The First Order

Chapter 846: robbing!

Dashishan Battlefield For Tinder and the Barbarian, it was originally a battlefield between the two sides, but the arrival of the two people led to a sudden and confusing battle situation.

Not only was p5092 curious about Ren Xiaosu's true identity, but even the barbarians were a little sceptical. The number of people who died in these two days suddenly increased, and what they couldn't accept was that the death of their comrades-in-arms was a meaningless death.

These barbarians were, without exception, killed by sneak attacks.

Some were shot and killed in the dark, others were killed by hiding in unexpected places. To be honest, the whole expeditionary army had never fought such a panic, and they did not even know where the enemy was. So many people were killed.

In the night, a five-man barbarian was marching northward in the woods. They had discovered that all directions were blocked by the main force of the Tinder Force, a large number of troops were stationed, and temporary fortifications were built.

Under the command of p5092, this main force forced the barbarians northward step by step. The barbarians seemed to have no choice but to retreat to Longtan Canyon.

The barbarians of the five-member squad moved forward in silence, and they shuttled through the woods in a straight line without even talking.

However, they are not traveling fast, because during the walking, they also need to clear the traces they have passed, so as not to be found and tracked by the Tinder forces behind.

However, walking along, the front leader suddenly looked back, he suddenly found that there were only four people left in the team!

Captain Wu stood back with an axe and asked coldly, "Where did Valery go?"

Until then, the rest of the talents turned back in shock and found that the companion named Valery had disappeared. During this period, they did not even hear the movement of Valery!

The captain asked the fourth barbarian in the team: "Gennady, where has Valery gone? He has been behind you all the time, did you not find out when he left the team?"

As soon as this word came out, others were also confused. Almost everyone kept a distance of three meters during their journey. It may make sense for the people in front to hear nothing, but Gennady definitely knew that Valery was going. Where is it.

But Gennady didn't answer the question, just continued to walk forward, walking posture ... a little stiff.

Moonlight shone on everyone through the branches and leaves of the woods, dappled like borneol, and Gennady's weird walking posture seemed to numb the scalp of the other two.

When Gennady walked, there was a ticking sound, as if a thick liquid had fallen on the rotten leaves on the ground.

The captain suddenly raised his axe and pointed at Gennady: "Stop, don't come any closer, or I'll hack you now!"

The rest also found something wrong, and they had to raise their axe to be vigilant, but at this time it was too late to find something wrong!

Suddenly, a shadow of a young man carrying a black knife flashed behind Gennady, and the young man still had a little smile on his face.

When he flashed out, Gennady's sturdy body would no longer have the strength to support it, and fell straight to the side. Only then did the barbarians realize that this Gnaj had been closing his eyes just now, just a tree shadow. Mottled so that they did not see clearly for a moment!

Gennady died long ago, and the tick was the sound of blood falling to the ground!

It's too late to think about it. The boy in the woods has already waved his sword. The bearded man in the woods has to raise his axe to block the shadow of the black sword. He has even figured out **** the enemy in front of him.

For them, killing the enemy never seemed to be a particularly difficult matter, just crushing it with force.

A scene that can scare the barbarian happened. When the black blade was passing over the axe, the axe made of unknown metal was cut into two pieces without even stopping the blade for a moment!

Ren Xiaosu didn't stay in front of this person, and the sword's death hadn't stopped, he had passed by the person before him, as if the person was faster than the sword.

Then, the next person watched his companion become halted, and he had no time to think about it, and Ren Xiaosu had already come to him.

The remaining two barbarians have seen the sharpness of the black knife with their own eyes, and they will not use their axe to chop again. They must know that the axe of the expedition is made of alloy. Who can think of this axe Will it be cut like tofu?

Between the light and the flint, they have realized that their companions have died inexplicably in the past two days, I am afraid the young man in front of them has done so.

Thinking of this, the two barbarians yelled side by side, and the shadows were shaking more than once in the woods, but suddenly their eyes fluttered, but Ren Xiaosu was not in front of him.

fast! too fast!

The thoughts of the two barbarians flashed at the same time!

By the time they reacted, Ren Xiaosu had stepped to the left of the two.

The rotten leaves stepped under the young man's feet, and the accumulated rotten leaves that had not covered how many layers suddenly exploded under the huge stride force, flying around the small millet body like a crow!

The barbarian on the left waved his axe instinctively, but only halfway through it, he found that he could never move again!

At this time, he horrified to find that his axe was actually grabbed by the young man from the middle, and snatched it away!

The barbarian didn't want to let go, but a huge force came from the axe handle, and the boy just waved at will and threw him together with the axe!

The barbarian was forced to release his axe, and the whole man flew out.

Ren Xiaosu murmured with an axe in his hand: "I just want to play with an ax, I didn't expect it to be very tight!"

Now that his physical fitness has reached an astonishing 16.5 and 16.1, these barbarians are only three hundred pounds, making it as easy to throw and play.

During the conversation, the barbarian who was thrown out hit his waist against the tree. The severe pain in his waist almost shocked him, and he clicked with a crisp sound. The barbarian's lumbar spine cracked, and even his thick trunk clicked It was overwhelmed by the noise, and the plant fibers broke one after the other.

Captain Wu was the last one. He saw that Ren Xiaosu's strength was not what he could compete with, so he turned and ran.

But Ren Xiaosu raised his hand and threw out the axe in his hand. The axe was buzzing as the air flew in the air, as if the air was swept to the sides.

Before the Chief Wu ran ten meters away, he was split into the back by an axe, and even his spine was split openly!

Ren Xiaosu walked over and picked up two axes. He looked at the large axe more than one meter long and said with emotion: "The thirty-second one."

In the past two days, Ren Xiaosu suddenly became interested in Barbarian's axe. He didn't know the material of the axe. It felt that it was comparable to the nano-knife I had seen before.

Although he didn't know what the use of this thing was, he didn't need the black knife after all.

But the process of grabbing other people's stuff and picking it up is always very happy ...

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