The First Order

Chapter 969: No regrets

Nowadays, I hope that the media seem to be standing on the opposite side of Wang ’s eyes, as if deliberately targeting Wang ’s.

Although they adhere to the principle of recording the truth, they hope that the media did report too much negative news about Wang's.

What's more, those articles have aroused great repercussions in the whole society. It is said that there are some different voices even inside Wang's family. Many people sit in front of the office of the Wang's consortium to protest Wang's disunity in the war behavior.

At this time, Wang's team always stayed in Luocheng, hoping to meet Jiang Xu, and many other media reporters also came here, hoping to take pictures of Jiang Xu's contact with Wang.

I hope that the media has always been the leader of the media industry. Many media want to seize its handle and push the giant of this industry to the altar.

In fact, as long as the media adhere to the principles of telling the truth and recording the truth, as in the hope of the media, they can also rise rapidly in this era and gain the trust of the people.

But in the end, they chose to overthrow the hope that the media is a faster and more effective way. As long as they can capture the pictures of Jiang Xu and Wang's Private Association, the reporters and newspapers who publish the news for the first time will soon become famous.

This is the real world.

Now that the war is coming to an end, I hope that the media will surely report some news in favor of Wang ’s future, because this war is indeed the victory of Wang ’s victory.

It is hoped that the media's responsibility is to record the truth. They cannot erase Wang's credit, even if everyone is very dissatisfied with Wang.

But the more such times, Jiang Xu will not be able to see Wang ’s people. In case he has just met Wang ’s people, he will turn around and start to report the good news of Wang ’s. Those who wait to see the media collapse People, they will make a fuss immediately.

At this time, Jiang Xu walked out of the building of Hope Media. Although holding a cane, her waist was quite straight.

A man who is so self-contained and adheres to principles doesn't hinder his temper even if he slaps a leg.

Most of the time, Jiang Xu has a special car to pick him up at Qinghe University, but I hope everyone in the media knows that Jiang Xu also has a small hobby, that is, he will go slowly when he is very happy In the past, it was delivered without a car.

Someone secretly asked him why. Jiang Xu's answer was that when a person is in a good mood, the eyes of the world will be exceptionally clear and beautiful. A person's life is short and not many when he is in a good mood. Treasure good scenery.

Walking down the street, many pedestrians smiled when they saw Jiang Xu.

Many years ago, when Jiang Xu's legs were interrupted, she became the most respected person in Los Angeles. At that time, many people would greet Jiang Xu when they saw Jiang Xu.

After that, I hope that the media will adhere to more and more things, and Jiang Xu will become more and more respected, so that everyone sees Jiang Xu can't help greeting.

Then everyone found out that no matter what Jiang Xu knew, he would return greetings.

Later, everyone discovered that Jiang Xu's throat was dumb.

I hope my colleagues in the media feel sorry for him, so I will tell you secretly not to say hello in the future. In the personality of the editor-in-chief, others will greet him. He ca n’t turn a blind eye if it ’s the same every day. All the time was delayed to say hello.

As a result, the people of Los Angeles slowly stopped saying hello, but smiled after meeting.

However, today is different. The news of the phased victory in the war ahead also somehow reached Los Angeles. Some people could not help seeing Jiang Xu with a smile on his face and asked: "The editor-in-chief, look at your mood today. Look, have you got news of frontline success? "

Jiang Xu looked at the interrogating pedestrian. He smiled and said, "Yes."

"When will the war end, will we have a final victory?"

"I can't determine this," Jiang Xu rigorously replied, "everything is based on the news published in the newspaper, but I personally hope that the war will end soon."

The pedestrians jumped up: "Have you heard that, the editor-in-chief has also received the news, the front line has indeed won a great battle!"

At this time, someone asked: "The editor-in-chief is now rumored that during the war, the Wang family sent people to destroy the Qing's nuclear test base. Is this true? It is said that a news conference is about to be held over Qing's side."

Jiang Xu hesitated for a moment. He didn't expect the matter to spread so quickly, but he didn't intend to answer the question: "I can't express my opinion until everything is proved by Wang's conclusive evidence. Well, I want to Hurry to teach the students. "

After speaking, Jiang Xu said goodbye to everyone with a smile.

As a result, he had not yet taken two steps. A young man in a suit suddenly hit him head on. The young man walked so fast that when he hit Jiang Xu, he almost let Jiang Xu with a cane stand. Fall steadily to the ground.

Jiang Xu reluctantly stood and looked at the young man passing by in surprise. The young man whispered a regret and disappeared quickly at the corner.

However, when the young man disappeared, a huge neon billboard not far from Jiang Xu suddenly fell to the ground, making a huge noise.

