to plan for the Northwest, this is a good start. Da Huyou thought of it, and he was really happy!

Ren Xiaosu thoughtfully: "It would be cruel to keep them here."

"I hope you don't have any kind of woman at this time," Wang Yun said coldly.

Ren Xiaosu froze a moment: "Oh, that wouldn't be the case, you worry more."

As he walked to the cell area, when he reached the first cell, Ren Xiaosu looked inward through the iron window.

The prisoners in the prison eyes were pale and obviously had not been exposed to the sun for a long time. These people must be eager to breathe the fresh air outside.

Only those who have lost their freedom know how valuable freedom is.

At this time, all prisoners knew that the secret prison had happened. Now they saw through the metal railings that Ji Ziang and Da Huyou were all free, and immediately shouted, "Let us go out and let us do whatever we want!"

"Please let us out!"

One shouted, and then shouts broke out throughout the prison. Ren Xiaosu said seriously to the prisoner in front of the cell, "Thank you three times, as long as you are sincere, I will let you out."

On the side, Wang Yun, Ji Ziang, and Da Huyou are all fascinated. What kind of operation is this? Co-authoring you to come to the prison to do good things in the middle of the night?

The prisoner inside was also a little shy, but it was not difficult to say thank you, and it was not an insult word like dad, so he said decisively: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Thank you coins from Liu Qianhe, +1!"

"From Liu Qianhe ..."

"From ..."

Ren Xiaosu is here. He ran here for maps in the middle of the night. Isn't it a map of tokens?

But he was not greedy, after all, time was tight and he couldn't delay here too long.

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu threw a bunch of keys to Wang Yun: "You should remember which key can open which door?"

"Remember," Wang Yun nodded.

"Open the door," Ren Xiaosu said. He could have used a black knife directly, but he didn't want to expose his black knife and appearance in front of these people. The prison guards who had met had died, and all except prison guards had flickered. Wait, anyway, they are going to the northwest of Daxing, and they saw it.

Ren Xiaosu's replacement of a cell was done in the same way, and prisoners were released one after another. To the relief of Ren Xiaosu, the gratitude of these people was basically sincere, and those who were not sincere were just a few.

Calculating the probability, Ren Xiaosu's original thank-you coin was nearly 4,000. This wave of thank-you tokens harvested in the secret prison was afraid that his inventory would approach the 5,000 mark!

At this moment, Wang Yun reminded Ren Xiaosu when he walked to the next cell: "The person who is here is one of the seventeen people I said."

After speaking, Wang Yun watched indifferently, trying to see what Ren Xiaosu planned to do.

As a result, Ren Xiaosu had just walked to the door of the cell, and before he could speak, he threw a grenade directly into it ...

With a bang, huge smoke and dust exploded in the cell, both Wang Yun and Ji Ziang were shocked!

What did Ren Xiaosu say just now? The original words seemed to be "It's too cruel to keep them here." So Ren Xiaosu's idea is to give the other party a happy moment? !!

Is this the legend that says the warmest words and then does the hardest thing?

At this moment, Wang Yun realized that he had misunderstood the Northwest young marshal. What kind of woman is this woman worried about? This product is obviously a killer in the killer!

No wonder the Northwestern group of killers will identify with this boy. Wang Yun is brazen and ruthless, but he is simply incomparable with Ren Xiaosu.

Wang Yun murmured, "You ..."

Ren Xiaosu's surprise turned back: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay," Wang Yun had a toothache.

"Well, remember to tell the next person," Ren Xiaosu calmly walked to the next cell.

After the bombing, the prisoners in the other cells were a little panicked.

Ren Xiaosu smiled and looked at the prisoner in the cell in front of him with a smile on his face and said, "Thank you and let you go."

The prisoner in this cell trembled and asked, "What happened just now, why did you kill him ..."

Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "Because he doesn't say thank you."


Da Huyou: "..."

Wang Yun: "..."

Ji Ziang: "..."

To be honest, what Ren Xiaosu did in prison today seems to be crazy than Li Shentan.

In the eyes of the prisoner, Ren Xiaosu robbed the prison for a thank you, but if you do n’t say thank you, he will kill you. How does this behavior look like a neurosis?

The prisoner swallowed and said, "Thank you."

"Thank you coin from Qi Jiesheng, +1!"

Ren Xiaosu waved his hand: "Okay, let him go."

This Ji Jiesheng watched as Wang Yun opened the cell for him, he was overjoyed, but did not expect to say thank you, I really can regain my freedom!

However, when he pushed the door out, he heard that Ren Xiaosu was already arguing with the next door. At this time, although he said thank you, Ren Xiaosu did not receive a thank you coin!

Ren Xiaosu's face turned black: "You are not sincere in saying thank you, how can I let you ?!"

The prisoner in that cell also had a bad temper: "Why am I not sincere, which of your eyes saw me sincerely?"

At this moment, the palace suddenly said: "Task, get 66 thank you coins from the prisoner in front."

Ren Xiaosu stunned for a while. Isn't this difficult to do? The other party has n’t given himself even one now. How can he get 66? !!

However, Ren Xiaosu suddenly remembered something, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "I thank you Mom!"

As a result, the prisoner in the cell was anxious at the ear: "I thank you eight generations of ancestors!"

"Thank you coin from Zheng Xiding, +1!"

Ren Xiaosu said blankly, "I thank you grandma for your legs!"

In the cell: "I thank you, Grandpa!"

"From ..."

Ren Xiaosu: "I thank you for a banana peel!"

In the cell: "I thank you ..."

On the side, Ji Ziang, Wang Yun, and others suddenly discovered that Ren Xiaosu even scolded him in his cell. In this gloomy secret prison, the Northwest young man was not even caring about his image at all, and he was right against others Scolded for more than a hundred rounds, and it wasn't finished until the curse collapsed in the prison!

Wang Yun said: "This is your young man in the northwest?"

Ji Ziang laughed: "I think it's quite interesting."

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