The First Order

Chapter 838: Roof pillars of health clinics

p5092 watching Ren Xiaosu leave, he asked the deputy: "Are the troops assembled?"

"The assembly is complete," said the deputy. "But Chief P5091 did not stop there, and went straight to the battlefield. He said that the front line was attacked and needed to be rushed to reinforce."

"Since 091 is gone, then we can take a break," p5 said, "let everyone take a hot bath, have a full meal, and get out tonight."

"Received," the lieutenant wondered. "You seem to be more interested in this boy? You said that he might be an extraordinary person, have you confirmed it now?"

"It's just an extraordinary person who saved the wounded," p5092 laughed. "It's not allowed to be passed on. It's a lucky thing for you and me to have such a person behind. Right, go find the three who drove them. Soldiers, and then call them and I ask two questions. "

"Okay," said the lieutenant and left, and led three soldiers after more than twenty minutes.

I saw the three soldiers trembling, and my heart said that the sir did not know that they were taking bribes, and they were going to have a surgery on them?

But when p5092 saw the watch on the three of them, they suddenly choked, and whispered, "How many watches does this kid have ... OK, you can go back."

He watched the watch the three soldiers wore, exactly the same as on his wrist!

Originally p5092 thought that Ren Xiaosu had sent his watch out, but he did not expect that the other party was wholesale!

After speaking, p5092 walked into the forward base, walking and laughing, leaving the lieutenant and the three soldiers blank.


The life in the health clinic was busy, and even busy so much that Ren Xiaosu never went out. Ren Xiaosu didn't have time to see what the forward base looks like. He didn't even know where the cafeteria was. All the nurses helped him to come back for dinner. All doctors squatted down the corridor and plugged two mouths after the operation, and then hurried into the operating room.

It wasn't until this moment that Ren Xiaosu understood why Tinder was expropriated by Trinity Society. In fact, he later heard that the refugees who had travelled north with them were only the first group, and all subsequent Kong doctors would be recruited.

Because the medical gap is too big.

Occasionally, the doctors who squatted down the corridor for dinner would talk to each other, but they also talked about their illnesses. Some doctors chopped rice and said, "The wounded had just been amputated, and it was too late."

"It's a pity," said another doctor, who tossed the lunch box into the trash can. "My department's medicine is running low, what's the situation with you?"

"I'm a bit overwhelmed here too," the doctor said with emotion. "But you haven't heard that people from the Trinity Society seem to be here. They have newly set up a fourth emergency department, which seems to be very powerful."

"I only walked out of the operating room for the first time from morning to now. I'm not sure. I left. There are still more than a dozen wounded people on my side waiting to be rescued," said the doctor, and then hurried away.

The five minutes of eating were their rare day off.

Just like Wang Jing's emotion, when the war is coming, the speed of saving people will never catch up with the speed of wounding and killing people.

At this time Ren Xiaosu was standing in front of an independent temporary operating table, and Wang Jing was standing opposite to him to suture the wound.

They can't even do the most basic aseptic conditions here, which is a temporary renovation of the office, and then the nurses push an operating table recliner and start the operation.

At the beginning, the person in charge of the health center said that this would not work. If there is no sterile condition, even the operation will not save the patient, which will cause a big problem.

At this time, Wang Jing's face was so good. The old man went to explain to the person in charge, and the other party would no longer care.

Wang Jing and Ren Xiaosu suddenly became partners. Meng Nan and Liang Ce acted as assistants, while Yang Xiaoquan stood by and handed Wang Jing surgical tools to play the role of nurse.

What surprised Wang Jing was that Yang Xiaorong started very fast and worked extremely hard.

Generally, the cooperation between the chief surgeon and the nurse will cause problems. During the operation, the nurse should hand in the tool according to the doctor's habit. For example, at what angle does the doctor use to receive the scalpel and needle holder, and how much can the nurse tilt when handing it? It takes time for the doctor to get the tools up and running quickly.

This is not to say that the chief surgeon is arrogant, but that everyone is racing against the clock during the operation, so that the chief surgeon can perform the operation without hindrance. This is one of the basic conditions to ensure the life of the injured.

Originally Wang Jing was also worried that he needed to change his past habits during the operation, but it took only ten minutes for Yang Xiaorong to remember all of Wang Jing's armed habits.

Not only Yang Xiaohibi, but Ren Xiaosu was not only applying medicine during the operation, but also assisted in suture. Wang Jing occasionally found that when Ren Xiaosu sutured the wound, his stitches were exactly the same as his suture ...

And what he thinks, sometimes he can guess without asking Xiaosu. After all, Ren Xiaosu is an advanced skill copied directly from Wang Jing.

This feeling makes Wang Jing feel too comfortable, he has never had such a tacit operation!

Ren Xiaosu said with a mask: "Right angle pliers."

After speaking, Yang Xiaorong accurately found the right-angle pliers model Ren Xiaosu needed, and handed it to Ren Xiaosu with high efficiency.

Wang Jing found that when Yang Xiaohibi handed the right angle pliers to Ren Xiaosu, it was also the most convenient angle for Ren Xiaosu to take the pliers.

After an operation, Ren Xiaosu smeared the wounded with black medicine. Wang Jing opened the eyelids of the injured and checked the pupils. After confirming that the other party was OK, he shouted to the nurse outside the door: "Push away, next."

Taking advantage of this gap, Ren Xiaosu walked out of the operating room. Wang Jing wondered what Ren Xiaosu was going to, but saw Ren Xiaosu take off the disposable gloves to shake hands with the wounded comrades and accept the other's thanks ...

After the injured comrades thanked him, Ren Xiaosu returned to the operating room to continue to save people ...

At this time, injuries were constantly being carried into the health clinic, but nearly half of the injuries were carried to Wang Jing and Ren Xiaosu.

Because many processes have been omitted, Ren Xiaosu's progress here is much faster than other departments.

Liang Ce secretly counted the number of patients treated, and the number of patients they treated was almost the total of the other seven departments.

Slowly, many of the doctors and nurses who were temporarily resting stopped squatting in the corridor to chat, but went to Wang Jing to watch them outside the operating room.

Ren Xiaosu didn't even close the door of the operating room, because they didn't need a sterile environment at all, but it was convenient for medical staff to lift the patient in and out by opening the door.

One patient recovered his consciousness after the operation was over. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the crowd in the operating room ...

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