The First Order

Chapter 964: Finally I find you

That, this ... "Zhang Xiaoman looked at Yan Liuyuan's bronze fangs, and when he was at his mouth for a while, he didn't know how to speak:" This hero, your brother, is it Ren Xiaosu? " "

Yan Liuyuan looked at Zhang Xiaoman: "Yes, my name is Yan Liuyuan."

Zhang Xiaoman excitedly said to him next to p5092: "It's really six yuan. When the young marshal was with me in a sharp sword, he mentioned several times when he was waiting for Zong's annihilation. More than a year. "

Speaking of which, Da Huyou also looked at Yan Liuyuan: "Hello, I'm Da Huyou in 178 fortress responsible for the field. Your brother asked me to help you find it, but I haven't heard from you. I didn't expect you to. Going to the north, you do n’t know how much time your brother spent trying to find you. Before, he went to the holy mountain of Tinder specifically to find you, but it was not found. "

Wang Yun froze: "Is Ren Xiaosu going to the Sacred Mountain just to find this one, but that was really dangerous."

Yan Liuyuan listened to all of this silently. It turned out that the other party was always looking for himself and was in danger for himself.

He asked again, "Where is my brother, where is he? The hawk of my servant saw him in your position."

"Ao, just now, when he saw that the overall battlefield situation was settled, he took the young lady and a white netty fat man to the north and said that he would kill the black robe first. You may not know who the black robe is, it's an experiment. An intelligent body in the body, "Zhang Xiaoman explained," but he should be back soon, I think he won't take long to kill that black robe. "

As a result, as soon as these words were finished, everyone saw Yan Liuyuan driving the wolf king to turn around and go back, still saying in his mouth: "North ..."

Gradually, the wolf king ran, and he ran faster and faster.

This man walked by the wolf in the battlefield, as if he hadn't looked at the barbarians around him at all.

Da Huyou looked at the back of Yan Liuyuan's departure: "I can see that the brothers have deep feelings, and I don't know if he can take the grassland people to Daxing Northwest together. We must know that we have a good pasture in Northwest China. And ... "

Suddenly Wang Yun said, "When barrier 176 was broken for the first time, some people saw him breaking the barrier in the air, and it was unclear how to do it. How could these brothers be better than each other, to be honest, let's It ’s so difficult. If you can help him to find him sooner, you still have to fight so hard. This young male lord is afraid that he can stand up to 20,000 troops by himself. "

The era of the rise of the gods is really coming. When this era began, only two people could suppress the power of the consortium with their own power, and now more and more of them are.

However, Wang Yun suddenly thought, why these people seem to have inextricable links with Ren Xiaosu ...

Now, if the consortium of the barrier alliance knows the details of Ren Xiaosu, it should be fortunate that Ren Xiaosu did not compete for the world?

When Yan Liuyuan reached the rear, Sister Xiaoyu rode on the horse and stood outside the battlefield. Servant Lan Qi was next to her. Sister Xiaoyu asked, "Have you found your brother?"

"He went to the north," Yan Liuyuan stopped, and immediately carried Sister Xiaoyu horizontally, and placed it on the back of the wolf king: "Let's go to him."


In the wilderness, the black robe hid all the way and fled to the north. When he saw the wolves from a distance, he realized that the defeat of the expedition had been settled.

Now not only is the Expeditionary Army of Zuo Yunshan starting to fall, when Danishan knows the news of Zuo Yunshan, it will certainly retreat quickly, right?

But the black robe was not frustrated, as it said to Valentin, from the beginning it had never thought that the expeditionary army would achieve the ultimate victory.

It carried the expeditionary army to the Central Plains because he ravaged the country in the north, but at that time the barbarian was too powerful, especially the general, so that it did not dare to take action.

Now that the expeditionary army has arrived at 190,000, there are very few that can go back. In this way, it has too much room to operate. Even if it turns the entire northern country into its territory, it does not seem to be difficult.

And the black robe was thinking, if the Central Plains could besiege the generals here, then it would have no opponents in the north.

