The First Order

Chapter 855: What a special advantage!

This time Wang Yun, Ji Ziang and others went north, Da Huyou didn't follow, just because there were too many intelligences to collect in the northern warfare, and many countermeasures were also done while taking the chaos.

At this time, the field intelligence agencies in the Northwest quietly began the preparations for a project called "Daxing Northwest", aimed at countering more people with lofty ideals to join the construction of the Northwest after the war. in……

Of course, you ca n’t really do anything when you are unanimous now. Da Huyou is just preparing for the future.

Therefore, after Wang Yun went north, they still needed to find someone to contact them, namely Zhang Xiaoman.

Wang Yun looked at the No. 144 barrier in front of him, and saw that the gate was open, and a large number of merchants shuttled at the gate. Some people had just moved from the middle to the northwest, and others had prepared goods in the northwest to return to the Central Plains.

Beyond the barriers, the original market town has no idea how many times it has been expanded into a huge wholesale market. People scream and sell in the market, and the shops in the barriers will buy here.

The whole market town is vibrant and lively.

Ji Ziang looked at the scene and asked, "Have you ever been to the Northwest before?"

"Have been here," Wang Yun nodded and said, "I came to the Northwest to hunt down the traitors while I was still working in the field. At that time, Zong was still in management."

"What did the Northwest look like before then?" Ji Ziang asked.

"I didn't enter the barriers at that time, I just stayed in the market town for a short time. The market town at that time was no different from the Central Plains, and even more bitter than the displaced people in the Central Plains. After all, the materials here were poor." Wang Yun recalled: "Now It's completely different. Even the market towns of Los Angeles are not thriving in the northwest. "

"Yeah," Ji Ziang nodded. "This is still the market town we remember, maybe we made the right choice."

Wang Yun walked to a place where wholesale hardware was asked, "Brother, where are you from?"

"Me? I'm a native of Northwest China," the middle-aged man who wholesales hardware laughed. "Why do you ask?"

"We just came from the Central Plains, we just want to ask the situation, brother, were you in the barriers before?" Wang Yun asked, when he thought that these people should come out of the barriers to do business, how could the refugees have the capital to do business?

"No, I'm a refugee," the middle-aged man laughed.

"Then where did you get the capital?" Wang Yun wondered.

"The 178 people approved small interest-free loans and said that they are used to help us do business. I heard that refugees can also apply, so I went to apply," the middle-aged person explained with a smile.

Wang Yun took a moment. All consortium banks have a loan business, but before the loan, the qualification of the lender must be checked, and mortgaged assets are also required.

But there is definitely no asset for this refugee to mortgage, and I have not heard of any consortium bank that will lend to the refugee, and it is still interest-free.

When it comes to loans, in fact, this is more like supporting funds, it is a trick to help the refugees turn around.

The middle-aged person laughed: "But there are no refugees or barriers in the northwest. Everyone is free to enter and leave the city. The identity of the refugees is no different from that of the barriers."

Wang Yun said with emotion: "The fortress 178 has great courage."

Before Wang opened a barrier to refugees, the whole world felt that Wang had taken this step too far, but he did not expect that the class difference between refugees and barriers would be abolished in the northwest.

Of course, the barriers will definitely be a little bit abandoning the refugees, but over time, the refugees and the barriers are exactly the same, and who can tell clearly.

At this time, Wang Yun and their own witnessed that it took only a few months for the Northwest to undergo earth-shaking changes. They were truly shocked in their hearts, and they did not know why there was an encouraging power, as if given by this vibrant scene Infected the same.

They found the garrison of 144 barriers that afternoon, and Wang Yun handed a large handwritten letter to the gate of the barracks: "Please forward this letter to Zhang Xiaoman, leader of the trouble."

The soldiers at the door froze, and an officer explained to the soldiers, "Go, send the letter to the brigadier."

Wang Yun also hesitated for a moment. Didn't Da Huyou say that his son was just the head of a group? It seems he was promoted.

However, Wang Yun can also understand that after the 178 fortress swallowed the entire northwest, the site suddenly became many times larger, so they needed more soldiers to guard the land. The mainstays in the earlier troops will quickly go up even more. Important jobs.

After more than ten minutes, a soldier said to Wang Yun, "Several invited, the brigadier invited you to go."

When entering the barracks area, Wang Yun saw hundreds of troop transport trucks, and even goods wagons parked on the road, which looked very spectacular.

Wang Yun whispered, "This is the time to prepare for the war in the northwest. Look at the trucks, and some people are constantly moving supplies on top of it. If it is not a war, there is no need to set up this battle."

"Fight? With whom?" Ji Ziang frowned. "Is it with Qing?"

At this time, Zhang Xiaoman had already ushered in, and he looked enthusiastically at Wang Yun: "I have seen the letter. Welcome to join me in the Northwest 178 Fortress. I have passed the news of your arrival to Wang Fengyuan and he will send someone. Here to pick you up to Fort 178, don't you have any objection? "

Wang Yun nodded: "No objection, your father told us to arrange before coming."

"My father?" Zhang Xiaoman froze. "My father told you?"

When Wang Yun saw Zhang Xiaoman's reaction, he also held back!

Wang Yun looked at the letter written by Zhang Xiaoman in his hands. He tentatively said, "Dar Huyou said, isn't Da Huyou your father? Zhang Husheng? Do you know Zhang Husheng?"

But I saw Zhang Xiaoman suddenly angered and threw the letter to the ground: "Why is the old man **** taking advantage of me outside, my father works in the 178 fortress factory!"

Wang Yun: "???"

Ji Ziang: "?????"

To be honest, Wang Yun never imagined that Da Huyou even made such nonsense, and looking at Zhang Xiaoman's angry look, Da Huyou may not take advantage of him once or twice!

For a while, Wang Yun didn't know how to vomit about this big flicker. He really couldn't hear the truth in his mouth, and it was up to him to judge whether it was true or false.

Zhang Xiaoman adjusted his emotions and said, "You live in the camp for a day first, and Wang Fengyuan's people will reach barrier 144 tomorrow. There is still a very important thing on my side, so I won't accompany you to visit."

Wang Yun suddenly asked, "Are we going to fight in the Northwest?"

"You don't need to hide you," Zhang Xiaoman said. "Our infantry brigade will also go to the north tomorrow to fight the enemy from the north with the Central Plains."

Wang Yun froze, "Will you help Wang and Tinder?"

"No," Zhang Xiaoman shook his head. "This is not to help the Wang family and Tinder, but to help the Central Plains humans."

Wang Yun and Ji Ziang glanced at each other. The Northwest had no interest in supporting the Central Plains, but the 178 fortress made this decision.

Suddenly, Wang Yun said resolutely: "Then we will go with you. You need a person familiar with Central Plains to go to Central Plains, and all maps of Central Plains are in my mind."

Zhang Xiaoman thought for a while: "I have to ask for the above, but you have been touring the boat and just came from the Central Plains. In fact, there is no need to take a risk with our Northwesterners."

Wang Yun thought for a while and said, "We are now Northwesterners."

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