The First Order

Chapter 970: Condolences

In the wilderness, Luo Lan and Zhou Qi were nesting in a leeward place. The two were here to wait for Qing's soldiers lurking in the Central Plains to bring transport. They could not let them walk directly to Luocheng. When did it go?

At this moment they had crossed Wang's northern defense line from the mountains, so the threat from Wang was not too great.

The only thing to worry about is that if their intelligence staff changes, they will bring Wang to arrest them together, and it will be more troublesome.

Zhou Qi muttered quietly: "You and Qingye also know that Wang's artificial intelligence controls the satellite. What if it finds our whereabouts?"

"What happened? At this time, the Wangs are hunting down the expeditionary army. How can we control us?" Luo Lan said indifferently. "I really want someone to come and catch us. Let's run into the mountains, two extraordinary people. Can't the people run past them? "

Zhou Qi scorned: "How long have you been awakened, maybe your physical fitness and weight can't even run away."

"I've been awakening for almost half a year, why are you still looking down," Luo Lan said unwillingly.

As a result, the roar of the off-road vehicle engine came from a distance. Luo Lan went out carefully to observe and found that only one person from the other party came over, and he was relieved.

I saw Luo Lan jumping out of the hiding place: "This way!"

A young man was here. When he saw Luo Lan, he immediately got out of the car and stuffed the car key into Luo Lan's hand: "Boss Luo, Chief Qing Ye can't contact you. I'm very anxious now and thought you were out. What happened! "

Luo Lan froze for a moment, he took out his satellite phone, and at a glance there was no electricity: "Is there anything urgent for him?"

It stands to reason that he only spoke to Qingye half a day ago. If there was nothing urgent, Qingye would never call him at this time.

The intelligence staff on the opposite side said: "We are getting news here. We hope that Mr. Jiang Xu of the media was assassinated in Luocheng. Therefore, your plan to go to Luocheng by Mr. Luo is cancelled. Someone is against you. "

Luo Lan froze for a moment, and it was difficult for him even to believe the news for the first time: "Jiang Xu died? When did it happen?"

"Two hours ago," the intelligence staff member said, "Now everyone suspects that Wang's hands have moved. After all, they have assassinated many people before. The Wang's consortium has gone crazy. You must not go to Los Angeles at this time. "

"What did Qingye say, did he think it was Wang's?" Luo Lan asked.

"Chief Qing Qing said he couldn't be sure," the intelligence officer said, shaking his head.

Luo Lan looked down and thought, to be honest, the moment he learned the news of Jiang Xu's death, he also subconsciously thought that it was Wang ’s killing. After all, Wang ’s had used too many assassination methods since this time. Kong ’s Konger Donghe Kong Donghai, Zhou's Zhou Xilong, etc. are all from Wang's handwriting. These famous people are just the epitome of Wang's plan. It can be said that the Wang's consortium frequently used assassination methods, and it was a bit torn. What does it mean, who in the consortium will always use this method of not being on the table?

Moreover, Jiang Xu ’s article written for the past month is very bad for Wang ’s family. Almost the entire barrier alliance now thinks that Wang ’s means of embezzling Kong ’s family and the tinder in this foreign war is too disgraceful and has not played the role of a consortium. Some social responsibility.

Everyone was very disgusted with Wang ’s robbery, even Wang himself.

Therefore, the Wang family did have the motive to kill Jiang Xu.

But the problem is that if Jiang Xu died, everyone would subconsciously think that it was Wang ’s behavior, so why would Wang ’s kill Jiang Xu at this time?

Wouldn't this behavior irritate all those who were originally dissatisfied with Wang's heart.

If Jiang Xu didn't die, everyone was just tired of Wang Xu, but Wang Xu killed Jiang Xu, then this annoyance would instantly escalate into anger!

Is Wang Shengzhi a fool? Wang Shengzhi is certainly not stupid. Regardless of how annoying he is doing, but at least he is indeed one of the smartest people in the entire barrier alliance. At first, it was the disgust of Kong and Zhou that was only absorbed by the refugees How could it be that such a low-level mistake is made now?

Deliberately anger people? Wang Shengzhi should not do such a stupid thing, right?

At this moment, the situation was a little confusing, and Luo Lan felt a little bit puzzling.

The intelligence staff member said, "Boss Luo, please go back to the southwest. I will go to Los Angeles to investigate the matter and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

But Luo Lan suddenly shook her head: "No, I have to go to Los Angeles."

The intelligence staff hesitated for a moment: "It is very dangerous for you to go to Los Angeles at this time. If Jiang Xu was really killed by Wang, it means that they will no longer care about your identity and may directly take action on you. Our nuclear The test base has been destroyed, and Wang has no fear at this time! "

"No," Luo Lan said, "The mission to Luocheng is temporarily put on hold, but I am going to pay tribute to Mr. Jiang Xu. I can see that his article has been around for seven or eight years, although he has not been able to become a friend , But has always respected him as a person, at this time he suddenly left, I'm going to see him and see him off. "

The intelligence staff froze. He didn't expect Luo Lan to go to Luocheng in danger now, just to see Jiang Xu off.

How much courage does it take to go to Los Angeles in such a dangerous situation today?

Luo Lan looked at the intelligence staff with a smile and comforted: "Relax, I'm not going to die, isn't this still Zhou Qi protecting me?"

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes aside: "Brother, Luocheng is only two or three hours away from the Wang family. I can't protect you in that kind of place."

"Are you going to die a few words," Luo Lan said unwillingly: "I am also an extraordinary person. I don't need your protection. If someone kills me, you can run first!"

Zhou Qi rolled his eyes again: "Is it useful to say this kind of anger, you might as well give me some money!"

"Okay, add more money and more money," Luo Lan said with tears of laughter. He turned to the intelligence staff and said, "I still have a very dangerous task for you."

The intelligence staff immediately stood up and said, "Let's just say, I will definitely complete all the dangerous tasks."

"Well, now the Northwest Army should still hunt down the expeditionary army in the north. I need you to pass the news of Jiang Xu's death to the Northwest Army Master Ren Xiaosu," Luo Lan said earnestly. "He knows that the news will definitely go In Luocheng, when King Tian wants to kill me, he has to look at his face. "


Thanks to the calf who loves science and loves life, and I'm a milk rider, forcing two classmates to become the new alliance for this book. The two bosses are magnificent!

There is only one chapter today. I wrote a bit of overdraft yesterday. Let me take it a day to ensure the quality.

Push a friend's book "Mechanical Girl Evaluation Guide", Introduction: The girls I have taught will start armor.

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