The First Order

Chapter 884: Identity exposure

At noon, Ren Xiaosu took Yang Xiaoquan to order food in the temporary third division cafeteria, and when he was out of the clinic, he saw students clumsily learning how to bandage wounds.

When Ren Xiaosu stepped out of the door of the health center, the students suddenly saw the soldiers at the door saluting Ren Xiaosu neatly and chanting: "Good sir!"

The students recalled that the soldiers just let go yesterday, but they did not ignore Ren Xiaosu at all, how can they look so respectful today.

In fact, before that, everyone just knew that Ren Xiaosu had a black card, but there was absolutely no respect.

But now the people of the reconnaissance company are back, and they praised Ren Xiaosu's powerful performance in the battle.

When the Tinder soldiers learned what Ren Xiaosu had done, they finally realized that it was no wonder that their parents had to give him a black card!

At this time, a student at Qinghe University said with a doubtful expression: "I always feel as if I've seen him somewhere, but I can't remember it."

"Maybe it looks a bit like a classmate. Didn't you listen to someone from the Trinity Society? They came from the Wang family," someone said on the side.

"No, he must have been to Los Angeles, otherwise why did Mr. Ji Yi call him‘ you ’? They must know each other,” said the student who was puzzled before.

"Then I don't know," everyone froze without answering.

However, the student who felt that Ren Xiaosu was getting more and more wrong, he went to the door and asked the soldier, "Please ask me, who is that person?"

"Ao, this is the hero of our Third Tinder Division. He took a reconnaissance company to infiltrate the northern forest last night. He is very strong. Not only is he powerful, but his girlfriend is also powerful ... I was on duty on the city wall yesterday and saw it with my own eyes. In order to save him, his girlfriend jumped down the wall with a sniper rifle and helped him to attack those barbarians who came after him! "

When the students heard the soldier say this, they suddenly froze.

Before, he didn't have any characters to remember who Ren Xiaosu was, but when it comes to people who are strong enough to make Tinder respect, and can get Ji Yi's respect, there are probably only a few of them.

Thinking of this, the student was already stunned. He listened to the Tinder soldier for a while, and then said to the classmates on the side: "I think I might guess who he is ..."

"Who," the students were puzzled.

"I'll summarize the information you have now. This young man is overbearing. He is an extraordinary person. He has a very powerful sniper around him, and he can also be respected by Mr. Ji Yi ..."

At the time of the melee in Los Angeles, Qinghe University was one of the incidents, so this means that they will know more and pay more attention to this matter related to themselves.

So, at the moment when all this information is put together, an answer is almost ready.

The students went to the field hospital to find Ji Yi, who was writing a manuscript, and asked if their guess was correct. As a result, Ji Yi let them leave without answering anything.

The answer without denial has explained the problem. Ji Yi does not lie, but he does not like to lie in this industry. When Jiang Xu once led Ji into the news media industry, he said something to Ji Yi that would affect his life.

At that time, Ji Yi had just graduated from college. Jiang Xu told him that as a reporter, if you tell a lie, you will tell a second lie.

At that time, I am afraid that you will not even believe the manuscript you wrote, how can you convince others.

The students seemed a little excited in the field hospital. To know that there are still two sculptures on Wangchunmen Long Street in Luocheng so far, look at Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaoquan, and recall the two sculptures, even if the sculptures try Hide the real face of Ren Xiaosu, but now students can compare it with some characteristics.

"Let's wait for him at the field hospital and ask him to sign us!" The students said cheerfully.

At this moment, Wang Jing and others stood aside: "Why are these students suddenly so excited?"

Liang Ce shook his head: "I don't know. I heard them say something or something. Did a star come to the barracks?"

However, just as they were chatting, those students came towards them. A female classmate suddenly asked: "Well, we want to ask Ren Xiaosu what he likes, what he likes to eat, what he likes to do, and you and him How long have you known ... "

Wang Jing and others looked at each other, wouldn't they? This group of people is actually talking about Ren Xiaosu?

With eyes on the students guessing Ren Xiaosu's identity, they became those who were caught in the drum. Liang Ce couldn't help asking: "Is Ren Xiaosu, and Ren Xiaosu in our team, one person?"

"Of course it's a person," the students confirmed the answer after Ji Yi was there. In fact, they didn't guess wrong.

Liang Ce could not help but asked, "Why do you ask him?"

The students were clearly surprised: "Don't you know?"

Liang Ce couldn't help crying: "What should we know, please give us some science ..."

"He is the guardian of Los Angeles. You do n’t know what happened in Los Angeles before. I hope it was reported in the media newspaper, although his name was not mentioned," a student explained. Then he saved a lot of our students at Qinghe University. Later, he went to guard the Hope Media. One person killed hundreds of gangsters under the Hope Media Building. Didn't you see Mr. Ji Yi respect him so much? "

"Also, the famous sniper in the battle in Los Angeles was the girl beside him! Oh, what's that girl's name?" A girl asked curiously.

"Yang Xiaorong," Liang Ce answered.

The girl's eyes lit up: "Ren Xiaosu, Yang Xiaohibin, the names all sound good."

Wang Jing wondered, "Are you sure he is him?"

"Yes, it is definitely him, and you have also read the hope of the media newspaper. Have you ever seen that sentence in the fifth edition? My cousin has hoped that the media has worked, and he said that it was Ren Xiaosu who wrote to editor Jiang Xu "The gossip expression on the female student's face is like chasing stars.

In this era, some people like female singers like Li Ran, of course, there are also people who worship strong men like Ren Xiaosu.

And Wang Jing suddenly froze in place. He had praised that sentence in the first place. He did not expect that the praised person was sitting opposite himself at that time. No wonder Ren Xiaosu's expression at that time was so strange.

For a while, Wang Jing seemed to have figured out a lot of things ...

That sentence also became clear again in his mind. Don't let the sorrow of the time be your sorrow.

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