The First Order

Chapter 844: Hunter and prey

The blood mist burst from the barbarian's head was still in the air, but this shot did not seem to scare the rest of the barbarian out.

There are still three barbarians lying in the river, holding huge axes, like ghosts in the river.

When the cooking class came to the river to carry water, they did not even carry the most basic weapons. To be honest, they did not expect an enemy to hide here.

A barbarian shouted: "Don't flinch, we can't run away from the sniper here, we can hack some if we can hack some!"

Behind is the river, even if it re-jumps into the river, it will take time, so these barbarians know very well that they must die, but they need to pull a few backs before dying.

The remaining three barbarians continued to chase down towards the cooking class, and the action was extremely fast, but before they took two steps, two more sniper bullets flew up and directly penetrated the hearts of the two barbarians.

The soldiers in the cooking class were so scared that they had to throw the buckets, only to find that there were only four barbarians who had just got out of the river.

Before they were shocked, the team leader of the cooking class sternly said, "Do n’t you be scared of yourself, there is only one person left. If this can scare us, it would be too shameful to say it back then. Come together and kill him! "

At this time, the bloodiness of the cooking class was also inspired. Although they had not fought in the past, they were also soldiers who had undergone regular military training!

During the talk, the cooks no longer flinched, but slowly approached the only barbarian left, only 5 seconds, this group of cooks had formed a battle formation.

The barbarian stared coldly at the crowd, sneered with an axe in his hand, and suddenly charged in the next second.

The leader of the cooking class roared and rushed: "Fuck him!"

But the sniper did not intend to give them this opportunity to show their faces. The three roars before the sniper rifle in the distance had not stopped. The roaring voice was still in the ear. As a result, the barbarian's chest burst into blood again. His hide is like a rag puppet that was blown up.

The battle started fast and ended quickly. A group of people in the cooking class stood a little dazed. Is this over?

The squad leader said to a soldier, "Go and report to the sergeant, and say there is a barbarian ambushes here!"

Having said that, the two cooking soldiers ran towards the barracks madly, and took p5092 and others to the riverside for more than ten minutes.

A group of soldiers were surrounded by p5092, holding an explosion-proof shield in their hands, for fear that the sniper who did not know where to hide was trying to make a mistake.

As a result, p5092 waved his hand: "Let's just let it go. If you protect me so hard, I can't see anything."

The lieutenant anxiously said, "Sir, your body cannot hold the sniper rifle."

p5092 pushed all the soldiers around with a smile and said, "Relax, these two snipers are not our enemies, so don't be so afraid."

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu saw p5092 squatting beside the barbarian's body through a target lens in the distance. He muttered, "This is not p5092. He doesn't seem to be afraid of snipers at all. He is quite brave."

p5092 crouched beside the barbarian and asked calmly, "You said before, when they came to carry water, they suddenly appeared, right, go to the two t4 to see the river for any clues."

Having said that, the two t4s took off their jackets and plunged into the icy biting river water, and then they went ashore and said, "These barbarians should have been ambush here long ago, and there are still fish skeletons that have just been eaten by the river. "

The fish were caught by the barbarians in the river, and they were eaten raw and bitten without any treatment.

p5092 nodded: "This group of grandsons really like sneak attacks. The other party guessed that we would definitely have someone come to the river to replenish water sources in the morning, so we ambush here. Give me an order, and then all people must be equipped with live ammunition when entering and leaving the camp. And hand-held grenade launchers, cooking squads, engineering troops and other technical arms are going out, two **** teams are required to escort. "

"Received," the deputy noted.

However, p5092 was even more puzzled: "The four barbarians were each killed with a single shot. We don't even know that barbarians are hidden here. Why can the two snipers predict in advance?"

This feeling was strange, as if the barbarian was hunting, but he did not expect that he was also regarded as a prey.

The barbarians hid themselves in the mountains, claiming to be experienced hunters, and they acted like applause to the Central Plains, but they did not expect that there were hunters in the mountains who were more experienced than them, and they regarded them as prey, and knew What he wants to do can guess where they are hiding.

p5092 looked up to the other side of the river, beckoned in the direction of Ren Xiaosu's and Yang Xiaorong's hiding, and Ren Xiaosu was happy: "This p5092 is a bit capable, let's go and find other barbarians."

Ren Xiaosu was convinced that p5092 could not see them. Even he wanted to see p5092 needed the assistance of the target lens. The opponent should have judged the ballistic direction from the bullet hole on the barbarian.

The lieutenant next to p5092 watched the chief beckon, and wondered, "Sir, did you see those two snipers?"

"I didn't see it," p5092 smiled. "But I know they must still be there. Go back when you are done. Enter the mountain again in an hour. Today, search for 12 more areas and send me these barbarians to Longtan. Go near the canyon. "

"Then the two snipers don't care? Suddenly there are such uncertain factors in the battlefield, maybe they will interfere with our battle plan, at least we must get in touch with them. If they can cooperate with our actions, Better, "the aide said.

"No matter," p5092 teased: "Don't you think there are two of them here, will we die a lot less? This is the most important thing. Remember, our real battlefield is on the northern defense line, and the barbarian here is also It just gives us a chance to warm up, and before I reach the northern front, I need soldiers with enough morale to face everything more cruel. "

An hour later, when the main force entered Dashishan again to complete today's siege task, they suddenly discovered something strange.

"Report to the sir, the front line returned news, and three barbarian corpses were found at Mangling in area 17."

"Report to the sir, the front line returned news, and two barbarian corpses were found at Kunyu in area 15."

"Report Chief ..."

In just half a day, the main force in front of the search for the Dashishan Mountains actually found the bodies of more than 20 barbarians in one fell swoop. Among them, some were killed by sniper rifles and some were directly killed by sharp weapons.

The place with the most corpses contained seven barbarian corpses. These apparently experienced frontal battles, but they were all dead. In other words, the people in the mountain who were helping them clean up the barbarians had the power to kill the seven barbarians.

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