The First Order

Chapter 839: The hardest-core doctor in history, Ren Xiaosu

To be honest, it ’s not that the doctors and nurses in the health center like to watch lively, but that after the arrival of the Trinity Society, their pressure suddenly dropped. Then everyone heard that the rate of treating patients by the Trinity Society is extremely amazing, and it is still very simple In the operating room, there was not even a sterile environment.

The doctors felt a little strange when they heard this. Is it possible to operate without sterile conditions? Isn't this something serious?

As a result, they went to check the injuries in the ward. Many doctors found that the recovery of these injuries was excellent. A few of the injuries were only a few hours after the operation, and they were able to lie in bed and chat.

Because there are too many injuries, many people can only lie on mobile beds in the corridor. As a result, after the corridor is full, the entire hospital is full of chats among the patients.

A doctor stood in the corridor and lifted a wounded gauze. He was shocked to find that the wound had begun to scab. He asked the nurse next to him: "When was this operation done?"

"Four hours ago, the abdomen was injured, and the intestines were chopped off. Everyone gave up. As a result, the injury is now the same as the one who was fine," said the nurse helplessly.

Just after that, the inspected patient suddenly said, "Well, do you guys have all the poker? We are idle and playing cards or something ..."

The doctor was shocked at the time. The goods had broken his intestines four hours ago, and now he was still playing cards? !!

Is this Trinity learning so amazing, there are no postoperative adverse reactions, and recovery is so fast! ?

Looks like the problem is with that black ointment!

At this time, someone carried an injured patient from outside the health center and shouted, "Doctor, save my comrades!"

The doctor in the hallway was just about to receive a consultation, but another voice came, and Ren Xiaosu poked his head out of the operating room: "Our side is over, bring him to our side!"

The doctor in the hallway was silent, and after a long while, he suddenly asked, "Nurse, how many patients did they treat in the operating room?"

"I don't have specific numbers right now," the nurse replied. "All I can say is that half of our patients are sent to them."

"It's amazing," the doctor sighed.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu gathered a lot of medical staff outside the operating room, and even the head of the health center came to watch.

"Too powerful, too efficient!"

"What the **** is he applying?"

Ren Xiaosu explained with a smile while applying the medicine to the wounded, "It is my family's ancestral secret recipe, which is very useful."

The little nurses on the side looked at Ren Xiaosu's side face and whispered: "He is so young, he can go to the operating table at such a young age, you find that, in fact, Master Wang Jing is cooperating with him to perform the operation ... "

People with eyesight found that Wang Jing only sutured on the operating table, while Meng Nan and Liang Ce next to him were only responsible for hemostasis and suction of wound debris with instruments. All the people's actions were ultimately to cooperate with Ren Xiaosu's Smear the medication.

In the hospital, it is not easy for young doctors to go to the operating table. The young people who can go to the operating table are definitely the stars in the hospital.

When it was time for dinner, the nurses who came specifically to serve Ren Xiaosu and their meals were almost unable to squeeze in.

The little nurse wanted to deliver the box lunch to Ren Xiaosu in person, but was intercepted by Yang Xiaorong, and looked at the other person coldly.

The little nurse muttered, "Why ..."

As a result, Yang Xiaoyun took off her mask and continued to look at the other person silently: "I'm his girlfriend."

The little nurse looked at Yang Xiaorong's delicate face and suddenly flinched ...

In the past, Yang Xiaorong had a peaked cap on the one hand to hide her identity, and on the other hand she did not like others to judge her appearance, but now she suddenly found that her face can dispel many potential enemies, which is quite easy to use.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Yang Xiaorong in surprise and almost screamed out, "It looks a little nutritious."

Yang Xiaorong gave him a white look: "Hurry up and sew the patient's wound."

Wang Jing laughed cheerfully at the side: "You two are really a good match."

After entering the health clinic, Ren Xiaosu and his family had been spinning for more than 20 hours. Wang Jing couldn't handle Sima Gang and others to replace his post.

After all, the old man was too old to carry such a high-intensity operation at all. He thought about it for a long time. He couldn't exhaust himself from the beginning, so he set a plan. Every other The doctor worked for eight hours, and three shifts cooperated with Ren Xiaosu to save people.

When Ren Xiaosu was tired, he would personally top it.

As a result, Ren Xiaosu was standing on the operating table for twenty-four hours. Other doctors and assistants changed in a fluid fashion. Only Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi could not move.

Sima Gang and Liang Ce, who were tired, lay on the corridor and fell asleep directly. They were so tired that everyone shouted and could n’t wake up. If there was no heartbeat and breathing, everyone almost thought they had died suddenly.

But until then, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaorong were still on the operating table.

This scene also stunned most doctors who claimed to have good physical strength.

In the end, it was Wang Jing who came to dissuade him: "Don't continue anymore, the body is the capital of our life-saving and healing. I know you are eager to save people, but you can't treat all the patients in the world right away, right?"

At this time Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi stepped down from the operating table. When Ren Xiaosu walked out of the clinic, he felt the glare of the sun above his head.

But when the bright sunshine in the spring spilled on his body, he felt that warmth power spread all over his body, the dry breath of clothes mixed with the sun, and the whole body was warm and ventilated, just like a new life.

At this time, the palace suddenly uttered in his mind: "The host rescued 188 mortal people, unlocked the rescue and rescue achievements, and rewarded 2 points for free distribution."

Ren Xiaosu Le, he increased his strength to 15.5, and agility to 15.1. This day and night, he not only harvested nearly a thousand thanks coins, but also unlocked a new achievement.

Unknowingly, Ren Xiaosu's physical quality was close to Lao Xu's earliest strength and speed.

But when he was going to rest, another batch of wounded patients was brought in outside the forward base. Ren Xiaosu did not turn back to the health clinic, but looked thoughtful.

Yang Xiaoquan was curious, "What do you want?"

Ren Xiaosu said with emotion: "There are too many injuries. It seems that there is no cure. There are three health clinics nearby, but even this can't keep up with everyone's injuries."

"No way, this is the way of the war," Yang Xiaorong sighed.

"No, the doctors in the health clinic will be exhausted in this way," Ren Xiaosu said, shaking his head. "Let's sneak to the front line!"

Yang Xiaorong was surprised: "What are you going to the front? You are now a doctor."

"Kill the enemy, so that the casualties of the friendly forces will be reduced, can it be regarded as a life-saving aid, right? Isn't this what the doctor should do!" Ren Xiaosu looked firm and said the hardest words with the most kind attitude.

Yang Xiaoguang thought carefully. It seems that this is the case. Now there are a lot of injuries. It is because the frontline enemies are too cruel. But if the enemy is killed, there will be no injuries!

At this moment, the hardest-core doctor in history was born. He is the ordinary cardiac surgeon Ren Xiaosu.


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