Jiang Xu suddenly looked back at the billboard on the ground. If it wasn't for the young man who hit him just now, and according to his walking speed, I'm afraid he has been killed under the billboard.

At this moment, Jiang Xu looked at the broken billboard on the ground, and the store owner rushed out. The other party glanced at the billboard on the ground, and then saw that his own billboard almost smashed into Jiang Xu. And asked Jiang Xu if he was okay.

Jiang Xu waved his hand and said it was okay, then looked at the billboard thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he stopped walking towards Qinghe University, but turned and walked to another street.

Jiang Xu crossed the long street of Luocheng. The paulownia trees just by the road had just sprouted. The sun fell through the branches and leaves on the ground, and everything was mottled.

He returned to his home, and just opened the door with the key, the little Garfield rushed to his feet, hugging his ankle and refused to leave.

Jiang Xu froze and smiled, "Luna, do you feel anything?"

Then, Jiang Xu sat on the walnut stool at the door for changing shoes, hugged the little Garfield in his arms, and gently tickled it.

Suddenly, the cat comfortably extended his paws and looked very cute.

Jiang Xu hugged the cat and walked into the room. He simply cleaned up the cat's litter and the cat's toys, then hugged them together and walked outside.

He came to the door of the neighbor's house and knocked. The door was opened by a seven- or eight-year-old girl. Jiang Xu said with a smile: "Xiaoyueer, are you home alone?"

The little girl named Li Yueer looked up and was surprised when she saw Jiang Xu: "Grandpa Jiang Xu! Mom and Dad are going to work, I'm home alone!"

Jiang Xu crouched down, laid the cat's nest on the ground, and handed the cat to Li Yueer. He smiled and said, "You used to like to play with Luna the most. Now I will give her to you. ? "

Li Yueer's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Really," Jiang Xu grinned and rubbed Li Yueer's little head with a smile. The little girl's watermelon head was messed up, but the little girl's attention was focused on Luna.

It seems that Luna and Li Yueer are also very familiar, so there is no meaning to be held back by the little girl.

Jiang Xu stood up: "Take care of her."

When Li Yueer saw Jiang Xu going, he hurriedly asked, "Grandma Jiang Xu, where are you going?"

Jiang Xu looked at Li Yueer with a smile and said, "To do something more important, I always feel that there are still many things to do."

Then, Jiang Xu left.

At last he glanced back at the house where he had lived for decades. In the yard was a sprout of garlic that had just sprouted. The sun was just right.


At 10.20 am, Zhang Chentong was reviewing the manuscript in his office. As a result, he saw Jiang Xu's figure through the glass.

Zhang Chentong stood up and asked, "Editor, haven't you gone to class?"

Jiang Xu told Zhang Chentong, "Let's make a pickled fish in the noon cafeteria. You can ask the chef who delivered the ingredients to bring in some."

Zhang Chentong paused for a moment: "OK, OK."

Jiang Xu returned to his office and looked around silently, then took a stack of stationery and sat at the table. He soaked his pen with ink, and then wrote: "Xiao Su, first of all, congratulations to the Northwest Army When Zuo Yunshan got a big victory, I was very encouraged when I heard the news. Before that, I always thought that the 178 fortress might be out of the way, but it turned out that I was wrong, but after learning that I miscalculated the situation, I was very happy……"

"When you first met, you were sitting in a conference room like a normal boy. When you wrote down not to let the sorrow of the time be your sorrow, I felt something in my heart, but I always felt that it was not It should be something you can say at your age. But at this moment I am very happy, because I am sure you are the practitioner of this sentence, thank you for guarding the hope of the media that day, which let us know that the media are adhering to the principle This road to the truth is not alone ... "

"This road of adhering to principles and truth is difficult and dangerous. I knew it from the beginning. But if a founder is needed on this road, Jiang Su is not the first or the last ..."

"I'm glad to meet you, good luck, take care."

Jiang Xu wrote four letters in succession, each addressed to a different person.

Zhang Chentong knocked on the door and came in a low voice: "Editor-in-chief, the chef who delivered the ingredients came."

Jiang Xu got up and shoved the four letters into Zhang Chentong's hands: "Give them to them."

After that, he turned and opened the safe in the office, took out a kraft paper bag from it, and walked towards the back door of the cafeteria downstairs.

There was already a fat driver waiting there, Jiang Xu said with a smile: "You're eating fat again."

"The living conditions are good," said the fat driver with a smile. "Why are you suddenly ..."

Jiang Xu interrupted him, and then tucked his portfolio into his pocket: "Sent to the old place, this information is very important. It cannot be left in the hands of a person with interest. You must wait for a 50-year confidentiality period to make it public."

