The First Order

Chapter 961: Queen of Thorns

Behind the mountain on which the defensive position relies, there are hundreds of gray experimental bodies patrolling between the mountains. They are commanded by the black robes to stay here to kill all humans who intend to escape from this side.

The black robes did not allow them to attack the defensive positions directly, because there were people it stole from the expedition, such as the original striker general Valentin.

Many of these subjects were surviving soldiers but were caught by them. If these barbarian subjects appear on the battlefield, I am afraid that the expeditionary legion will also be suspicious of him, especially the barbarian Valentin. Do not let the expedition People in the Legion saw it.

At this moment, the experimental subjects who were waiting on the ground before hunting suddenly turned their heads to look behind them. There was a human breath there.

A breeze blew by, and the sweet aroma drifted along the wind, like a rose that suddenly bloomed in the night.

But the subjects didn't care whether it was an aroma or an odor, they only knew that since humans were here, they had to be killed.

However, before they could trace the source of the aroma, the subjects saw strange and dangerous vines spreading between the mountains.

The instinctual fear caused the subjects to retreat continuously, and they stared at the creeping vines that were constantly pressing towards them.

Valentin yelled, and a subject approached the wall-climber carefully, trying to grab the tentacles to see what it was.

It was only the moment it touched the tentacles of the wall-climbing tiger, the dense wall-climbing tiger on the ground bounced at the same time, and all of it went into its body.

This experimental body, which could not be penetrated by bullets, was directly pierced by the vine.

The horrible vine wrapped the subject into a silkworm pupae in an instant and dragged it into the mountains.

Suddenly, all the experimental subjects were close to the enemy, and they had never seen such a weird plant!

The subject still retains a low IQ, of course knowing how dangerous this wall climbing vine is.

The big girl between the mountains and the wild saw that these subjects no longer actively challenged the wall-climbing tigers, and slowly walked out: "Da Lao came across and saw you dirty things, really shame ..."

The subjects looked at the woman on the opposite side silently, and saw that the ten fingers on each other's hands were all wearing pearly rings, wearing a string of shiny pearl necklaces around their necks. It seemed as rich as rich ...

Moreover, even in the mountains, the other party was wearing a purple cheongsam. Who would wear this when fighting? Unless there is particular confidence.

In fact, the big girl is indeed very confident now.

At first, after she accepted the wall-climbing tiger of the No. 61 barrier, she never really tried how strong she was. She only felt that she had endless strength. Later, after she separated from the holy mountain with Ren Xiaosu, she did not. Idle, Da Yayi went northwest all the way, all the way to the bandits to test their limits.

As a result, the bandits were too weak, and she didn't understand the limits of her abilities ...

However, anyway, it is right now.

At this time, Zhou Yingxue could hear the sound of guns across the mountain through the mountain. The battle over there was fierce, and he had to catch up quickly.

Zhou Yingxue glanced at those experimental subjects, but he did not hide the disgusting look in his eyes, as if one more glance at this ugly thing would dirty his eyes, it was strange, and he did not see the black robe said by the master.

No matter what, let's die first.

Thinking of this, the vines around Da Yayi began to sweep towards the subjects. When the subjects wanted to escape, they found that the climbing vines did not know when they had completely surrounded them.

Yes, the grandmother surrounded all the test subjects by herself. Hundreds of test subjects transformed by the black robe painstakingly saw that the entire army would be covered in vines.

Valentin took the experimental body to tear a path out of the vines, but even if it is powerful, it can only do some unnecessary struggle in front of a wall-climbing tiger that can destroy a city.

The subject kept breaking the vine stuck to itself, but a new vine wrapped over it, as if the vine would never end.

"Don't struggle, I'll solve your problem here. I have to rush to save my master." As soon as Dayi's voice fell, I saw that the vines all over the mountain suddenly seemed crazy, and completely turned hundreds of experimental subjects. It was submerged, and it took only one second, and all the subjects were silent.

Shrouded in this level of ability, the battle is like an adult or a child with a completely unbalanced strength comparison. There is no suspense at all.

Grandma took out a satellite phone from her exquisite handbag: "Master, the experimental subjects here in Houshan have been solved, but I didn't see the black robe you said."

Ren Xiaosu's voice came over the phone: "Maybe he ran ahead again, but it's okay, he can't escape this time."

"Okay, then I'll go to the front to help," said Grandma.

"No need," Ren Xiaosu said, "your ability can't be exposed to everyone's vision, otherwise it can easily be associated with the incident of the destruction of barrier 61. It's a bit unclear, and then it will be bad for you to besiege by public opinion."

"What are you doing with this? I'm not afraid of them," Zhou Yingxue said indifferently.

"Okay, if you have enough power here, you will poach and kill the ruined barbarians in the mountains," Ren Xiaosu hung up after he said it.

The big girl yelled and whispered, "Hula, I'm anyway, and I'm also a top-class person now. I'm in a hurry to hang up without saying a few words. It's ruthless!"

After that, the big girl walked towards the mountains, and the vines on the ground continued to extend to the mountains with her footsteps, paving all the roads in the mountains.

But what did the old man say just now? Is the Expeditionary Army going to defeat, not to say that the Northwest Army almost couldn't beat the Expeditionary Army before, why are these barbarians suddenly going to be defeated?

Is there anyone else to save the master?

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu looked at the Wolf King on the top of the mountain, and the Wolf King was watching him silently.

Ren Xiaosu was very sure. This was the wolf king who had dealt with himself. He also gave the other party a black medicine. The other party liked it very much ...

At some point, Ren Xiaosu was still thinking about where the wolves went, and why he never heard of it again.

It is said that even after living in the wilderness, the wolves should have been seen, but those wolves have evaporated.

Now Ren Xiaosu understands that the wolves followed Yan Liuyuan and went to the grassland! And Yan Liuyuan is the new king on the grassland!

Suddenly, a horn sounded in Zuo Yunshan. The vicissitudes of the horn sounded a little hasty and flustered. The barbarian who was attacking the defensive position suddenly started to retreat.

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