The First Order

Chapter 883: Tinder Decision

Information on the deployment of the barbarian fire was submitted by the deputy of p5092, and because p5092 submitted this document in its own name, the headquarters attached great importance.

After all, there are so many p5, p5092 is still one of the best.

However, when this document was browsed by high-level officials, the headquarters immediately issued a notice to hold a temporary emergency meeting. The participants were all the main army generals within the Great Wall, and the meeting place was in the third division.

On the afternoon of the same day, a long convoy ushered in the gate of the third division. They stopped at the gate and showed their credentials. They were released and then headed straight for the headquarters of the third division.

Ren Xiaosu also saw these teams and always felt that something big would happen.

Professional soldiers entered the p5092 headquarters with cold faces, and the attendants beside them were waiting outside.

At this time, there was an old man who got off the off-road vehicle and walked into the command tent very calmly. All the Tinder soldiers would salute him when they saw him.

Ren Xiaosu had heard people say in the holy mountain before that Tinder is now controlled by five scientists. Will this old man be one of them?

From a distance, the old man is plain-dressed and does n’t even have a watch on his hand. If the other party is walking on a barrier street, Ren Xiaosu may think that the other party is just an ordinary old man who is preparing to go out to buy food for his grandson to cook.

In the command battalion, more than a dozen people sat by the table, which was already the leader of all the main forces on the front line of the Great Wall.

The old man looked at everyone and said, "Call everyone, just to study, the next battle plan, p5092 here fought a beautiful victory yesterday, and also brought back the barbarian's 7 fire deployment information, this Very important. Time is urgent. In order to prevent the barbarians from transferring their firepower deployment, we must decide whether to counterattack as soon as possible. However, we must first confirm with p5092 whether the information is accurate. "

p5092 thought for a while and said, "The information I submitted to you is absolutely accurate. Next to it is a sand table. I p5 guarantee that this information is accurate."

"That's good, let's talk about the next thing," the old man nodded.

At this time, a senior general said: "Since 7 firepower deployments have been determined, they will be directly destroyed by missiles, and then six main forces will be dispatched to complete the siege of the barbarians with crushing forces."

p5092 frowned suddenly: "p5041, would you say that you would send out six main forces at once, would it be too risky?"

The senior general looked at p5092 and said, "I am also out of trust in you. Since you dare to guarantee with your p5 level, there is no suspense in this battle."

"In case there are other Barbarian troops hidden in the forest," p5092 said, "I personally think it's better to be cautious."

p5041 explained: "If more barbarians are hidden in that forest, it will not allow more than a hundred of your third division to win the battle. And, I heard that they will retreat after winning the battle? No I mean, but all of this shows that the barbarians in the forest are nothing more than strong foreigners. I suspect that their main forces are now concentrated on Wang ’s side, and the battlefields on both sides are more than 200 kilometers away. Even if we launch a counterattack on the forest side, They are too late to help. "

p5092 was silent. Among the people present, only he understood that the reconnaissance company could withdraw from the body in special circumstances. That was because Ren Xiaosu was in the reconnaissance company. If it was not Ren Xiaosu, the reconnaissance company might not be able to return.

But he can't promote Xiaosu now. As long as Ren Xiaosu hasn't officially joined Tinder, then he can't tell others that he has participated in such an important operation with outsiders.

The old man looked at him and asked, "p5092, what plans do you have?"

p5092 said: "My idea is that after the bombing of the firepower, the third division will carry out a raid on the forest first, and then the two main forces will take charge of it. This will make it safer and safer. You have also seen that the barbarian is very cunning. of."

As a result, someone laughed at this time: "092, are you afraid that others will take your credit, rest assured that you have already obtained such important information."

p5092 sighed in his heart, some people said that where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, but in his opinion, there will be politics where there are people.

Workplace politics, office politics, temple politics, and so on vary, but political matters ultimately speak of the terms power and interest. In this regard, Tinder is no exception.

Since Tinder was stationed on the Great Wall, it is still the most prominent on the p5092 side. He first attracted the barbarian with a barbarian corpse, and then annihilated thousands of people with artillery troops. In terms of merit, he is now one of the most dazzling of the senior generals. Already.

You know, the group commanders above the divisions are still vacant, but the old man in front of them is also serving, but everyone knows that the old man's mind is not here.

Earlier, some people said that there was a suitable candidate above. It is said that something was engraved on the side of the Life Research Department, but the matter was later gone.

The news of p5092 should be more informed. He knows that the high-level copy of Qingxun, that is, the copy of Qingshen, but later Qingshen showed a rebellious tendency, and the army was not delivered to Qingshen. Instead, the other party was placed under house arrest in the holy mountain.

Now, after the war, I am afraid that the post of commander-in-chief of the group army will be vested.

However, for some reason, p5092 had no interest in this position, and when his colleagues showed that they were targeted, he only felt a little tired.

In his view, fighting is a very pure thing. It should be based on victory, and then make the most rational decision. It should never be disturbed by other factors. These factors are likely to lead to unstable factors in the war. .

At this time, the old man said: "I have twelve main forces in Tinder, so send six to counterattack, but the temporary command of this war plan is p5092, with the successful occupation of the forest as the time node. 092, I know you Concerns, but I also have to start with the big picture, not that I want to take risks, but that our tinders can't fight protracted battles now. "

After that, the old man waved his hands to adjourn the meeting. His old age led to a serious lack of energy, and just having such a meeting made his mind groggy.

p5092 followed the old man out of the command post, and he sighed at the door of the command tent. The old man finally chose to balance the relationship between the senior generals.

However, one thing the old man said is completely correct. After the destruction of the tinder materials, it is really impossible to fight a protracted war. This should also be the main reason for the other party to decide to counterattack with half of its strength.

If you don't win as soon as possible, then Tinder will not last long.


There are two chapters tonight, but it should be late

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