"Okay, I understand," the fat driver nodded seriously, and he hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked, "Editor-in-chief, is there something wrong?"

On weekdays, this kind of secret information was sent away on time, but today, Jiang Xu has requested the delivery in advance, which is abnormal, something must have happened.

Jiang Xu patted his shoulder calmly: "It's okay, don't think about it."

When the fat driver saw Jiang Xu's complexion without any panic, he relieved.

He hid his portfolio in a dark compartment under a cargo box, then turned around and got into the car. When he turned back, he saw Jiang Xu carefully examine himself, as if to remember himself firmly.

It was like a silent farewell.

Jiang Xu looked at the truck getting farther and farther, and he said to Zhang Chentong, "Driving me to Qinghe University, please tell Qinghai University over there. I will change my class today and take up everyone's lunch break. "

Zhang Chentong calmly arranged all this, Jiang Xu stood in the building of Hope Media and looked at the names on the walls, which were the names of her pioneers on the road.

Li Xiang, investigating the current situation of the use of oil in the trench coalition coalition, was stabbed by dozens of knives on the way home from the newspaper office and killed on the spot.

Jiang Weisuo, investigating the fraud of Zhou ’s Kong ’s dairy industry, died of revenge assault.

Jian Guangzhou.

Le Qian.

Yang Wei.

Gao Qinrong.

These names are engraved on the wall of Hope Media, reminding all journalists what kind of road they are going to take.

In fact, many people think that journalists who want media are determined, courageous, and fearless, but Jiang Xu is very clear that these people he knows are no different from ordinary people.

They will also be frightened and panicked.

The word responsibility is not as beautiful as it is imagined, but as cold as a rock, but even so, these people tremblingly chose this most difficult path.

And more people will follow this path.

Just like Jiang Xu wrote to Ren Xiaosu's letter, the founder of this road, Jiang Xu is not the first, nor will he be the last.

Jiang Xu walked with a cane to the wall full of names, and gently wiped the dust for "everyone" with his sleeve.

Zhang Chentong came behind him: "Chief editor, the car is ready, and students from Qinghe University are waiting."

Jiang Xu resolutely turned around and walked out of the building and got into the car.

When he arrived in the classroom, the classroom was already full of students, Jiang Xu laughed: "Sorry because something was delayed, so the morning class didn't complete. Now I take the time for lunch break. I'm very sorry."

The students in the audience didn't think much about it, everyone just said, "Mr. Jiang Xu who's okay, let's talk, we don't have the habit of taking a nap anyway."

Jiang Xu smiled: "I teach social humanities and politics, but today I want to talk about something different. Everyone here, would you like to know what I was doing when I was like you?"

The students suddenly became interested. The editor-in-chief of Jiang Xu rarely mentioned his past. The value of this class was worth it!

Jiang Xu looked at a female classmate: "Guess what I was doing when you were like you?"

"You must be investigating some unfair phenomena," the female student said loudly. "Maybe it is hiding in a consortium, investigating first-hand information."

This answer is probably the answer in the hearts of every student.

However, Jiang Xu shook his head: "No, I still wanted to be a knight when I was as old as you. At that time, I was not doing my job, eating, drinking, and having fun, and even once I smashed another person's glass and was caught by the order department. It wasn't until I was thirty-one that I suddenly felt like I couldn't keep playing this way. "

The students froze for a moment. They did not expect Jiang Xu's past to be so bland.

In their opinion, Jiang Xu should be the kind of student who was a good student when he went to school, and he was the chairman of the student union when he was in college. However, he did not expect that Jiang Xu was like a little junk before he was 31. Unexpectedly.

Jiang Xudanding said: "I tell you this thing, I want you to understand that when you want to work hard to change yourself, it is not too late at any moment. To say the more conventional, the best time to plant a tree It was ten years ago, followed by now. "

"This war made me understand that Qinghe University still protected you very well before. You really should go outside and see what changes have taken place in the world today, so that you can become more pragmatic. "Jiang Xu said," I believe in your potential, so the moment you start growing up, it will change rapidly. "

The students below the podium suddenly felt that today's editor-in-chief Jiang Xu seemed a little different, not just the content of the lecture.

But listening to Jiang Xu's words turned at this moment: "But as you are about to change, I hope you will remember every sentence I say below.

When you start to see the many ways in which this society can be seen, I hope you still believe that the rules can overcome the hidden rules.

I still believe that school is different from official school.

Still believe that scholarship is not equal to power.

Still believe that style is far better than Meigu.

