The First Order

Chapter 841: Mysterious sniper!

The front line of Dashishan is not the main battlefield. To be precise, the north of the front line of Dashishan is the place where Tinder will start a comprehensive slaughter with the northern ethnic groups.

And in Dashishan, there is a mountain road that is the supply line of Tinder to the north, which is the lifeline.

Because the main force of the Tinder went north a bit late, the northern defense line was rushed, and it was not known when it would be penetrated by an opposing force into the army of a thousand people.

These northern barbarians were hidden in Dashishan for several days. After the main force of the tinders went northward, they began to intercept the tinder forces in the mountains and obstruct the transportation of materials.

It was these nearly a thousand barbarians who let Tinder lose their troops here.

It is not that the fighting power of the Tinder is too weak, but that too many complex factors have led to this situation.

On the one hand, the Wangs did not inform Tinder in advance of the information they received. This led to the main forces of Tinder being concentrated in the south, and there was no idea that the enemy would come in the north.

By the time they knew it, it was a little late.

On the other hand, Tinder has not really played against the opponent before, so it is not clear how the opponent fights.

Relying on their strong physical fitness, these northern barbarians could easily stop the tinder troops in the mountains.

The terrain in the mountains is complex, and the northern barbarians seem to have figured out the terrain long ago, and they know it better than Tinder.

Tinder never seemed to think that there would be such a fierce battle in the north, so it has not always attached great importance to the northern lifeline Dashishan.

Think about it, no one expected that there would be so many enemies in the north! Even the prairie people did not expect!

Fighting in Dashishan, Tinder even felt that this was not his own home, but the opponent's.

A few days later, Tinder probably understood the situation. Almost everyone of these northern barbarians had t3 physical fitness, and even occasionally saw t4, which is very difficult.

Even if Tinder has been operating this land for a long time, their main force is mostly t1 and t2, and most officers are only t3 level.

It's not that Tinder can't make genetic medicine, but it's like they said: Are you t1 or t5? This upper limit has been written into your genes at birth, and fate is already doomed.

Gene medicaments are not a panacea, but most people can only be promoted to t1 or t2, and there is a price for promotion.

There is a secret thing in Tinder: Genetically modified warriors will shorten their lifespan slightly, the higher the t level, the more so.

So far, no one has seen t5 living to 40 years old. Most of t5 died of cancer.

This is probably the imperfection that p5092 said to Ren Xiaosu.

How does cancer appear? Cancer originates from genetic mutations in human cells.

The human body's cells are constantly dividing and replicating at all times. During the process of division and replication, an error occurs. When the body's immune recognition function is normal, the body will correct it and make it naturally apoptotic. Occasionally, immune recognition dysfunction, erroneous replicated cells were not identified, and tumors formed over time.

t5 Because of genetic modification, the autoimmune system's judgment of the wrong cells has begun to be confused, so cancer is extremely prone to occur.

The reason why Tinder wants to find Experiment 001 is that Experiment 001 is the most perfect cure for cancer patients.

The concept of t1 is about 1.5 times the physique of an adult. According to Ren Xiaosu's palace system, normal adults are 3, t1 is 4.5, t2 is 6, t3 is 9, t4 is 15, and t5 is 21.

Therefore, when the previous Xiaosu had only 13.5 strength to face t5, he also had to rely on Lao Xu, who could not beat him positively.

When in the holy mountain, the strength of the old Xu was 27. At that time, fighting was basically completed within ten minutes when playing t5, just like an adult beating a teenager.

Now, Ren Xiaosu faces t5 himself, and he can try to play it.

Of course, this is not to say that Ren Xiaosu really needs to find a t5 to practice his hand when the enemy is currently, which is also a comparison.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu was worried that he didn't know where to kill the enemy, but p4 said that he should not go to the front line of Dashishan.

This is of course a kind reminder for p4, but in Ren Xiaosu's ears, this is no different from guiding ...

In the farewell look of p4, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi left the advance base and went into the night of the wilderness.


In the afternoon one day later, dozens of combat squads were performing a fan-shaped carpet search of the mountains in Dashi Mountain.

p5092 looked at the screen in the rear command vehicle. The screen was divided into more than ten pieces. Each lens was a real-time picture taken by the camera equipment attached to the squad leader's helmet in each combat team.

"Turn forward at 9 o'clock, pay attention to concealment. At 2 kilometers ahead, yesterday another main force encountered an encounter with the barbarian there. I suspect it is close to their hiding place," p5092 said calmly, his The words immediately passed to the headset in the mountain p3.

Because of the importance of the transportation line of Dashishan, this main force led by p5092 simply stayed behind, intending to clear the entire mountain range, so that there are no remaining barbarians in the mountain, which will become a hidden danger in the future.

After receiving the order, the combat team in the mountain immediately proceeded to 9 o'clock. The squad of thirty people marched silently in the mountain. The firearms had been opened for insurance, and in each combat team, four people were equipped with handheld devices. Grenade launcher.

Ordinary firearms sometimes hit a shuttle at a long distance may not be able to kill the barbarian, so it must be equipped with heavy firepower.

At this moment, a combat team entered a mountain. They were vigilant all around, but they did not prevent two huge figures from the air jumping from the mountain.

You know, this is a straight wall. The mountain and the ground are almost twenty meters high. Ordinary people jump down and die!

But the two northern barbarians didn't care, and saw them descend from the sky and chop off the giant axe.

The people in the combat team looked up when they heard the movement, but it was too late, and they could only see the giant axe falling off!

p5092 frowned when he saw it, because as soon as the team leader looked up, the giant axe seemed to hack at him on the screen.

However, p5092 did not panic, he immediately accounted for the frontline command of these dozens of combat teams and assembled to prepare for the two barbarians!

P5 sighed in his heart. Although the two barbarians would surely die, the attacking combat team was afraid to sacrifice.

But at this moment, the chest of the barbarian who was getting closer in the screen suddenly burst into blood, and then the huge body seemed to be pushed by some force and hit the mountain wall straight.

The unknown force interrupted the barbarian's chopping action!

p5092 wondered in the communication channel: "What happened?"

"Sir, is a sniper. Two snipers fired and hit the two barbarians at the same time," the front commander replied. "We only heard the sound of the gun. It should be a large caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle, but we do n’t know where the sniper What position!"

"Sniper?" P5092 was a little puzzled. He wouldn't send the sniper out until the terrain was clear, otherwise the encounter between the sniper and the barbarian would be a disaster, so these two snipers were not their kind of fire!

Strange, where is this sniper coming from, and ... it's very powerful!

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