The First Order

Chapter 858: Gaming and winning

The sound of heavy machine guns at night was deafening, and the orange-red bullets were thrown out in a pragmatic manner, while in front of it, the barbarian forward troops who were constantly attacking.

In this scene, the soldiers just took a look and listened to the sound of guns in their ears, they felt that their adrenaline was constantly rising.

"This group of barbarians don't really think that they can run in this way," murmured a tinder soldier, and he turned to look at the tarpaulin-covered machinery, the city walls, and the heavy machinery under the gray-green tarpaulin. Stand quietly.

p5092 silently watching the barbarians getting closer, and the leather shields they were holding were getting closer. The lieutenant said, "Sir, can't wait any longer, if the shield has not been beaten when they rushed into the distance of 300 meters, Rotten, our defense is dangerous. "

But even then p5092 didn't speak, because these thousands of barbarians stretched for several kilometers, and the last batch of barbarians in the rear had not yet entered his expected location.

He calculated the distance in his heart until one moment, p5092 said, "The artillery fired."

The gray-green tarpaulin on the city wall was suddenly pulled away by the soldiers, and a series of rapid-fire artillery guns suddenly showed their true content. In the third division operation sequence of p5092, it is not the pride that the fire soldiers are higher than ordinary people. Physical fitness, but artillery forces.

There are two special infantry brigades in this third division. Each infantry brigade consists of 18 artillery companies, and every 6 artillery companies form a separate combat sequence. They gather artillery fire to complete a single target's rapid fire coverage. .

This huge artillery matrix can even become a huge "artillery company" when necessary, just to hit targets in the same area.

In the Longtan Canyon, it was only a small test for the artillery company. Now is the time for the Third Division to shine, and it is for this reason that p5092 dare to hang the barbaric corpses outside its own defense area, do not mind The barbarian came to punch his defense.

Instead, he would hope that the anger of those barbarians could burn more vigorously and rush closer.

The caliber of the rapid-fire artillery equipped by the artillery unit is only 76.2 millimeters, but its rate of fire has reached an astonishing 20 rounds per minute. At this rate of fire, accuracy must be sacrificed, but p5092 does not care at all.

The barbarian is a target moving at high speed. Emphasizing accuracy doesn't make much sense. Rather than aiming carefully, it is better to plow the ground with artillery.

When the barbarian entered the range of one kilometer, the light fast-fire artillery above the city wall began to growl. Compared with them, the sound of the previous heavy machine guns could only be regarded as barks, and these artillery were real beasts!

The huge artillery matrix was just the first round of firing, and they blasted the chargeless barbarian formations into pieces. The leather shields they used to cover were extremely small under the action of shells.

Tinder soldiers above the Great Wall can't wait to cheer. Before they heard about the slaughter of the city, they were all very angry, and some people said that the scouts saw these barbarians pile the body of No. 176 people into hills outside the city. In order to swear the power of the expedition.

Some people have seen sporadic records of the pre-catastrophic war in the book. The book says that the Chinese text was also slaughtered during the war. The number of deaths in a war was hundreds of thousands, and most of them were innocent civilians.

That battle was defined as the day of national shame, and everyone must remember it.

Now, the significance of the slaughtered city of No. 176 for the entire Central Plains is that it makes all the Central Plains soberly aware that this is a battle of racial survival and an endless battle.

Since the day that the barrier 176 was slaughtered, this war has no possibility of peace talks.

When the artillery troops began to plow the ground, the barbarians finally began to retreat. In the presence of the powerful firearms of the Central Plains humans, they had to retreat.

But just now p5092 was too heavy to breathe, and waited until these barbarians rushed into a range of one thousand before ordering the artillery troops to fire, so even if the barbarians retreat, there are not many people left.

A forward unit composed of thousands of people, and hundreds of people alive can be considered lucky.

The lieutenant asked, "Sir, do you pursue?"

"Follow me up," p5092 said coldly, "according to the b plan I made before, the rest waited for daylight to hang up the bodies of these barbarians and let more barbarians remember here."

Speaking, the main force of Tinder began to attack, and the feeling of overwhelming the army made the artillery units on the wall feel excited.

They drove the off-road vehicle with this heavy machine gun northward in order to complete the final harvest on the battlefield.

But at this time p5092's face still did not show the joy of victory, he ordered people to bring a telescope and looked at the distance quietly.

More than ten kilometers north of the Great Wall, there will be a forest there. The Tinder Forces still want to investigate the strength of the expeditionary army hidden in that forest, but all the incoming scouts have lost contact.

No one knows exactly what's hidden there, just these forward units? p5092 feels more than that.

The main force of the third division was getting closer and closer to the woods, and those who survived were rushing towards the woods like a fate.

Slowly, due to the uneven terrain, the main Tinder formations began to lose some of their formations, and some companies rushed forward and some fell behind.

At the moment when the forefront troops were about to enter a two-kilometer range outside the woods, to everyone's surprise, there was a fire in the woods.

When the Tinder unit that chased out first was hit by heavy machine gun bullets, there was even a mortar sound in the woods.

But the next moment, the barbarian hidden in the woods suddenly found that, except for the hundreds of Tinder soldiers who died in the forefront, the other soldiers even retreated at a distance of 4.5 kilometers away from the woods, as if they knew their fire coverage. Yes, left early!

At this time, the barbarians realized that the main force of Tinder was not left behind at all, but that it did not follow up on purpose, but the momentum of the main force's pursuit came so that the barbarians could not tell the truth.

Moreover, no one noticed that the lighting tracer in the sky had stopped for some time, which was like one of the details carefully prepared for the attack. Without the tracer illumination, the barbarian could not even see the specific situation of the main force of the fire.

In this short game, many people did not expect that barbarians would even use thermal weapons. Before that, everyone thought they would only cut people with axe like an aboriginal!

But p5092 used the lives of hundreds of people to tell the other Tinder commanders that the other party was more cunning than they thought.

However, in this short game, p5092 won again.

The lieutenant asked: "Sir, how do you know that the barbarian will use hot weapons?"

The so-called plan b is the attack plan. From the beginning, p5092 did not intend to really kill the remaining barbarians, but to use the death squad to spy on the truth.

Although some people died in this game, for a huge war, being able to get hundreds of people's lives to obtain extremely important information is absolutely worthwhile for a commander.

Just as Ren Xiaosu concluded, although the Tinder group of people are fighting the enemy from the north, this will not affect their fierce and cold nature.

If this victory requires his p5092 sacrifice, then p5092 will probably sacrifice himself without hesitation.

They are cruel to others and to themselves. Everything they ask is for the final result, and the process is not important at all.

"Although they have lost the manufacturing process of thermal weapons, everyone knows the power of thermal weapons," p5092 said slowly. "After the fall of barrier 176, there was a large number of armament forces there, and the barbarians did not make sense. However, in determining I could n’t guarantee it before. Go to the intelligence system. Before dawn, I need to know what heavy firepower has been accumulated in barrier 176. "

With that said, p5092 turned and walked down the Great Wall. This would be a protracted war. There is no need to consume yourself on the Great Wall.


Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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