The First Strong

Chapter 1149: Skeleton King?

The change comes from the Deadwater River!

Like the stagnant pool, the Deadwater River is completely unsettled. It is a large piece of stone that falls, can not withstand a little wave and sound, and will quickly disintegrate.

But now, Shen Lang has vaguely felt a bit of a change in the Deadwater River!

He quickly turned back and saw a scene that surprised him.

A large cockroach has risen slowly from the Deadwater River!

To be exact, this is a hoe. It rises to the neck and there is no further rise below. From the size of this skull, this should be a giant with a few feet high.

"Enough... you are a human being, and you have to kill a lot to be satisfied."

When Shen Lang looked at the past, Shantou was also facing his direction, and the black hole was staring at him. Of course, there is nothing in the mouth that can make a sound, but it has already sensed the words in the way of sensing.

"These... are you raising?...Children?"

Shen Lang also tried to release his thoughts and communicate with him.

He is a bit funny now and a bit curious. The funny thing is that he didn't have any deep meaning. He just adapted to this iron rod and then played it. Unexpectedly, the loss of these embarrassing was too great, so that the king could not help but order the retreat and ran out in person.

Is it a king?

Curiously, he saw the damage of the scales of the king's dragons, and the stones and the fallen ones will be immediately invaded by the dead water. But this scorpion king seems to live under this dead water and has not been damaged.

"Let's go. They have not stopped you from crossing the road!"

After expressing this meaning, the **** will slowly sink, and at this time, those who are before us are far away from the hundreds of meters.

"Although it doesn't stop me from crossing the road, it will stop others from crossing the road. I think it should be better to clear it."

Shen Lang originally did not mean this, but these kings are going to leave, he must behave.

As soon as he spoke, he raised his hand, and the sacred armor slammed into the distance. Although it was not dense enough, there were dozens of hundreds of broken bones.


The **** that had sunk halfway, floated again. Looking at the hole in the side of Shen Lang, it seems to be able to exude anger, and the idea that it exudes is already a bit of a roaring feeling.

"Human, don't force me to shoot!"

The iron rod in Shen Lang’s hand was a little stroked. “You can try it and see if I can smash your hoe!”

He did not really try, not to be afraid that this may be the king of the king, but because there are prohibitions on both sides of the Deadwater River, it may be less than ten meters. The ban on the river is probably less than three meters. So now he is on the hillside, really want to beat the past, it is also inconvenient.

Even if you go to the river in the past, you have to knock on the **** in the river, you can only stretch out horizontally and then squat down. This is not going to be fast, it is better to bomb it directly.

Shantou looked at Shen Lang like this, and for a few seconds did not send any thoughts.

"Greed humans!"

Shen Lang is indeed a bit greedy, watching it can not be corroded in the stagnant water, want to ask it the secret of stagnant water.

But before I passed this idea, I saw that something flew out of the big gimmick.

"Get it, you can go!"

After the idea was passed, the big girl disappeared and sank in the stagnant water.

Shen Lang’s eyes looked at the same thing that flew over, a black whip.

From the inside of the Deadwater River, he did not dare to care about it. He lifted his hand and grabbed a bone on the ground to put a handle on it and let it fall in front of him.

Falling on the ground and looking closely, it is a soft whip-like weapon, but the main body is made like a black jelly gel.

There was no change in the dead bone touching the handle. The black jelly gelled on the ground, and there was no change. It was not the corrosion of the dead water.

Judging from the situation just now, the king of the king should be weighed a bit, and it is very likely that he has a relationship with the iron rod. Perhaps he is recognized as the former owner of the iron rod.

In the end, he did not choose to fight with him, but gave him the same thing, saying that he could take it. This shows that it is reluctant to regress, and that it can be used as compensation to exchange items that do not continue to dry up. Naturally, it should not be a casual thing.

After confirming that there was no problem, Shen Lang reached out and picked up the black whip.

It completely hangs down, as if it were a fluid, it is not like a weapon, but the shape is completely a weapon.

Shen Lang tried to inject vitality and then waved it. Soon, it was discovered that the soft whip had changed. Just like the whip of a general weapon, the turning and shaking was completely no problem.

More importantly, when it slammed on the ground, it immediately corroded a pile of dead bones!

He quickly tried a few more times and put the whip on the bones, above the stones, and on the branches.

The result is the same, the place that will be touched immediately, directly decomposed invisible!

Seeing this, he can basically confirm that this black jelly gel-like thing should actually be condensed by the dead water. It now maintains the liquidity of the liquid, and it has a solid condensation.

And when he released his hand or did not inject a bit of vitality, it touched anything on the ground, nothing changed.

After many confirmations, Shen Lang tried to touch his finger and it didn't hurt him. It was soft.

Here, I basically understand that this is not new, but I don’t know how old the weapon was before, that is, the powerful person made this dead water!

As for whether this king was born before, or if it was collected, it would be impossible to know.

The king disappeared after giving such a thing, and confirmed that it was enough to "buy" the sinking wave and let him give up attacking other cockroaches.

Shen Lang played it again and was very satisfied with this thing.

He originally wanted to know the secret of this stagnant water, but in essence, he also wanted to develop the power of using this stagnant water.

Now people directly send him the same weapons as the dead water, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Sending a knife directly is certainly more practical than knowing the iron process.

He did not want to continue to do these tricks. After receiving the dead water whip, he immediately went up, turned over the hill, left the area of ​​the Deadwater River, and continued to follow the trajectory of the Holy Grail.

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