The First Order

Chapter 962: The black robe must die

In Zuo Yunshan, the barbarians of the Expeditionary Corps were on the charge without fear of death, but when the wolf king on the top of the mountain appeared, their orderly offensive formation suddenly became chaotic.

The sound of the trumpet sounded in the valley seemed to urge the frontline troops to retreat quickly.

p5092 carefully observed the movement of the barbarian, and he determined that the barbarian was not a lie, but that he had actually retreated.

He also looked up at the giant wolf on the top of the mountain, and then asked Wang Yun: "Have anyone seen this mutant wolf before?"

Wang Yun carefully searched the memories in his mind: "The information about the wolves appeared several times, the first time was near the barrier 113, but this barrier was destroyed by the Jingshan earthquake. The second time was in On Lee's site, wolves are said to have attacked the army. "

"Is there anything to do with the young marshal?" P5092 asked.

"Yes," Wang Yun said, "The youngest man first lived in barrier 113, and later went to Li's."

p5092 lamented: "It was said that even a young commander could not create any miracle in the face of tens of thousands of barbarians, and this miracle came immediately."

However, they couldn't see what was happening outside the mountain, so it was hard to judge what was going on.

p5092 turned to look at Ye Yeyu: "In your perception, can you tell us about the situation outside?"

"The outside reinforcements did not stay at all after arriving at Zuo Yunshan. First, thousands of powerful living bodies broke into the expeditionary army, and then the vital signs of the barbarians were rapidly decreasing," said Ye Yeyu. "According to those who came from the north Vital signs, and the giant wolves that have now appeared, I think that those thousands of fast-moving life forms may be wolves, wolves consisting of three thousand wolves! "

As if confirming Ye Yeyu's words, the wolf king stood on the top of the mountain and roared. The sharp howl of wolf seemed to be able to pierce the hearts and lungs of everyone.

The mountain wind blows, and the silver long hair of the wolf king flutters with the wind, like a banner of Wang Ting.

"The wolves were running so fast that the barbarians had no time to form an effective defensive formation. It was just a moment's effort and they were killed in the rear," Wu Yeyu continued. "Now arrived It's just a pack of wolves. The ordinary reinforcements in the rear are still approaching quickly, and it is expected to reach the battlefield in about 10 minutes. "

Speaking of that, Ye Yeyu even simulated the dynamics of the wolf pack with a black flag on the sand table.

"A powerful wolf pack," p5092 suddenly laughed, wondering why he suddenly felt very excited.

Such emotions are rare in him, just because the surprise came too suddenly and was too shocking.

To be honest, p5092 cannot imagine what kind of people Ren Xiaosu knows, and the other party can drive such a powerful wolf pack to help Zuo Yunshan.

But he can imagine that thousands of strong wolves are hunting outside Zuoyun Mountain at this time, and they drive the expeditionary army into the mountain like a antelope, killing them quickly.

At this point, p5092 pointed at the evacuating barbarians, and turned to ask Wang Yun: "If we leave all these barbarians on this battlefield, we have enough ammunition to hit them !?"

Wang Yun said, "If it's just these barbarians, and there are no other expeditionary forces entering the battlefield, then our ammunition is absolutely enough."

After speaking, p5092 said to Ji Ziang in an exhilarating expression, "Tear down all six peaks and cut off the retreat of these expeditions. Although the reinforcements are very powerful, our Northwest Army is not bad. They are fighting behind the enemy, and we must not Let these barbarians go back to support, to separate their battlefield and reduce the pressure on our reinforcements! "

Ji Ziang laughed and said, "Received!"

p5092 thinks very clearly. Although the reinforcements are strong, if these barbarians rush back, the opponent will certainly not be upset.

These days, p5092 has racked his brains on how to turn defeat into victory. He hasn't even closed his eyes for two days and two nights just because he doesn't want these Northwestern people to die here.

However, he waited for a chance of victory, but the Expeditionary Army has been steadily fighting, not giving them this opportunity.

Now that this opportunity has arisen, it is time to counterattack.

The next moment, p5092 said to Wang Yun: "Contact Luo Lan, let them attack from the south, and harvest the battlefield with us. Tell him that I will leave a hole in the north to give the barbarian a chance to live, so that he must use the mobility of the nano warrior. , Chase after the barbarian! "

At this moment, Luo Lan was standing beside a river in the south of Zuoyun Mountain, boring and drifting, and Zhou Qi said, "Let's wait so long for the road, so wait now?"

Luo Lan smiled cheerfully: "Wait until you are afraid. Now you and I are not commanders on the battlefield. When you come here, you must obey orders. Not that you come to rescue them. You should pretend to be the best. People. Marching wars pays attention to the rules, and now we don't know what's going on inside, of course, we obey orders. "

At this time, the correspondent trot over and conveyed p5092. Luo Lan laughed, and he turned to the soldiers and shouted, "Brothers are working!"

