The First Order

Chapter 845: Real hunter

"It looks like an encounter," the lieutenant looked at the bodies of the seven barbarians through the screen in the command car, and he analyzed.

"Not a skirmish," p5092 said, shaking his head. "You see the terrain here. There is only a mountain road in front and back. The terrain is relatively narrow and it is a semi-closed space."

"What does the sir mean?" The lieutenant was not stupid. He responded immediately: "In many incidents, there are only the most barbarians here. Seven appeared at a time. They are most likely responsible for hunting down and solving the two snipers. , But the result was brought here by snipers. The special feature of the terrain here is that when the barbarian finds that he can't fight, he can't run anymore. So the two snipers were confident enough to lead them. Come here. "

"That's right," p5092 nodded. "If seven people flee, it will take some effort to catch them, but there is only one way forward and backward, even if the barbarians escape, they can only run in one direction."

"Then these two snipers are too fierce," the lieutenant wondered, "how can anyone beheaded to kill seven barbarians, they must be extraordinary."

"More than that," p5092 shook his head again: "The two people were not injured. They have completely crushed the power of these seven barbarians. I believe that even if the number of barbarians is increased by a few more, I am afraid the results will be exactly the same. So they The ability to kill seven barbarians is because there are only seven, not that they can only fight seven. "

Therefore, it is difficult for them to guess the strength of the sniper from the number of barbarians. They can only know that the opponent is very powerful, even if t5 is here.

There are not many such people in this world.

The lieutenant wondered: "Are you saying that it might be the person you said before ... is the controller of the white mask?"

"It's possible, if he came, it would make sense," p5092 nodded. "Continue the carpet search, mark each place where the barbarian body was found, and the number of barbarian deaths."

The combat staff on the side hurried to live according to the instructions of the chief. As a result, they were marked with a red pen, and everyone noticed that the entire map was densely red.

p5092 lamented: "Their range of activity is too big. In just half a day, more than 50 barbarians have been killed? In two days, wouldn't they be killing the barbarians in the entire Dashi Mountain?" Absolutely? "

However, what p5092 does not understand most is how exactly do people hunting barbarians in the mountains find barbarians because they know barbarians too well?

At this moment, gunfire sounded in the communication channel of the command vehicle, and the lieutenant picked up the communicator and calmly asked, "What's going on?"

"Report sir, there was a sound of sniper rifles just about 400 meters away from us. I think the two snipers are close to us!"

During the talk, there was another gunshot, followed by a series of sniper rifles. It seemed that there was an extremely fierce exchange of fire there.

p5092 said immediately: "Look for their shooting targets to approach the past, do not try to approach the two snipers."

With that said, ten combat squadrons immediately moved among the front-line fighters in charge of the carpet search.

It seems that the distance of four hundred meters in a straight line seems very close, but the distance of four hundred meters in a straight line between mountains and mountains may take tens of minutes.

By the time they reached the battlefield, the sniper guns had long ceased, and the snipers did not know where they had gone.

Immediately afterwards, the Tinder soldiers quickly searched for the sniper's shooting target, spreading out with the sound of the sniper gun, searching all areas within a 1.5 km radius.

If it is an ordinary sniper, in fact, their search radius of 800 meters is almost the same. Most snipers can hit the target accurately within 800 meters, even if they are very powerful, but these two snipers are too powerful and they are the best in snipers .

Soon, they found the battlefield near a river. At this time, more than twenty barbarians were lying on the riverside. The corpses stretched from the river to the woods. The blood of those barbarians kept flowing out and the mud on the shore was flowing. They all gave Yin Hong.

On the ground, there were still water bags made of animal skin. The water bag opened the plug, but it was empty.

Tinder soldiers slowly approached, and a command came from the communication channel: "Check the footprints in the woods to see if anyone in their team escaped."

Soon, the Tinder soldiers reported: "Confirm that this barbarian was wiped out by the river. There were only footprints in the woods when he came, and he did not leave."

Because the mud on the river bank is wet, and the barbarian is tall and big, it is impossible to completely hide his footprints.

P5092 frowned in the command vehicle: "So, these two snipers probably prejudged that these barbarians would come here to fetch water, and then ambushed in advance."

He fetched the map, but couldn't see what was special about the place where these barbarians took water.

"Strange, why are they convinced that the barbarians will come here to fetch water? There are three rivers running through the mountain and more than a dozen streams. Why is this here?" The deputy wondered.

"Maybe this is their special ability," p5092 sighed.

In the morning, these barbarians were certain that a soldier would go to the river to fetch water, so they ambush in the river, and then encountered a sniper. By noon, these barbarians were also ambushed by others for a small matter of fetching water, and met snipers again.

This feeling is like a person who can predict the future in the battlefield, controlling the balance between life and death.

Originally, some Tinder soldiers always felt that they were being looked at like a prey when searching for a barbarian.

Now the real hunter is here, and the barbarian has become a prey.

p5092 told the frontline commander on the communications channel: "Leave your soldier rations in place, and retreat, don't stay there."

The deputy asked: "Do you want to leave them alone?"

"They don't necessarily take it, but I believe they can see my kindness," p5092 said.

While talking, p5092 kept staring at the map, and then marked the location of the river and the number of dead with a red pen on the map.

However, he suddenly found out: "The scope of this sniper's killing is like a fan. How do they feel like they and we are thinking of going to the same place, they are driving the barbarian in the direction of Longtan Canyon."

In the p5092 battle plan, he intended to force all the barbarians near Longtan Canyon, and then wiped them out in one go. As a result, the opponent did the same.

Did the other side do it unintentionally, or did the other side judge their intentions based on the movement of the scout ahead? Then come together to complete the plan?

If it was the latter, then the sniper's instinct was a bit keen.


Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, if you read qq if you are happy, you can also vote for a monthly ticket. Now the first sequence basically has the opportunity to expose the monthly ticket list ...

Thank you Yi Muhe and Mo Yue for becoming the new alliance of this book.

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