The First Order

Chapter 872: Hearing the battle plan

"Why are they hiding from you?" As Yang Xiaojin walked down the steps to the Great Wall, he asked in confusion: "What did you do when you were cooking?"

When Ren Xiaosu went to cook before, he went alone, so Yang Xiaorong didn't know what good things he had done.

Ren Xiaosu laughed, "It's all right, don't pay attention to these details."

At this point, Yang Xiaoquan gave him a strange look, and said that it would be okay to be okay. He squinted at the tinder soldiers and did not dare to look at Ren Xiaosu!

"By the way, the little black guy that p5092 gave you can really go in and out of the barracks freely?" Yang Xiaoquan asked, "You said you should try ..."

Having said that, Yang Xiaoquan probably understood why these tinder soldiers did not dare to look at Ren Xiaosu. This method of trial and error definitely sounds ugly ...

The two walked up to the city wall and looked out at them, but not the distant woods, but the corpse of the barbarian who stretched out under the city!

I saw the tinder soldiers erected thousands of wooden stakes outside the Great Wall, and then hung the corpses of the barbarians one by one, and Ren Xiaosu took a breath of air: "This p5092 is fiercer than I thought. Is the barbarian attacking this wall? "

"It looks like it," Yang Xiaorong nodded.

Ren Xiaosu turned to look at the Tinder soldiers not far away: "Come here."

The Tinder soldier was desperate: "Sir, I really can't sing ..."

Yang Xiaohibin: "... hehe."

Ren Xiaosu hurriedly said, "I'm not asking you to sing. I'm asking you something. Have these barbarians ever attacked this wall?"

"Yes," Tinder soldiers said with relief. "They started offensively and wanted to draw out the main force of the Third Division. Later they died a lot. So many of their bodies were hung under the walls. Moral, so many times came to **** the body, but all were beaten back. "

Ren Xiaosu nodded, no wonder the barbarian corpse in Dashishan was gone, and the co-author was brought here by p5092.

To say that this p5092 is also a ruthless man. He saw that there were no corpses under the walls where other troops were stationed. When the time comes to fight, I am afraid that he will suffer the most attacks here.

Ren Xiaosu asked: "It seems that it has already begun spring, and the weather will be getting hotter and hotter. These corpses may cause a plague if they are hung outside the city walls. Even across the city walls, the virus may be blown by the wind."

"It's okay," said the Tinder soldier. "These bodies were marinated with lime."

Rao is a person with no contraindications to Ren Xiaosu. Hearing these words is a bit speechless. How can all Tinder soldiers be so fierce that they sound like pickles?

However, at this moment, there were dense black spots on the horizon. The Tinder soldier said to Ren Xiaosu, "Sir, please hurry down, here comes the barbarian!"

With that said, the soldier started to report the enemy's situation on his own communication channel, and only 2 minutes later, the entire Third Division moved, and p5092 quickly came to the wall.

p5092 ignored Gu Shang and Ren Xiaosu, and picked up the telescope to look directly.

"What are they doing?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Look," p5092 smiled and handed the telescope in his hand to Ren Xiaosu: "These barbarians are just doing useless work."

When Ren Xiaosu looked at the telescope, he saw that the barbarians had actually transported some wooden posts across the distance, and then hung a corpse of the Central Plains on it.

It's just that this kind of behavior is of no use to cold-blooded animals like Tinder soldiers. The kind of thing people at Tinder like to say is probably "emotions are useless."

"Continue vigilance," p5092 said, and invited Ren Xiaosu to sit at the headquarters with him.

After entering the headquarters, Ren Xiaosu swayed and pulled two chairs to sit in front of the lieutenant and various staff officers, and one chair was for Yang Xiaorong.

As he picked up the newspaper on the table, he curiously said, "If you have so many corpses hanging outside the city, aren't you afraid they will concentrate all your forces on you by then?"

"Don't worry," p5092 shook his head: "The third division is the main firepower unit among the tinders. If the barbarians come here, they will only ask for help, and the barbarians are cunning. They have been trying to attack the third division's premises these days, but In the general attack, it is very likely to attack the other walls unexpectedly. "

"Ou," Ren Xiaosu understood, and co-authored p5092 also had his own plan. The other party gave the barbarian several headaches these days, and then deliberately created hatred. In fact, when the barbarian launched his total attack, it was probably the barbarian that had the least force. Area: "But aren't you afraid of being clever and being misinformed, in case they really plan to shoot you, and the rear supplies are destroyed, your shells may not be enough?"

p5092 smiled and did not want to answer this question, but asked Ren Xiaosu's life: "How, are you satisfied with our arrangements after coming to the front line? The field hospital is also temporarily built, and you are also assigned a temporary dormitory."

"Satisfied, very satisfied," Ren Xiaosu laughed. The field hospital in the entire military camp is an independent area. There are no masonry buildings and all are temporary military tents. Originally, he and Yang Xiaorong should have crowded with other people in the collective dormitory. After all, On this condition, everyone sleeps peacefully.

It was only after p5092 specifically explained that the field hospital had vacated two separate tents for the two people, and the entire field hospital had the same treatment for the two and the director.

p5092 laughed: "Take it away for your little black book, but don't sing the soldiers anymore ..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Ren Xiaosu embarrassed, "I don't want to let them relax. Okay, you can do it, I will leave after reading the newspaper."

"Well, you can do it yourself," p5092 said, and began to convene the lieutenant to meet with the combat staff, on the one hand to convey the news brought back by the scouts, and on the other hand, to formulate the next battle plan based on these messages.

During this period, p5092 and others did not avoid Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoyun at all during the meeting. The movement of the barbarians and the plan of the tinder were all left for Ren Xiaosu to listen to, and it seemed that Ren Xiaosu was a member of Tinder.

After listening to it for a while, Ren Xiaosu probably understood that Tinder had less information about the barbarians. Everyone is still in the tentative stage, and the most important task of the Third Division is not to effectively kill the barbarians, but to find out how many troops the expeditionary army has. .

As the so-called confidante knows every victory, only to find out how many people there are in the barbarian can Tinder know what to do next.

In case they thought that the barbarians had only 100,000, and then jumped out 100,000 while beating each other, then everything was all over.

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