The First Order

Chapter 856: Squadron

The eighth infantry brigade under the northwest 178 fortress set off from barrier 144. This time when the army was relocated, the northwest did not even do any cover-up work, and went directly to the Central Plains battlefield.

In the past few months, the blank hope media originally in the northwest has also opened branches in two major barrier cities, barriers 178 and 144.

The printing of other barriers is directly sold by distributors.

For the entire Central Plains war situation, such a high-profile announcement by the Northwestern people to participate in the fight against the enemy in the north is enough to inspire everyone.

The Barrier Alliance has been established for more than two hundred years, but it is probably the first time that human beings in the Central Plains have united again.

This land has undergone a long period of secession. When the culture appeared to be broken, and after the consortium carefully modified the teachings, many people would even forget that before the catastrophe, everyone was actually a compatriot and a nation that should be united together.

But now, it seems that the northern people ’s slaughtering of the city has enraged the entire Central Plains. I hope that the words “exciting” and “winning” will appear in the newspapers of the media.

The 178 fortress agreed with Wang Yun and the eighth infantry brigade's request. For the time being, Wang Yun, Ji Ziang, and Wang Yun's men were not granted titles, it seems that they will wait until the end of the northern war.

On the march, it was amazing that Wang Yun and Zhang Xiaoman unexpectedly became very good friends.

In fact, these two people have very different personalities, and their living habits and hobbies are similar, but they just became friends!

Is it because Wang Yun likes the boldness of the Northwest? No.

Is it because of Zhang Xiaoman's hospitality? Neither is it.

It's because they both like to sullen ...

This hard-won friendship is maintained by Da Huyou alone.

Wang Yun sat in the car and asked, "I heard that you were the leader when you parted with Da Huyou. How did you get promoted so fast? You said your father was working in a factory. Is it a quartermaster factory? hard?"

Ji Ziang turned his head to Zhang Xiaoman. He was particularly interested in this matter because he wanted to know if there was any power class in the northwest.

"No, don't look at me like this," Zhang Xiaoman laughed. "My dad's factory is producing socks. It took me a few days to become a brigade commander, but you think I can lead an infantry brigade. Victory? I'm not a commanding genius! "

Speaking of this, Wang Yun and Ji Ziang were stunned first. It seems that there is something hidden about Zhang Xiaoman's becoming a brigade commander?

Zhang Xiaoman laughed: "Although Zhang Xiaoman likes bragging, he still knows a few kilograms and a few pounds. He had a sharp knife earlier and it was okay. After being the head of the team, he felt that there was too much to learn. I just learned how to be a regiment commander, and suddenly I became a brigade commander. I still had to take a soldier to fight the war. I couldn't do it. "

"Does the 178 Fortress let you go to the Central Plains for another purpose?" Ji Ziang wondered: "This is not right. Now that the Central Plains is facing war, it is just when unity is needed, and the Northwest has never participated in the struggle between consortia. It makes no sense What other plans are there for sending troops? "

"Don't stop, you want to get out of the way," Zhang Xiaoman said with a cheerful smile: "I'll ask you a question first, where are our Northwest young marshals now?"

"Oh, the Central Plains, we saved him," Wang Yun said.

"That's right. I didn't really understand why the commander appointed me to the Central Plains in the beginning. Later, I realized that this is for my soldiers. This is for the young soldiers." Zhang Xiaoman His eyes were gleaming: "If other veteran generals are arranged to go to Central Plains, then the veterans who lead the soldiers may not agree with the arrangements, what can I do if the young commander does not move, but I will be different. The commander knows that I will definitely not The handsome came to me, so I asked for this battle. "

Other brigadiers, such as Zhou Yinglong, Chai Zhilong, and so on, are those who have led soldiers for many years. They already have their own rules on how to march.

Therefore, after meeting with Ren Xiaosu, these people may not be allowed to leave Xiaosu.

It does not mean that they do not see Ren Xiaosu, or do not recognize Ren Xiaosu's identity, but that they have their own opinions.

But Zhang Xiaoman is different. First, after this cargo rocket promotion, he was more guilty. Secondly, when he was in Jiandaolian, he had always been under Xiao Su's command.

So Zhang Xiaoman guessed the intention of sending him to the Central Plains almost the first time, which is to trust his command ability? It was clear that he wanted him to assist Ren Xiaosu in bringing out the first armed forces!

And he Zhang Xiaoman, when he was in Jiandaolian, had already become Ren Xiaosu's line ...

Moreover, after Wang Yun and Ji Ziang asked to travel, the headquarters quickly responded with a quick answer. You should know that these are two extraordinary people. Zhang Xiaoman was muttering in his heart at that time. Really cost money.

But having said that, Wang Yun and Ji Ziang were all rescued by Ren Xiaosu. This is a natural relationship.

After this battle, when there was another battle, Ren Xiaosu would not have to start from scratch because he already had a run-in army at that time, even if it was only an infantry brigade.

Zhang Xiaoman suddenly asked, "How did the young marshal rescue you, you didn't say in the letter, you talk about it in detail."

"The two of us were still in the secret prison at that time, and Da Huyou came forward, and then he found that he could not be rescued by himself ..." Wang Yun said here, and he was not angry.

Then Wang Yun detailed the process and said that the 31st barrier was destroyed. Zhang Xiaoman said with sincerity: "The young man is as fierce as ever ..."

Ji Ziang suddenly asked: "I heard Da Huyou said that your commander in the northwest must come from a sharp knife, is it true? Now that young commander also comes out of the sharp knife?"

"You're asking the right person about this," Zhang Xiaoman's face glowed red. "I don't have enough people. At that time, it was the young commander of the young commander! We followed the young commander from Shichuan Town to the North 146 barrier ... ... "

"Wait," Ji Ziang said for a moment: "You are his company commander, why did you follow him to the north ..."

"Ahem, these details are not important," Zhang Xiaoman said. "Apart from these details, we were indeed born and died with him at the beginning. But after that battle, do you know why the Northwest served him?"

"Because he broke barrier 146 by himself?" Wang Yun asked.

"No," Zhang Xiaoman shook his head and said, "There are not many powerful extraordinary people, but not too few. Are we strong people to be served? No. We serve him because he told us before he went north. No one can die, and then we really have none. "


There are two chapters tonight, but it should be very late, I'm still sorting out the plot

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