The First Order

Chapter 965: Reunion moment

Brother, I also want to go hunting with you. "

Ren Xiaosu looked at the teenager who was slowly jumping off the back of the Wolf King, and then came towards himself, as if echoing what the other party had said.

With a blink of an eye, the other person grew taller. In the past, the small six yuan man only reached his own chest, but now he is almost as tall as himself.

It seems that nothing has changed between each other, and Ren Xiaosu can feel the eagerness in the other person's eyes.

However, a pair of bronze fangs was added to the other side's face, and it was no longer a small heel bug behind him, but a new king on the grassland.

Ren Xiaosu smiled: "Grow tall."

Yan Liuyuan took off his face mask and exposed his face. "Brother, you've got some tans."

Talking, Yan Liuyuan speeded up his pace and hugged Ren Xiaosu.

In the distance, Yang Xiaoquan lifted the camouflage and put away Hei Xie towards this side, but she did not disturb the reunion of the two brothers.

She knows Ren Xiaosu very well, so she knows how much the other party desires to come this day.

Sister Xiaoyu wiped her tears with her sleeve when she saw Yang Xiaohibin, and greeted Yang Xiaohibin: "Xiaohuang hasn't changed at all, she is just as pretty."

At this moment, Yang Xiaogui put away all the sturdy breath on her body, as if ashamed to see her parents: "Sister Xiaoyu, you have not changed at all."

Sister Xiaoyu pulled Yang Xiaorong to the side, and took a pair of gold bracelets in her pocket while walking, and brought it to Yang Xiaorong's hand: "This time I came to the south from the grassland, I knew I would find you, so this is what I let Hassan's special gold bracelet is a meeting to meet again after a long absence. "

Now Yan Liuyuan is the lord of the prairie, and gold is absolutely indispensable, so Sister Xiaoyu is very generous in her shots, and the pair of golden bracelets may be more than 200 grams ...

This has to be put in the Central Plains. It must be affordable for large households when they buy the three gold hardware needed for marriage.

According to Sister Xiaoyu, although Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan were poor before, but now the identities of the brothers have continued to develop, I am afraid that there are not many people who can match the status of these two brothers in the entire barrier.

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan must marry their wives and have children ...

In the future, they will also be big families, maybe others think that this is a magnificent family.

In front of Ren Xiaosu, Yang Xiaojin carelessly used to seduce this product with words, but when he was in front of Xiaoyu, he was very embarrassed, for he was afraid of leaving a bad impression on Xiaoyu.

The two girls walked to one side, leaving Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan to tell the story.

No one noticed, Ye Yeyu in the distance was still lying on the wilderness muttering: What is the situation now, can I come out?

Just now Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaohibi joined forces to intercept and kill the black robe, and let him hide here. Without Ren Xiaosu, never come out.

In the blink of an eye, everyone forgot him.

At this point, Ren Xiaosu checked the body of the black robe and confirmed that he had made two more cuts after confirming that the other party had died.

To be honest, this cargo has a lingering meaning. Even the nuclear bomb did not kill it. Ren Xiaosu was really a little afraid that it suddenly stood up and ran away.

Such shameful things can only be reassured if they die.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Yan Liuyuan: "How did you get to the grassland?"

Talking, the two found a big rock and sat up side by side, Yan Liuyuan explained: "At first you saw you pierced by a spear. When the flood was approaching, the wolves suddenly appeared. Picking up me and Xiaoyu went north. Go. Later, I wanted to take revenge, and I felt that I should build my own power first. I thought that you said that the grassland should still be a place of obscurity, and my ability is just right to go there to make gods. "

"Is it difficult to unify the grassland?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

Yan Liuyuan shook his head with a smile: "It's not hard. There were already tough battles to be fought. As a result, luck was better. Tinder caught the most powerful sweat on the grassland ..."

Ren Xiaosu was a little bit crying when she heard this: "I just went to the sacred mountain when I heard about it. I didn't expect such a big Oolong!"

Yan Liuyuan froze, "What's going on?"

"Tinder and Anjing Temple formed a tacit understanding, and claimed to have captured Experiment No. 001," Ren Xiaosu explained, "I always thought you might be Experiment No. 001 at that time, so I wanted to go to the holy mountain to save you. But I was just guessing. Both of us can't remember what happened in the past. Don't take this guess of Experiment 001 into your heart. "

As a result, when Yan Liuyuan was suddenly silent, he asked softly, "Brother, do you remember something?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "No, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"It's okay," Yan Liuyuan laughed. "It always feels weird that there is a blank space in my memory. By the way, how did you become the 178 fortress master?"

"Ao, at that time I was rescued by Wang Shengzhi of the Wang family after he was involved in the flood. He took me to the 178 fortress," said Ren Xiaosu. "Then Zhang Jinglin Zhang told me that he could help me get revenge, and they just wanted to be right. Zongshi sent troops. So I joined the sharp knife company of the 178 fortress and killed all the way to the north, that is, in the war, the 178 fortress destroyed the Zongshi. Then I left the northwest and went to the Central Plains to find your trace. "

"Did you find them?" Yan Liuyuan asked.

"I found it," Ren Xiaosu laughed. "They are doing business in the Northwest now. The business is very big. Teacher Jiang Wu and Wang Yuchi have all found them."

"That's good," Yan Liuyuan nodded, "you and Xunzi now ..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Ren Xiaosu interrupted, "kids don't ask such questions randomly."

The two sides suddenly became silent, and Ren Xiaosu felt that he was a bit guilty. Now Yan Liuyuan is no longer a child, but a new king on the grassland.

Although the other party is still his own brother, the other party has also grown up.

Yan Liuyuan said a long time later: "In fact, I got your news a few months ago. When I captured the 176 barrier, I saw the newspaper that hoped for the media, and that sentence, but I didn't go to find you."

"Why," Ren Xiaosu was surprised.

Yan Liuyuan said: "On the way to unify the grasslands, I killed many people, some even shouldn't, but I killed them all for Liwei. Many civilians in the barrier 176 also died because of me. I did not I was able to restrain my subordinates in time and almost caused the tragedy of the slaughter of the city. And in the newspaper, it just happened to say, "Don't let the sorrow of the time be your sorrow", I don't think I deserve to see you. "

Ren Xiaosu laughed abruptly: "Do you think it's too much of you to do these things yourself? Then you have to know what I have done, and I will probably persuade me to be kind ..."


Today, I went with my wife and children for a spring tour. There is only one chapter. The epidemic in Luoyang has been diagnosed for a long time. Everything is slowly recovering. I am a player who has been at home for two months and wants to go out and see ...

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