Nowadays, more and more levels of pursuit, less and less truth; more and more treatment, less and less ideal. Therefore, as you go to society, all I want to say is, please take care of your passions and ideals. In this era of doubt, we still need faith. "

Jiang Xu looked at the silent students below the podium, and he continued to say, "In the media of hope, there is an archive of many secrets and truths. I may have seen this world more dark than you, but, I have seen so many truths and darkness, but I still love this world. Don't let the sorrow of the time be your sorrow. "

After speaking, Jiang Xu turned and walked out of the classroom. This was his last lesson at Qinghe University.

Zhang Chentong waited outside the classroom, ready to wait for Jiang Xu to leave after the class, but Jiang Xu said to him, "You want to go back to the media first, I want to walk alone."

After Zhang Chentong also left, Jiang Xu walked with crutches across Hongde Square of Qinghe University, through the tree-lined path beside the tennis court, and through the sculpture in the center of the school.

He looks back on all this, this is the way he has traveled weekly for more than two decades, and today is no different from the past.

When he first came here, he was still very young. At that time he wrote on his notebook and went for the wind, traveled thousands of miles, and looked straight down at mountains and rivers, but now he is old.

Thinking of those who wish to be pioneers on the media wall, he feels more thankful that he has not missed a day on this rough road.

Jiang Xu remembered all this in his head, then calmly walked out of school.

When he stepped out of the school gate, a huge fire broke out suddenly in the street next door, and it seemed that someone was fighting there.

Suddenly, an amber gold dragon flew up into the sky, then dived down into the street next door.

Since Luo City's previous scuffle, Anning has been broken again.

Residents of Los Angeles began to flee, and the huge black smoke rose into the sky during the fire.

The sound of gunfire and cracks, Jiang Xu walked calmly in this hustle and bustle world. He stood at a crossroads and looked at a young man in black standing on the opposite street.

Turbulent crowds ran across the street, but Jiang Xu and the young man stood still.

Jiang Xu no longer looks at the other side but instead looks at the big Luo City. This is where he lived his whole life. Before that, he knew that this day would come sooner or later, and he was even afraid of it.

But at this moment, he was not afraid.

Jiang Xuyan seemed to be seeing virtual images beside him, including Jian Guangzhou, Li Xiang, Le Qian, and Yang Wei, all of them smiling at themselves.

And a younger self.

The young self asked softly, "Do you regret it?"

Jiang Xu laughed: "No regrets."

After speaking, all the illusory lights and shadows dissipated in his heart, Jiang Xu turned his head and said to the young man in black: "Go ahead, don't hurt the innocent any more."

The young man quietly raised his muzzle and pulled the trigger.

The bullet seemed to split people and the sea, and it also split life.

The blood was printed and dyed from the gray suit on Jiang Xu's chest. Jiang Xu slowly sat on the ground and put the walking stick aside, just like an old friend.

At this time a young man in a suit rushed on the street, his face covered with blood.

The gunman in black originally wanted to escape, but when he saw the young man in the suit, he directly raised his gun at his chin and pulled the trigger.

Immediately, the head of the gunman in black was penetrated by a bullet.

The young man in a suit looked at Jiang Xu's body from afar. He said in the headset, "The mission failed. Evacuation. Repeat. The mission failed. Don, evacuate as soon as possible."


Thirty years ago, a small young man walked in outside a small newspaper. He pushed in and shouted, "Are you recruiting journalists here?"

The door of the newspaper was broken, as if it had just been smashed, and there was only one old editor left in the newspaper.

The old editor put his glasses on: "We don't recruit social idlers here."

"Hey, old man, pay attention to what you call a social idler," said the young man.

The old editor looked at him silently: "What's your name?"

The young man said: "Jiang Xu, can you change your name or change your family name? Jiang Xu, Luocheng West Street! Have you heard of me?"

The old editor was happy: "Have heard of it, then why do you suddenly want to be a reporter?"

Young Jiang Su thought for a while and said, "I just don't want to hang around anymore. My mother said before the end that I would continue to hang on like this, she would die or not, and I always think this world should not be like this Do you understand? I saw the day before yesterday ... "

The old editor asked, "Why come to our newspaper?"

"I heard that you were smashed because of the shady report of the factory the other day," the young Jiang Xule smiled.

The old editor handed him a form: "Have you heard of the profession of investigative journalism?"

"Investigating reporters? Do reporters still have categories?" Young Jiang Xu wondered.

"Of course," the old editor smiled. "This is the most dangerous profession among journalists, and the hardest way in the world."

The young Jiang Su proudly said, "The old guy understands me, and I like the hardest!"

The old editor reaffirmed: "Don't hit the south wall or look back?"

The young Jiang Xu smiled brightly: "Rest assured that you don't look back when you hit the south wall."


Today is about 6,000 words in this chapter. Writing this chapter is a bit consuming, and many of the things I want to say are in the story.

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