The First Order

Chapter 963: When is this still in Daxing Northwest?

On the front battlefield, a group of soldiers of the Sixth Northwest Combat Brigade were overtaking the bunkers of the defensive positions one by one.

Prior to that, they were painfully supporting this line of defense. The bunker line of defense was their lifeline. Once a barbarian broke through here, his comrades-in-arms would die.

Today, the body of the barbarian is everywhere outside this line of defense, piled up in the mountains.

With the strength of 6,000 men, the Sixth Combat Brigade dragged 70,000 expeditions here for more than ten days. If this battle situation is said, I am afraid the entire barrier alliance will be shocked.

Without them, the 70,000 troops would not hesitate to enter the Daniushan battlefield, posing a huge threat to the entire Wang family and even the south.

When the Sixth Combat Brigade broke out of the line of defense, some soldiers subconsciously looked back at the bunker behind them. This was the first time in the war that they looked at it from an outside perspective. Some soldiers had a sore nose, thinking that this was what they had to The place to hold on to life, now, finally their turn to fight back.

The haze caused by the collapse of the mountain gradually dissipated, and the sky became brighter, and the soldier suddenly felt a sense of exultation.

The officer in front roared: "Don't watch, keep up with the team, the war is not over, it is time for us to give our teeth for our blood and our blood."

Yes, the war is not over yet.

Thinking of this, the soldiers resolutely rushed towards the mountain, and as their steps accelerated, they gradually heard the wailing of barbarians and the roar of wolves.

Da Huyou took the lead and rushed forward, waiting for everyone to climb over the collapsed mountain ruins, and his eyes widened.

I saw the wolves in front of the Expeditionary Corps crowd, every three hundred wolves as a group, in the battlefield like jagged constantly grind the formation of the Expeditionary Corps.

If it wasn't for your own eyes, it would be hard for p5092 to think that the killing of wolves is so organized.

When the wolves burst in, there will be one of the most healthy gray giant wolves running in front of the team, even if the axe of the barbarian splits on his body, there is no fear.

When the wolves started to shift, the giant wolves that had kept their strength in the wolves immediately fell on the tail. Once a barbarian wanted to chase chaotically, he would see their blood bowls.

These three thousand giant wolves are in a state of no one in the expeditionary army, their bravery is better than humans, and their execution ability is extremely strong.

If a companion in the wolf pack is killed, they will not be in the slightest attachment, but simply change their formation and then perform their task again.

p5092 looked up at the wolf king on the top of the mountain next to him, and the giant wolf stood on the top of the mountain and dispatched all "soldiers".

However, at this moment, the wolf king suddenly jumped off the cliff and rushed straight out of the mountain from the barbarian crowd, and no barbarian could stop its footsteps.

"Wait, where is this going?" Zhang Xiaoman wondered, "how did you go?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw a group of men coming on horseback outside the battlefield, headed by a man with a bronze fangs.

The wolf king quickly ran to the bronze fangs, and actually rubbed the other's sleeve intimately.

Seeing this scene in the military telescope, p5092 was secretly shocked. He said to Wang Yun and others beside him: "Before Tinder got the information that the prairie man had a new juvenile lord, now it is really amazing to see it with his own eyes what."

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the young male lord jumped from the horse back to the wolf king's back, and then slowly walked to the battlefield under the wolf king's camel load.

Beside the young hero, tens of thousands of prairie man leaped from his side on horseback, rushing to the expeditionary army like a tidal wave on the sea, forming a huge tsunami-like scene.

Above the sky, a huge shadow flashed across the ground. Everyone looked up, and it was a huge hawk soaring in the sky.

When I saw it flying over the head of the expeditionary army, he directly grabbed two barbarians with his claws and flew back into the sky, and then dropped the two barbarians far away.

The dropped barbarian screamed loudly in the air and eventually fell to the crowd.

Prairie formation cheers like a landslide and tsunami, as if victory has been achieved.

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of these people, the mentality is quite good.

For p5092, they need a reason to fight this battle, such as for the survival of the Central Plains human tinder, such as for what.

But for prairie people, all this is simple, for the owner.

If at this time a field reporter really asked the prairie people here, why did you come to support Zuo Yunshan.

It is expected that Hassan would scratch his head and answer, the host asked us to come.

It's that simple.

Wang Yun said: "I remember this hawk, which had circled above our position before. I thought it was just a wild eagle, but I didn't expect it to be a prairie eagle."

"It seems they have been paying attention to the fighting here," Zhang Xiaoman said.

p5092 began to pass orders: "Attention to all battle sequences, we will directly use the ruins of the mountain where we are now as a cover, and shoot at the expeditionary army. Be careful not to hurt the wolves and prairie people. What we have to do now is to help these reinforcements to contain the barbarians! "

The Northwest Army is at the end of the crossbow, so the key to victory is this support army. P5092 takes everyone to rush over to assist the prairie people. This point must not be mistaken.

However, after entering the battlefield, the young male hero with the bronze fangs and face armor did not join in the killing, but drove the wolf king directly across the army and went straight to their position p5092.

Wang Yun muttered, "This courage is too big, what if we are besieged by the Expeditionary Army."

As soon as the words fell, some clever people in the expeditionary leg could see at a glance that Yan Liuyuan was the leader of the support army, and immediately organized forces to surround him.

But what surprised the Expeditionary Army was that when they started killing the boy on the wolf's back, neither the wolf pack nor the prairie had rescued him.

The next moment, a barbarian rushing to Yan Liuyuan was tripped over by a stone under his foot. When he fell, the huge axe in his hand lost balance and accidentally chopped down the other man's Achilles tendon.

This group of barbarians were like dominoes. One after another fell down because of inexplicable things. Some people even died unexpectedly on the spot.

p5092 They looked ridiculous when they watched this scene, as if the inextricable expeditions who had been fighting with them before were elite, and they all got polio!

Is this still a barbarian who fought them? The young male lord on the wolf's back is too evil, how can it be like a calamity accompanied by him? !!

No wonder the other party dared to cross the battlefield alone, it turned out to be so powerful.

p5092 was secretly in the heart. Although the prairie people came to rescue Zuo Yunshan this time, they had previously captured the 176 barrier.

If such a powerful person is still on the grassland, the Central Plains is still very dangerous.

I don't know what the relationship between the other party and Ren Xiaosu is. Ren Xiaosu helped the other party before, so the other party came to support?

p5092 thinks about all this, just because the prairie people were also the hidden dangers of the Central Plains, so he is worried that these prairie people will be defeated.

But don't just drive away the expeditionary army, and the prairie people come again.

At this point, Yan Liuyuan had driven back and forth to their front of p5092, and the Sixth Combat Brigade also ceased fire because of the arrival of the other party.

The two were silent, p5092 and they didn't know how to say hello to the other.

After two minutes of silence for both sides, Yan Liuyuan suddenly hesitated and asked, "My brother, does he not want to see me?"

p5092 They looked at each other, brother? Little brother? The new owner on this grassland, wouldn't he be the younger brother of his own young master?

If this is the case, then the Northwest is not equal to a reasonless and powerful foreign aid! ?

Da Huo murmured: "The most correct decision in my life is probably to move the young man to the northwest, and talking about this one has brought a lot of ..."

p5092 mouth twitched a bit, when it all came back to Daxing Northwest! ?


One more chapter later

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