The First Order

Chapter 849: Strike Camp!

When the creatures in the wilderness began to change, the river became dangerous.

In the early years, there were still people going down the river to catch fish. Nowadays, people who are fishing must be careful. If the fish is not stable, they will be bitten by the omnivorous fish.

Kong's fishing industry is very developed because it faces the sea in the east. However, in recent years, the industry has rapidly declined. It's not that the fish is out of sales, but it can't go to sea at all.

At this time, the barbarian in the north did not know what kind of animal's knuckle bones they had taken, so that the group of fierce fish could be spread out. It seemed that they had already prepared the backhand.

Qingyan River is the main river in Dashi Mountain, and its direction is from northwest to southeast. In order to pass this river, Tinder has even built a strong arch bridge.

Now, this Qingyan River is the source of water for the main force of p5092, the closest bank to the camp, but only 300 meters away.

When p5092 ordered the main force to launch an attack on Longtan Gorge, the entire Tinder main force camp became empty. There was no lively scene in the past. From the outside, it even felt a bit deserted.

It took a few days for the main Tinder forces to force all the barbarians into Longtan Canyon. Now is the time to harvest the fruits. In order to ensure that the main troops can complete the rolling encirclement of the barbarians, they have not sent the cooking team So when dawn came, no one noticed the danger was approaching.

Outside the Longtan Gorge, the mortar units of the Tinder Corps have carried out final commissioning and targeting, and all the passages that can enter and leave the gorges have been built with temporary fortifications and closed by heavy machine guns.

In this way, the Tinder Force can ensure that absolutely no barbarian can leave alive in this canyon.

The frontline command reported to p5092 via communication equipment: "Sir, all deployed, and now waiting for the investigation company to confirm the number of barbarians in the canyon."

"Let the reconnaissance company come back and fire directly. The fire covers the entire canyon. Plow it inside for me to say again," p5092 said calmly in the command car of the camp.

Mortar shells are worthless. Before in the mountains, I just could n’t determine the position of the barbarians, so I did n’t use this stuff. What they do these days is not to gather the barbarians together and then use the fire to shoot them all.

The scope of Longtan Canyon is not large, and it is not difficult to conduct fire coverage.

Of course, there will still be many barbarians survive after the firepower is covered, but at that time the combat effectiveness of these people will also plummet.

The next moment, the frontline commander hung up the communication equipment and ordered the mortar unit to fire: "fire, cover the entire area!"

This time, the barbarians are no longer facing small-scale hunting and killing when they are guerrillas, but they are powerful hot weapons that the Central Plains really rely on to survive!

The explosion in the canyon was mixed with screams and roars. It was not until this moment that the frontline commander was relieved. The reconnaissance company was stopped before the reconnaissance company penetrated the canyon, so the Tinder Army was not sure if the barbarian was real inside.

Although the plan is very meticulous, p5092 has commanded the troops to block the whole mountain step by step, but before getting a conclusive answer, no one can really guarantee that they will really force the barbarians into the canyon.

As long as there is a 1% chance of an accident, there is still a change in the real war.

Now, the frontline commander can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When the artillery ceased, the front command immediately ordered the infantry regiment to enter the canyon to complete the final harvest.

The infantry regiment put on a gas mask, and then they used a grenade launcher to launch a large number of tear gas bombs into the canyon.

The gorge was filled with faint white smoke, and the Tinder soldiers plunged into the gorge in a tight formation.

But just 30 minutes after the infantry regiment entered, the communication channel immediately sounded a whispering report: "The number of barbarians is wrong, there are only more than a hundred barbarians!"

The front commander frowned: "Are you sure?"

"It is confirmed that all the barbarians who survived the artillery in the canyon have been captured. According to the information given before the investigation sequence, there should be about 300 people in this canyon, but there are only more than a hundred here."

"Direct interrogation!" The frontline commander shouted in the communication channel. "Just direct interrogation in the canyon and ask them where the others are!"

But at this moment, a barbed man with his arms bound kneeled on the ground and spit out blood and blood. He sneered, "In order to catch us, we don't even want our family?"

The infantry regiment's officer suddenly cried out, and he shouted on the communication channel: "I'm afraid the barbarian is attacking my army camp! Sir, will you help?"

The frontline commander's face changed, and he yelled at the correspondent: "Give me a command vehicle!"

But the correspondent shook his head: "No connection! There was no response there!"


Outside the camp, hundreds of barbarians climbed up the river bank like water ghosts. They looked at the camp near 300 meters, and then threw the water trace of the giant axe in their hands.

The headed barbarian sneered: "Charge, the expedition will remember you, and when the general builds a palace on the land of the Central Plains, your name will be engraved on the stone tablet in front of the palace."

Then he suddenly shouted, "Long live the Expeditionary Army! Charge!"

The next moment, hundreds of barbarians like water ghosts rushed up, and the sound of heavy footsteps on the river bank sounded like a drum of war.

For ordinary people, a sprint of 300 meters takes about 40 seconds, and for these barbarians, it can be reached in 10 seconds.

Ten seconds is short-lived for a war that may last months or years.

The barbarians have already figured out **** the soldiers in this camp, and they will be the first advance troops in the Expeditionary Corps to kill the senior commander of Tinder!

The headed barbarian rushed faster. Among the beasts, he seemed to be the strongest leader, and his physical fitness was obviously stronger.

The next moment they suddenly dazzled with searchlights. The barbarians blocked the glare with their arms. A vaguely 30-year-old officer was standing in the camp, and the other was neatly carrying the army. The hat stood with his hand, and this man was the p5092 that the barbarians wanted to kill most.

In front of p5092 was a heavy machine gun position formed by dozens of soldiers.

p5092 laughed aloud: "Everyone came from afar, and we as landlords did not prepare any gifts. It was really rude. However, I can give you a surprise."

The barbarian leader froze for a while, and it would have been long expected that they would attack the camp!

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