The First Order

Chapter 873: Unobstructed

With the voice of p5092 and other people meeting, Ren Xiaosu calmly looked at the newspaper, while the lieutenant said that you are too familiar with it, do you listen to this military secret casually, wouldn't you avoid it yourself?

However, he remembered what p5092 said to counteract, so he shut up and didn't speak.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the newspaper. Previously, he hoped that the media newspaper had 16 editions. As a result, the content has been temporarily expanded to 24 editions, of which 8 editions are all about the war, in order to comprehensively report the war.

What made Ren Xiaosu somewhat surprised was that the newspaper said that the 178 fortress also sent troops to the Central Plains and was expected to arrive 7 days later. Zhang Jinglin, commander of the 178 fortress, had already held a conference call with Wang Shengzhi, and the two sides had formulated a common battle plan.

In this news, Ren Xiaosu saw the name of Brigadier Zhang Xiaoman. He secretly whispered in his heart, is this Xiaoman promoted to the ranks soon, has this become the Brigadier?

However, the barbarian is not so good at dealing with it, and I don't know if there is a good countermeasure for this northwest army? To be honest, Ren Xiaosu was a bit eager to leave Tinder and join the 178 fortress.

Fighting with Tinder, how can you fight with your brothers in the Northwest.

Ren Xiaosu got up and left, he said hello to p5092 at the meeting: "Leave me."

p5092 smiled and said, "Come here often."

With this casual greeting, there is a kind of old friend saying goodbye to his boss in a frequent noodle shop ...

After Ren Xiaosu left, the deputy could not help but said, "Sir, why do you value this kid so much?"

"Continuing the meeting," p5092 said calmly. "Now the plan to counter him is very necessary. The third division lacks high-end individual combat capabilities. We ca n’t always rely on those special forces. I have already applied for the headquarters. I sent t5 here, but the problem is that there are so many main forces and everyone is applying. "

Now that the times have changed, p5092, as a war wise senior officer, naturally knows that high-end combat power can also play a great role in group operations, so it is so urgent to want to counteract Xiaosu.

And he met in front of Ren Xiaosu, thinking that even if he did not succeed now, in the event of a fight between Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi, he would at least know what Tinder was going to do.

One of the good things about this war is that you don't have to worry about spies, at least the barbarian has no time to develop spies.

Ren Xiaosu walked on the way back to the field hospital. He whispered to Yang Xiaorong and said, "Is this p5092 a little strange to me?"

"I see it," Yang Xiaogen said casually. "Even if the officers make a plan for the battle, you can listen to it. It is not surprising that it is impossible."

"And he also gave me a p5 officer certificate, allowing me to go in and out of the barracks freely," Ren Xiaosu continued muttering.

"What on earth do you want to say?" Yang Xiaorong raised her eyebrows.

Ren Xiaosu pondered for a moment: "Will he like me? This is not possible. I have to tell him that I have someone I like."

Yang Xiaorong: "... Do you think so?"

"Ahem, just kidding," Ren Xiaosu said, "I mean, has this product already guessed that the two of us have helped him in Dashishan and Qianjin Base?"

"It's possible," Yang Xiaohibi said. "After all, in Dashishan, it was suspect that we went out to pick medicines at the base."

"So, he guessed that we were the two snipers," Ren Xiaosu nodded. "Then he might guess that we are from the northwest like Wang Yun?"

Yang Xiaorong frowned, but this could not be ruled out.

Ren Xiaosu continued: "So, he now releases goodwill to us, allows us to come in and out freely, and then lets us observe military meetings. Maybe he wants to ... Daxing Northwest?"

From Ren Xiaosu's point of view, if the other party guessed their identity and then showed such a kind attitude, it was like saying: Trick me, quick trick!

For a while, in Ren Xiaosu's mind, p5092 had suddenly become a good comrade who wanted to take the initiative to go to the northwest of Daxing. He didn't even think about it, the other party actually wanted to reverse him ...

Ren Xiaosu didn't even think about it!

What he doesn't know is that although p5092 has a superb commanding talent, it does not have the strong memory ability of Wang Yun. From a different perspective, p5092 is a macro tactical genius, and Wang Yun's ability is focused on details. Clues are completely different.

Therefore, p5092 did not know that Ren Xiaosu belonged to the Northwest, he just wanted to counteract Ren Xiaosu.

Back to the field hospital at night, Ren Xiaosu saw a group of students gathered at the gate of the field hospital and was stopped by a combat team.

These students are now assigned to field hospitals, and receive some simple medical training before the full-scale war has erupted, and then wait for the war to begin. They are the most basic medical staff, responsible for some simple wound cleaning and bandaging. .

Although they seemed to be in a hurry to train, the problem is that this condition is now in place. There is no other good way to let them continue singing and dancing on the northern front.

At this time, a tinder soldier explained loudly: "The field hospital has implemented martial law. You cannot leave the field hospital after 7 pm. Outside is our military barracks. It involves military secrets and cannot be fused."

A student shouted, "Why do we keep us in there? We just want to visit the Great Wall."

"Sorry, no," the Tinder soldier said.

Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaorong went straight to the field hospital without saying anything, and went straight to their temporary dormitory. When a student saw them, they asked the Tinder soldiers: "If they don't go out, why aren't they two, we will No? "

As a result, the Tinder soldier said: "They are friends of my third division commander and they are holding black documents. If you also have black documents, you can come and go as you please."

The students were speechless. Everyone came from the North together. How could the young boy be a friend of the third division teacher? What's more, that black document is something we haven't heard.

Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoguang didn't bother with them. When they returned to the tent door, Yang Xiaoguang went directly into his tent, and Ren Xiaosu also planned to follow it.

As a result, Yang Xiaoquan turned around and said with a smile, "What are you doing in my tent? Your tent is beside you. You are not allowed to enter my tent."

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "I have a small black card, and they said that they can freely enter and leave the military camp anywhere with this certificate ..."

Yang Xiaoguang stared at him with a smile, and Ren Xiaosu finally acknowledged himself and returned to his tent ...


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