The First Order

Chapter 850: Feeling targeted

When they saw the machine gun, the barbarians who were about to charge immediately looked for a bunker and went down.

Before the barbarians raided the Tinder Camp, the two sides had played many games in this big rock mountain. Of course, if it wasn't for the appearance of Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan, the two sides might have fought even harder.

p5092 knows that it is only a matter of time now that the barbarian army in Dashishan is gone, since he has led the main force of Tinder.

Not only p5092 determined this end, in fact the barbarian is also very clear, they are the daredevil.

But the daredevil team is more valuable, so killing the high-ranking officers of the Tinder is the most valuable thing.

Every senior commander is a valuable resource that is spent by a force to train and train. Not everyone can replace it. The level is slightly worse. The temporary commander who replaced him may bury the total failure of the war. Hidden danger.

Therefore, killing senior officers is actually a very important and lethal thing.

However, before p5092, the barbarian did not expect that the other party could have expected them to come.

In order to delay time, they even left more than a hundred people in the Longtan Canyon to confuse their sight, thereby delaying the speed of the main force's recovery.

Prior to this, they have confirmed many times that Tinder did send out almost all of its main force, but since the other party knew that they would come, why should they foolishly leave the camp empty.

So, does the other party really find themselves waiting for someone to come? Or did you only discover it when someone and others got out of the water and then set up a temporary machine gun position between the emperor?

The centurion of the barbarian looked coldly at the machine gun position ahead. There were only a few dozen people there, and the fortifications were extremely rude and messy. It didn't seem to be prepared in advance. He suddenly laughed: "Bluff."

At this moment, the centurion was certain that perhaps the wrong number of people over the canyon had been discovered, so the other party would take precautions in advance here, but it is only a little late to take precautions now?

A gleam of white glimmering above the sky in the distance appeared to be sunrise!

"You detour, I'll solve the weapons of the Central Plains!" The centurion set off and then set off again, and only needed to give him another 2 seconds, he could rush into the machine gun position.

The centurion ran like a fierce brown bear, and the machine gun began to spit out a long tongue of fire. However, the centurion was extremely flexible in the charge, and even the muzzle could not catch up with the opponent's speed!

Moreover, p5092 suddenly saw the opponent raised his hand and threw out the huge axe in his hand, and the axe screamed and chopped on the machine gunner with precision.

After the axe split into the machine gunner, it was more than cast away, and even the machine gunner flew backward, showing how terrifying the power!

p5092 frowned when he saw this: "It seems that there are also powerful individuals in the barbarian. This matter should be reported up and not be blinded by them."

Seeing that the machine gun had stopped, the centurion yelled, "Charge!"

The rest of the barbarian rushed out from behind each bunker like a cheetah. A huge axe was thrown at the camp, and the fire soldiers became numb with scalp.

"Lying down," p5092 said calmly to the soldiers beside him. "Your mission has been completed. You do not need to participate in the next battle."

With that said, he even caught an oncoming axe and threw it back.

The power of this throw is much greater than that of the opponent!

The buzzing flying axe was slicing on the forehead of a barbarian!

This is the advantage of Tinder's senior officers. Perhaps it is an advantage that most forces in the world cannot match, that is, their officers are powerful and never have to fear the so-called beheading.

However, at this point the centurion was close to the camp, and the barbarian behind him was behind him.

If approached by hundreds of people, p5092 will die tragically on the spot, no matter how powerful it is.

Between the electric light and the flint, the military tent in the camp suddenly collapsed, and the barbarians found in shock that nearly a hundred people were hidden in the tent!

And the centurion found that the first person who rushed out of the tent was faster than him!

The centurion was originally going to rush into the machine gun position to kill, but the other party came first, and he was intercepted before he rushed into the machine gun position!

p5092 stood smiling more than ten meters away from him and said, "Just throw the net, t5, these barbarians will be given to you."

The voice did not fall, and the t5 rushing out of the rear tent had already met the centurion.

The centurion raised his hand and hit his fist, but t5 was faster than him. Before the centurion ’s power was fully released, t5 had already grasped his arm and followed his punching power. Throw him out with four or two pounds.

At the moment when the two sides crossed each other, t5 threw a lightning punch on the centurion's soft underbelly. This punch almost gave the centurion a breathless shock and passed!

Although the centurion is strong, he is not yet an opponent of t5!

There were also nearly a hundred Tinder fighters rushing out of that tent at the same time. They all wore special sequence uniforms, and even the armbands were different from ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, even if the machine gun position in the barracks is for p5092, it is still just trying to let the barbarian cover it lightly. The real lore is the special force led by t5 behind him.

After receiving a command to go north, this special force that ran through barrier 31 was divided into three groups to perform three different tasks, and the group led by t5 was directly p5092. It was transferred to temporarily cooperate with the main force.

The tinder warriors in these special sequences have been holding their breath, and at the 31st barrier, they were accused of doing nothing, shopping first.

Nothing else, because they failed to complete the task of destroying intelligence agencies, secret prisons, ordinary prisons and assassinating Condon.

Holding their breath, they wanted to fight a beautiful battle, killing all the barbarians in Dashishan without leaving any.

According to the original plan, it should be that they divided half of the troops into the mountains to kill the barbarians, and then forced the barbarians to retreat into the Longtan Canyon.

But before they did, they heard the news that someone had finished what they were going to do.

With more and more barbarians killing each other in the mountains, T5 even suspected that the group of people who had grabbed their heads in the 31st barrier also came to Dashishan.

At some point, t5 felt like he might have been targeted ...

At that time, p5092 also smiled and comforted: This is not the same person who grabbed your task in the 31st barrier before, rest assured that this time will definitely make you great achievements.

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