The First Order

Chapter 842: Testy sniper

The reason why p5092 says these two snipers are powerful is because these seemingly simple two shots are not simple.

First of all, the frontline commander said that the position of the sniper could not be determined, but when they searched on the carpet, the net was very large, so many people could not determine the position of the opponent, so the sniper must be at least 900 meters away.

900 meters away, both shots hit the barbarian's chest and killed one, which is not something anyone can do.

You know that the two barbarians have been hiding before, from the time they appeared to the axe falling, but in just one second, and the sniper found that the barbarians appeared, they must immediately calculate the trajectory!

Then, during the fall of the barbarian, the sniper needed to pull the trigger to let the bullet across the sky, and landed precisely on the barbarian's chest.

The frontline commander asked in the communication channel: "Sir, are you hunting down the two snipers?"

p5092 thought for a while and said, "Search the nearby barbarians first, be careful. These people look burly and lacking in mind, but in fact they have a lot of eyes, and they like ambush in secret. As for the sniper, at least it seems to be consistent with us Goals, you can look for them after the investigation is over. "

Instead of not looking for, but to distinguish between the primary and secondary.

And the current enemy, since the goal of both sides is to kill the barbarians, the Tinder will naturally not treat them as enemies. Even if they find it, they hope that they can join the United Front of Tinder and Qinghe instead of killing the two snipers. .

The entire Dashi Mountain is now divided into 39 areas on the map. What p5092 needs to do is to search these 39 areas one by one. Today, only the 12th area has been searched. It has already encountered the barbarian. According to the previous battle, There are at least 400 barbarians hidden in this big rock mountain.

In this regard, p5092 didn't care, and dozens of combat squads were just his first reconnaissance unit. Once encountering a large number of barbarians, he would immediately put all his forces into the battlefield and complete the siege of barbarians.

However, after the entire area 12 was searched, dozens of combat teams on the front line did not find other barbarians. It seems that it will take several days or even half a month to clear the entire Big Rock Mountain.

"Sir, what do you do now?" The frontline commander asked.

p5092 calmly said: "Go and find the two snipers now. At least to find their shooting location, I need to judge the strength of the two snipers."

The sniper must have left, and no sniper remained stupidly in place after firing the gun, but as long as they could find where they were firing, they could confirm how many meters away the gun was.

As a result, it wasn't until early evening that the combat squad found the clues of the two snipers in area 13.

p5092 frowned. No wonder the two snipers could not be found. It turned out that the opponent hit the target in area 12 in area 13.

He took a pen on the map to record the position of the sniper, and then measured the distance between the sniper and the barbarian he had hit before, so he was shocked to find that the distance between the two snipers and the target had reached about 1200 meters!

Farther than the 900 meters he imagined!

"1200 meters, this is also a very outstanding leader in the sniper's hands. Why did two of them appear in Dashishan all at once," p5092 bowed his head and thought, and he looked at the lieutenant. Intelligence, these two are so powerful, they will definitely have some fame. "

The deputy said: "I'll submit your request to the intelligence department and let them compare the suspected target, but this matter will take some time, and we may not have the results we want."

"Okay," p5092 nodded. "Don't think about it. Are there any more famous snipers recently ... I know there is a combination in which a sniper is particularly powerful, but they only have a sniper. "

The lieutenant wondered: "You mean the controller of that white mask?"

"Yes, they are both," p5092 said.

They shouted on the communication channel: "Sir, I found a suspicious location, and there are signs of collapse in the weeds here."

Having said that, all the squadrons of the reconnaissance sequence started to gather in the direction of 11 o'clock, and began a carpet search again within a kilometer of the location where the clue was found.

p5092 waited quietly in the command vehicle to see if anything was found, but he didn't expect too much, after all, more than four hours have passed since the two snipers fired.

However, at this moment, an exclaimed voice came from the communication channel: "There are actually two dead bodies here!"

p5092 froze: "the specific situation!"

The frontline commander had arrived at the place where the corpses were hidden, and the bodies of the two barbarians were simply covered with a branch, so they were easily found.

"Not a gunshot wound," a rough autopsy message came from the front line: "One of the two people was pierced the neck with a sharp weapon and didn't know it was a sharp weapon. They even poked the spine directly in the neck. One person's wound was a scratch on his chest, a puncture in his heart, and a broken left arm. "

"I suspect that the barbarian who was pierced through his neck was ambushed by someone, and the barbarian who accompanied him wanted to kill the enemy, but he did not prevent the other person from cutting his left arm with a knife. Then the perpetrator drew his sword and pierced his heart, and inserted it into the heart of the barbarian. The report is complete. "

There is also a current sound in the communication channel. After listening to the simple autopsy report, p5092 fell silent. He could even imagine through this simple words how the blade and blood were flowing at the time, and how ruthless the killer was. Absolutely.

The blade cut through the arm muscles of the barbarian, and then cut the hard bones. The broken arm and the startled eyes of the barbarian were reflected. The killer blade swept across the barbarian's chest, and suddenly gave the knife a fatal blow.

But p5092 didn't figure it out. He thought it was just two snipers. Why did he suddenly jump out of a close-handed and so fierce master?

Is it a sniper and other comrades? Or are these two snipers already fierce?

It was said that before p5092, they were worried that these two snipers would be dangerous when they came close to the barbarian. Now it seems that the barbarian is dangerous.

"Close up," p5092 said, "Tonight camp, first-level alert to prevent barbarians from attacking at night."

After that, he turned off the communication equipment on his hand, and the assistant officer on the side asked, "Sir, will these two snipers become our hidden danger?"

p5092 shook his head: "Don't think about it so much. The people who can retreat together at this time are friends. As for the friends who are not friends in the future, they have to wait until the war is over."


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