With that said, a crisp sound of gun bolts rang out in the army composed of nano soldiers.

Before Li had a nano-robot, he seemed to think that a powerful warrior should have a powerful weapon, so they made a nano-knife, and the nano-robot moved quickly on the blade to achieve the effect of polymer cutting.

But in Luo Lan and Qingying's view, why not use a gun if there is a gun? Is it difficult to use a gun ...

Therefore, this time the nano soldiers he brought all carried guns. The only difference was that these soldiers were all equipped with 40 mm howitzers that could be loaded on the gun.

In Qing Yi's words, the nano-fighter's physical quality is just now equal to that of the barbarian, so he must have a barbarian attitude to kill the barbarian, and he must use heavy weapons to kill!

In fact, the 40mm portable howitzer is not expensive, but it is a bit scary for all 2,000 troops to carry this stuff.

Nowadays, many people have not realized that besides its large territory, Qingshi is probably the most powerful consortium in terms of strength.

During the period of dormancy in previous years, he had been controlling the army to look for the technology that humans had lost, and used all the financial and material resources to develop all of this. So time gave him a satisfactory answer.

Of course, it is also difficult to equip all 2,000 people with howitzers with Qing's power. They need to be deployed urgently from military factories or even from active duty forces. However, since it is to save friends, we must have the sincerity to save friends.

As for the weight of soldiers, Nano soldiers need not consider these at all.

Two thousand nano-fighters began to march into the mountains, planning to destroy all living barbarians.

A coin named Destiny was thrown high at the beginning of the war. It kept spinning and flying in the air. As long as it didn't fall, no one knew who would win the final victory.

And now, this destiny coin has finally fallen.

The peaks in Zuoyun Mountain began to collapse, and megaliths fell down, and the trooping forces of the Expeditionary Corps began to mourn. These barbarians with a winning faith finally began to fear, and the desperation began to spread in the hearts of all barbarians.

Six mountain peaks collapsed at the same time, and huge haze was lifted into the sky, so that even the sky was dim, as if covered by dark clouds.

The crackling sound of the glaciers disintegrating is endless. The rumbling sound of the mountain after falling to the ground is the most magnificent scenery in the world.

Everyone in the world has only seen waterfalls cascading down, but I'm afraid few people have seen the mountains pouring down.

Some of the barbarians who were going to retreat were directly pressed below the mountain peaks, and the rest were forced to turn around and return to the battlefield, but they were no longer war-conscious at this time.

At this time, a barbarian suddenly found that there was a gap in the north-south direction, so the barbarian began to flee in the north-south direction.

After seeing this scene, p5092 put down the last stone in his heart, because now is the time to really start harvesting the battlefield, the barbarian will only hold his head and run away, and can no longer have the courage to fight back.

"What do we do now? Pursue these deserters?" Ji Ziang asked.

However, seeing p5092 shaking his head, "It is enough for Luo Lan to pursue these deserters. Passing the order, we now carry weapons and go directly to the encirclement with the reinforcements outside the mountain to help them wipe out these expeditions."

However, as soon as the voice fell p5092, they saw Ren Xiaosu rushing all the way to the gate of the command battalion. Ren Xiaosu grabbed Ye Yeyu and asked, "Are there any vital signs of leaving the order near Zuo Yunshan?"

Ye Yeyu asked, "Are you alone? Alone?"

"Yes, alone!" Ren Xiaosu Duding said.

"Yes, there was a vital sign that was with the test subject before, and then it left alone. Before Luo Lan and they arrived in the south, they detoured from there. Now it has taken a large circle and is leaving quickly from the north. "Ye Yeyu said," But now all the vital signs of the subjects behind us are gone. "

Ren Xiaosu's eyes brightened: "All I'm looking for is it, go, I'll take you to the north together. As long as it doesn't die in this war, I won't rest assured!"

In fact, Ren Xiaosu now wants to meet someone. For more than a year, he has missed each other day and night.

Although there is no blood relationship between the two sides, each other has long regarded each other as relatives.

If it was before, Ren Xiaosu would not hesitate to go to Yan Liuyuan. As for the victory of the war, is there any hidden danger for humankind in the future?

But now Ren Xiaosu seems to have been different. He may still be the selfish Ren Xiaosu, but he understands what his choice means and how many people's lives matter.

At this time, the frontal battlefield is already a victory, and Ren Xiaosu will not have to stay here anymore. He glanced at the direction in which the Wolf King appeared and said, "Wait for me, I will kill the black robe and come back immediately, although I really want to go to you now , But the black robe must die. "


Sorry my head hurts a bit, go to sleep for an hour, and two chapters at night

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