The First Order

Chapter 857: New game

70 kilometers north of Dashishan is a vast plain and woods. The main Tinder troops will gather here and plan to lay a 31-kilometer line of defense horizontally. Only 7 kilometers have been completed.

A large number of exiles and barriers were recruited to the front. Not only engineers and maintenance staff, but all powerful adult men were recruited.

After these refugees and barriers came here, the only thing to do was to race against time and build the defense line as soon as possible.

Hundreds of brick kilns behind the defense line burned bricks day and night. Because of the need to make bricks, the sediment in the nearby river was dug out, and the river channel was widened more than ten times.

I have to say that this scene is very shocking. If overlooked from the sky, that horizontal line of defense "grows" to the sides at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

I hope the media report is that when a foreign enemy strikes, a new Great Wall is erected again in human history.

The plain on the north of the New Great Wall originally had no name, and at this moment it was named Dingyuan Plain. Because Tinder has learned that the barbarian army is called an expeditionary army, they plan to stop the barbarian on this Dingyuan Plain, and when the time is ripe, they will be sent back to their hometown.

No, the main purpose of this war is to effectively kill the living forces of the barbarians with the greatest possibility.

If it is just defeated, but not enough people are killed, then I am afraid that not too many young people will make a comeback again.

The Dingyuan Plain has a single terrain here, and can maximize the power of thermal weapons when facing the barbarian.

Originally, Tinder was the most favorite army to fight in complex terrains, only because of their high physical fitness. Once encounters in the mountains, no matter whether it was Kong or Wang, they could only be channeled by their beheaded rats.

Even if Kong had more troops than Tinder, he would be slowly toppled by Tinder. This is the huge advantage of Tinder's high per capita physical fitness.

But now it is different. Although barbarians do not have heat weapons, their physical quality is better than that of Tinder.

In terms of Tinder's own strength, the average level of Tinder here is between, but almost everyone can reach t3.

And after Dashishan played against each other, p5092 submitted a very detailed combat report, one of which is important: there are also more powerful individuals among the barbarians.

In the area of ​​the Dingyuan Plain and the New Great Wall, the barbarians have fought several times with the main forces of the Tinder, but they are still in the trial phase.

At this point, the third Tinder Division led by p5092 has arrived at the front line and is stationed in the strategic place to which he belongs.

However, the first thing p5092 did was not to rectify the military affairs and the defense line, but to hang the barbarian corpse he killed in Dashishan first to the most conspicuous place outside the line.

As a result, there were hundreds of wooden stakes outside the new Great Wall where p5092 was located, and the barbarian corpse hanging on it was shaking in the wind like a rag bag.

I have to say that the slaughter of No. 176 has already angered all the Central Plains, including Tinder.

What p5092 has to do is to anger the barbarian.

For this matter, he even ordered the main force that entered Dashishan at that time not to let go of any barbarians, and then loaded all the corpses and transported them to the front line.

There are crows circling above the sky, it seems that they can't wait to devour the bodies of these barbarians, and the Tinder soldiers don't care, let them enjoy them.

p5092 knew that the barbarian's outpost must be secretly looking at it, and that was enough.

The lieutenant on the side whispered: "Sir, you are doing this, I'm afraid it will make the barbarian very angry. Then the pressure of the entire line of defense will not be concentrated on us."

p5092 stood on the new Great Wall in the wasteland era, and looked at the Great Wall stretching from under his feet.

He said coldly, "Then let them come, it's just what I want."

At 11 o'clock that night, dozens of lighting tracers on the New Great Wall suddenly launched into the sky, releasing huge heat and light.

When the lighting tracer flew up, it began to fall slowly. Then, all the tinder soldiers on the Great Wall used this pink light to see that there were thousands of barbarians running on the ground in the north.

p5092 watched this scene calmly: "Are you really irritated, the striker forces went out of the nest. After explanation, after entering the range, they will open fire without leaving room."

The deputy said, "What if they run away?"

If the opponent fires as soon as he enters the range, that is to say that the opponent can withdraw slightly from the fire coverage, and it will be difficult to kill more barbarians.

p5092 could not have been unaware of this. The senior Tinder officer took off his black lambskin gloves and said, "It doesn't matter, it's my plan."

New lighting tracer bombs were continuously launched into the sky by the Tinder soldiers. Some people watched the barbarians whispered quietly: "These barbarians run fast and look like brown bears. If they are approached, I am afraid that The line of defense will be torn instantly. Wait, you see, the barbarians in the front row seem to be dragging something. "

The next moment, someone suddenly ordered: "Fire!"

The heavy machine gun bullets at night are orange-red visible to the naked eye. When a series of bullets are fired away, the machine gun bullets that are lined up in a swing are like a long whip, which is drawn straight to the barbarian striker!

The garrisons in other areas on the Great Wall were shocked by the war here, and they took out their telescopes and watched. Someone talked to p5092 and asked if reinforcement was needed, but p5092's answer was not needed.

At this time, everyone saw through the telescope that those who were running in the forefront and the most majestic barbarians suddenly erected a huge shield dragged in front of them, and that shield was more than two meters high!

At the same time, the five barbarians held a shield made of multiple layers of special leather and were still advancing fast. The shield was thick and solid.

This shield is very heavy, and even the special constitution of the barbarian must be joined by five people to lift it.

When the machine gun bullet finally arrived, the bullet hit the shield and made a sound like a storm slap on the ground. The front face of the shield was cracked everywhere by the bullet. It was surprising that the heavy machine gun was slow to fail. This shield is completely broken!

The lieutenant was shocked, and did not know what the shield was made of. If he really put the opponent into range for a long time before firing, I am afraid that the opponent can rush below the line of defense with this shield alone, and then they can easily rely on their powerful Physical fitness ascended the Great Wall, tearing the line of defense.

The lieutenant glanced at p5092: "Sir, did you expect them to do this?"

"No, it's better to be safe. You can't be too greedy in the battlefield," p5092 shook his head. "At least you can't think about how to get the opponent out of the net before you figure out the truth of the opponent. Be prepared to enter the mortar, be careful, today Late fighting has just begun. "


The next chapter will be very late. Because the king has always been short-handed in describing the big scenes. Although the first sequence has been completed, it has not reached the level I expected, so I will write it carefully, and I hope everyone forgive me.

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