However, when thinking about it that way, the black robe suddenly stopped slowly, it looked at the boy in the wilderness in front of him with a smile and groaned, and his heart was actually stunned.

Just over a month ago, it was also this boy who caused it to look completely black now. Whenever he thought of this matter, the black robe would tickle Ren Su's hatred.

Moreover, yesterday when the other party was on the top of the mountain, he also showed his determination to kill himself.

The black robe may seem powerful, but in fact, it always has fear and anxiety in it. It is extremely confident in the face of human beings, but if it is really confident, it will not run away so rashly.

Ren Xiaosu looked at the black robe in front of him: "Why, is this going to flee to the north? Before the expeditionary battle is over, you want to run?"

The black robe said hoarsely: "What does the war with the Expeditionary Force have to do with me? They lost exactly what I wanted."

Ren Xiaosu wondered: "Aren't you hard to live? All day long, you always want to kill and kill. After the disaster in the southwest and the disaster in the Central Plains, you should not live in this world."

The black robe said: "I also want to live a quiet life, but can I live normally like you, can you humans accept me, you can't do it. Human nature rejects aliens, and you will allow aliens to live in yours. Medium? Or put me in a zoo for exhibition, or make a specimen. Is n’t this what humans like to do? I was also a human before, so I know that humans have a different attitude towards aliens. Coexistence is possible! "

"Your logic is wrong," Ren Xiaosu said strangely. "You hunted humans as soon as you appeared. How can humans get along with you peacefully?"

"I also killed people to survive. When Qing entered the Jingshan to see us, didn't he want to catch us all?" Heipao said in a snoring voice. "I don't make any sense to you with this. What are you doing here? Are you debating with me? Why, do you have to choose a pros and cons and persuade each other? Save it! "

Suddenly, the black robe suddenly pulled back, and sniper bullets flew in the distance. But no one expected that the black robe was smart this time, so he avoided it in advance!

The black robe laughed wildly: "I know you have an ambush. The same strategy is not to ..."

Laughing and smiling, the black robe looked down at his heart, and actually broke a hole.

The black robe determined that he had avoided it in advance, why did he still get shot?

At this time, the voice of Yang Xiaorong came from any small millet: "I know the special characteristics of the black bullet. As long as the first shot is taken, no matter where it is hit, if the target is not dead, then the second shot will be killed. I aim Got him, but he did escape my trajectory ahead of time. "

The second round of the black bullet, the trajectory will turn, this shot will kill!

Ren Xiaosu also stumbled when he heard this. For the first time, he knew that the black bullet had such an effect.

The black robe looked at the chest silently, in its world it was the master, it was the center of this world, so it never thought it would die so easily.

However, the chest has been penetrated by black bullet holes, and it can feel the vitality passing by rapidly.

Heipao looked at Ren Xiaosu and said, "I obviously dodged, no, this is not an ordinary sniper bullet, what is this ..."

Ren Xiaosu laughed: "The other party's argument, this is our argument."

The black robe fell down unwillingly, it wanted to keep the appearance of the boy in his mind in mind, but it suddenly found that the other person's eyes were not on himself, but looking behind him.

As the black robe fell, Ren Xiaosu looked at the giant wolf rushing in the south, leaving no one in the wilderness. The giant wolf and the person on the wolf's back looked so abrupt but surprised.

The day was so long that Ren Xiaosu thought that he could not wait any longer. Each other was like the two ends of a long river of time. There was a long bright star river and a bottomless black hole.

All the distance can't find the end.

On the road of human growth, Ren Xiaosu once walked alone through the long street, watching the lights in his life go out, invincible, and Xiaoyu disappeared, and Liuyuan disappeared.

At that moment he was a little dazed and a little lonely.

In fact, he can understand a little bit of loneliness.

Probably it was standing on the yellow long street and turning around. No one was waiting behind him, and then all the lights went out.

Ren Xiaosu stood silently watching the other party quickly approach, his nose suddenly sore.

Finally I find you.


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