The First Strong

Chapter 1150: Law of the Jungle

When I came here, it was only at the beginning of the Deadwater River that I encountered obstacles. Before, I was all smooth, but I wanted to confirm the route. &1t;/

Now that Shen Lang is going back, there is an established route that can be returned faster. &1t;/

I think there are still two or three days, and I will wait for it to go back. Since the road is not obstructed, I am ready to take a look around. &1t;/

The dozens of people who came in on the same day seemed to have their own goals and rushed to different directions. He is with the Mutian family, although it is now a bureau, but it is also rewarding for him. &1t;/

Other people, how many are from the famous door, should also be prepared, and naturally it should be something to gain. &1t;/

However, the scope of the entire meditation is also very large. Even if everyone is on the road for a day or two, it is only a small piece, and the area where they may go has similar levels like the Dead River and the Valley of the Wind. &1t;/

Therefore, Shen Lang turned to the side, but did not report any hope, anyway, nothing happened. While he was on the road, he further refined and integrated the soul of the undead. &1t;/

On the afternoon of the fifth day, Shen Lang stopped at a hill. &1t;/

He doesn't need to rest, but there is no gain in this road. Don't say that he encounters other people's treasures, and the ordinary resources are not met, which makes him a little disappointed. &1t;/

It’s a waste of time to go so far, and hesitate to go back to that place. &1t;/

After all, it is seven days. The exact amount is still unclear. In case of a day's error, it is not good. &1t;/

Through the walking track of the Holy Grail, he compared the place where he is now, and where he came. &1t;/

Basically, with the end of the Deadwater River, it forms an angle of about a triangle. It won't be too long to go back. If necessary, he can also use the sacred fly to fly back. &1t;/

At this time, Shen Lang is now a few figures in the distance and is coming over here! &1t;/

The meditation is so big, but the strange creatures in the meditation are not everywhere. Even if they can't see clearly, he feels more likely to be a human being. &1t;/

In order to further see and understand, he immediately took out the mysterious stone, converged his breath, and found a hiding place in the hill, and then through the reconnaissance function of the holy armor to understand the situation. &1t;/

After a while, they were getting closer and closer, and they saw that there were as many as nine people, several in front and several in the back. &1t;/

Further advancement observation, the nine people are basically three groups of people, those who came together that day, including a group of people, even more familiar with the three people of Mutianhai &1t;

Judging from their situation, it should be three people from the Mutian family, who are allied with the other party and the highest third party. &1t;/

In front, it is Mu Tianhai and another one, chasing another one with them. And Mu Tian Songyun and other four weaker, chasing the other two weaker, followed by behind. &1t;/

When he came under the hills where Shen Lang was hiding, the man who was chased stopped and did not continue to escape. &1t;/

Mu Tianhai and the other one, immediately circumvented the past, pinching him in tandem. &1t;/

A group of people behind it quickly followed, and the two weaker ones immediately merged. Mu Tiansong Yun and other four, also scattered around, and Mu Tianhai and the two together, six people surrounded them three. &1t;/

"Ji Qiang, you don't have to run any more, in vain. Why?" and another big man at the same level as Mu Tianhai, feeling a sentence. &1t;/

Ji Qiancheng should be the big man in the three people surrounded. He listened to this and immediately sneered. &1t;/

"When the emperor is together, you are envious of the world. You are all born to be famous. Do you really want to do this?" &1t;/

"What is a famous door, what is it? What is the name of a bad name? Once you see it, it is a thing outside the body, not enough to hang it." The imperial concubine who was squandered did not feel embarrassed, but the clouds were light. &1t;/

"Thousands of brothers. Everyone is here not far away, isn't it a good idea? You are not a child, what do you say? It is you, you will do the same, don't blame us." "&1t;/

Mu Tianhai is also persuaded. &1t;/

"Oh! Dao Li? Mu Tianhai, if I am uniting others to win your income, I am afraid that you will win my dog ​​at this time? I will say awkward, how can it become a rationale? "&1t;/

For the irony of Ji Qiancheng, Huangfu shook his head and said: "Then don't talk nonsense, hand over your income in the dead city, we can let you go back. Otherwise else..." &1t;/

"How else? How can your Huangfu dare to kill three of our Ji family?" Ji Qian took a beard and blinked his eyes. &1t;/

There is still no emotion in Huangfu, and the cloud is light and windy: "How about killing you? You are dead in the meditation, who can pursue our head?" &1t;/

"You!" &1t;/

Ji Qian took a bit of vomiting blood. &1t;/

Everyone has people who have the status and identity. They know each other's details. Originally, he just said that he was arrogant. I didn't expect Huangfu to actually follow it. &1t;/

Now the Emperor and the Mutian family, the two sides add up, the strength is more than double the three of the Ji family, really want to kill them in this meditation, even if it will pay a little price, but it can't be done. &1t;/

In the midst of the dying, it is the Ji family who has doubts. After several decades of reopening, it is not necessarily found here from other entrances. It is impossible to find any traces after several years of searching. &1t;/

"It’s all old people. Even if you go there in recent decades, everyone respects you. If you think about it when you are young, it will be dangerous. Thousands of brothers, don’t be stubborn, don’t be naive. !"&1t;/

Mu Tianhai’s bitterness persuaded him, listening to the tone, it seems that he should be more familiar with Ji Qiancheng. &1t;/

Ji Qiang’s face is iron and blue, but there is nothing to say. &1t;/

Obviously, in his early years, he went to the forbidden place to test the adventures. When he met other people who were not in the door, they might indeed kill each other when they met each other for good resources. &1t;/

It was only a long time, and the status went up, leaving him away from the law of the jungle. &1t;/

It is now in the meditation domain, and it is farther away than the forbidden land like the Golden Valley. If you die here, it is really nowhere to apply. &1t;/

"Give the income of the dead city, everyone is still a friend, you can leave together." Huangfu and then faintly forced a sentence. &1t;/

Mu Tianhai is a softer persuasion: "Thousands of brothers, you are strong, and there may be opportunities to escape. But these two nephews? Are the outstanding descendants of Ji family, do you have the heart to watch them desperately here? "&1t;/

Like the Mutian Songyun that he brought, they can follow suit for the purpose of exercise. It also has the level of the peak of the gods, has the potential and strength, is already the backbone of the family, is to cultivate the pillars of the future. &1t;/

Ji Qiang slowly bite his teeth: "It seems... you two, this is to eat me. But when you hand over something, will you really let me go?" &1t;/

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