The First Order

Chapter 854: Looking for Zhang Xiaoman

The door of the department was closed, leaving only the wounded, students, the dean of the health center, and the person in charge of the advance base to look at each other.

For the students of Qinghe University, Ji Yi's status is very high. Jiang Xu is the honorary president of Qinghe University and teaches social humanities and politics. In the city, these two people are no different from the stars, their fame is extremely high.

Now, the respected editor-in-chief of Ji Yi actually calls you a teenager, which makes the students who have just been blamed for questioning Ren Xiaosu overwhelmed.

"What the **** is that boy about?" A student murmured, "Chief Editor Ji still respects him, this is definitely not a pretense."

"It's unclear what it is, but since Editor-in-Chi respects him so much, it seems that we were reckless before, and we apologize to him later ..."

The students who come here are not bad at heart, they all bring their blood to protect their homes, which is why Ren Xiaosu did not conflict with them just now.

It's just that the student's age seems to be very assertive, but it is easy to be misled by one-sided things.

In fact, if it wasn't for Ren Xiaosu's doctor status, maybe the students would also associate Ren Xiaosu with the boy who rescued Luocheng. But the difference between the doctor's status in treating illness and saving people and the status of the killing of the war is too great.

So that the students didn't even think about it, let alone the students, even Ji Yi couldn't believe it ...

As the students whispered, the director of the Institute of Health also asked the person in charge of the Qianjin Base: "Isn't he a doctor in the Trinity Society? I haven't heard of such a big figure in the Trinity Society before." . "

"Unclear," the head of Qianjin Base shook his head: "Just when a p5 officer left Qianjin Base, he specifically explained that he would take care of him, and it seems that he has a very good relationship with that p5 officer ... "

When p5092 led the troops to leave the base, they did account for this, and p5's status in Tinder was basically the same as Jiang Xu's position in Los Angeles. Even if it was worse, it was not much worse.

The t-sequence is the level of combat effectiveness, while the p-sequence is the command level. The two lines are parallel.

In other words, p5 may be at the same level as t4 in terms of combat effectiveness, but they are commanding officers and generally do not participate in melee killings.

t5 and p5 are equal in principle and enjoy the same treatment, but in actual combat, t5 is obedient to p5.

p5 is the highest level of the command sequence. The next level is the five bosses of Tinder, so the p5092 account, the p3 level such as the person in charge of the forward base must be kept in mind.

Having said that, the person in charge of the Qianjin Base was also a little puzzled. What is the origin of this boy? !!

At this point, Ren Xiaosu interrupted Ji Yi's concubine in the department and asked directly: "Is this the team you brought to the front line for an interview?"

"Yes," Ji nodded. "It's dangerous to be a field reporter. I have to be a soldier first. I can't just hide behind you, it's you ..."

"Don't you, Mr. Ji, you don't need to be so kind to me, I'm not used to listening," Ren Xiaosu corrected Ji Yi's title and asked: "I read in the recent Hope Media newspaper, Mr. Jiang Xu He has been condemning Wang ’s family. Do you hope that the media has strengthened their precautionary measures? Wang ’s often do some embarrassing things now, but do n’t let them hurt the old man. ”

Ji Yi smiled bitterly: "I also reminded the editor-in-chief, but you also know the editor-in-chief, and it's hard to persuade anyone. In fact, before I came, Wang's people had come to the door to talk to the editor-in-chief. But the editor didn't see it, and even to avoid suspicion, he would not let Wang ’s people enter the building that hopes for the media. But I do n’t feel that Wang ’s would do anything appalling for the news? ”

Ren Xiaosu sighed, "I hope not."

"Well, why did you suddenly become a doctor again?" Ji Yi wondered. "Are you ... identity cover? Do you plan to do anything on the Tinder side, do you need me to cooperate?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "I'm really curing the disease to save people, and now I'm an ordinary cardiac surgeon. By the way, it's dangerous to be a field reporter, aren't you afraid?"

Ji Yi smiled: "Before I was a little scared, but now that I know you are on the front line, suddenly I am not too scared."

As a witness who has seen Ren Xiaosu's ferociousness, Ji Yi always has an inexplicable trust when facing Ren Xiaosu, a life-saving benefactor, as long as the other party is here, nothing will happen.

As I was talking, there was a knock outside suddenly, and the person in charge of the forward base said outside the door: "Sorry to interrupt, there is an emergency."

Ren Xiaosu opened the door and asked, "What's wrong?"

The person in charge of Qianjin Base said in a condensed voice: "Just now a command from the Frontline Command has arrived. The north has already faced the war with the barbarians. The materials of the Qianjin base need to be transported to the north. New health clinics behind the front line. "

This forward base was previously built to connect the north-south transportation line of Dashishan, but it is still more than one hundred kilometers away from the north front. If the wounded are transported from the north for treatment, I am afraid that daylily will be cold.

Therefore, the establishment of a new field health clinic closer to the front line is an urgent matter.

Ren Xiaosu said, "I'll go and tell Father Wang Jing them and start as soon as possible."


Northwest, outside 144 barriers.

Five box trucks carrying goods are gradually approaching the barriers. From the Central Plains to the northwest, there are six sentry cards installed in the 178 fortress. The responsibility of these sentry cards is to check the goods to prevent anyone from entering unregistered dangerous goods northwest.

However, the five trucks came along all the way, and they were always unblocked. Whenever the truck arrived at a checkpoint, someone would say hello and let it go.

During this period, there is no inspection process.

Waiting for five box trucks to stand outside the barriers, the driver got out of the car and opened the rear cargo box. I saw Wang Yun and others sitting inside with their eyes closed.

The driver laughed: "Aggrieved several people have been hiding in the carriage for so long, get out of the car and go somewhere."

Wang Yun opened his eyes calmly: "There is nothing wronged or wronged, the greater sufferings have been eaten, and it is not bad."

On the same day, they escaped from the 31st barrier and nearly encountered the Tinder forces. Later, they entered the Wang's territory. Da Huyou had arranged a truck to **** them to the northwest in secret.

I have to say that this time the big flicker is still very reliable.

"Sir, where are we going now?" Wang Yun's soldiers asked while looking at the northwestern barriers.

Wang Yun thought about it and said, "Find someone named Zhang Xiaoman."


One more chapter tonight

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