The First Strong

Chapter 1810: Win-win

"It's really amazing!"

"I didn't expect to have such a place in this mountain!"

"It took about a long time to build it!"

“It’s incredible, it’s hard to believe!”

Shen Lang satisfies the psychology that he needs to praise, and constantly praises.

Just because he is inconvenient to touch and understand more things, so praise can only flow on the surface, it is very exaggerated and amazed.

But for the giant python, this is already a happy harvest.

It has never been brought here with humans, and it can make this little human "long-sighted", it has a full sense of superiority.

"There is nothing, it is all created by myself."

The giant scorpion was deliberately modest, but it did show that it was its personal handwriting, rather than occupying an environment that was originally there.

"Excuse me, oh God, you are very good here, but there is also a bad place."


The attention of the giant python immediately attracted.

Shen Lang is very clear, if the praise is light, it will soon make people feel fake. In the praise, if you want to find a little bit of it, you will feel that you are sincere.

It’s the best way to find 瑕疵 and prove that you can’t hide it.

"You are one here, it is too cold!"

He sighed and pointed around.

"Perhaps because you have lived for thousands of years, you have already lost everything, and changed to my words. For such a good place, I will feel very comfortable at first. I will feel lonely for a long time and will want to see it. Other different places of scenery."

The giant python was silent.

Shen Lang said the facts.

This is its world, and even the entire Tongtian River is its site, but for a long time, it is really lonely and boring.

Therefore, sometimes in the waters of the Tongtian River, there are some less powerful water beasts. It is too lazy to pay attention, and it does not have to be cleared.

Anyway, it does not threaten its rule over the Tongtian River, but only a range of existence.

That can be regarded as raising, after hundreds of years, thousands of years, once it can become a climate, it will be harvested in the past, which is similar to raising a family of elixir, anyway, do not need to worry about anything, let them grow wildly.

In comparison, passing human monks is a bigger variable.

Since it is passing by, it may be only once, or it may be returned once. This will not wait for the future, and we must take this opportunity to catch it.

This depends on the strength. If the strength is too low, it will not feel it. Even if it is felt nearby, it will be too lazy to pay attention.

Strength must be on the scale to attract it.

For example, today's Shen Lang, because of the strength is strong enough, let it rush to the past.

This state has created its long years, and it is boring.

Fortunately, this family is also spleen and can withstand loneliness, in order to live for thousands of years.

But like today, chatting with a human, bringing him to his own world is also a very fresh experience, so that it has a lot of unprecedented pleasure.

What Shen Lang said now is the key point.

Everything is good here, it is too cold and too lonely.

"Of course, the sacred **** is high, maybe it is another experience. I am still too young. So I will come here for a long time, and I will continue to hurry after crossing the river. I will go to Chengdu to see the giants. ”

"Maybe I think more, oh God is not here. The entire river basin is like yours. It is your place. It is a place where you are free and active. It should not be lonely."

“I personally hope to go to different places and see different people and environments. Maybe I will be very inspired. I may also get some good things I have never seen before, which can help to improve my strength.”

Shen Lang’s such words as “the words of the lungs” can’t help but feel the waves.

Although Tongtianhe is its site, at its speed, such a long basin is still tired!

Because in addition to some water monsters, beasts, and the like, or human intervention for a long time, most of the time, most of the watershed, that is, ordinary water flow.

Speaking of a large site, it is actually boring.

Can't it always patrol the river?

Just as the Kunlun School said that it has hundreds of thousands of miles of the Kunlun Mountains, it is actually active in the vicinity of the martial art. Most of the places except the mountains are mountains, and there is no special meaning.

If you look at the fresh environment, experience and long-sightedness, it is not very attractive for the long-lived species of giant clam.

However, Shen Lang said that different people and the environment may give a lot of inspiration; there are some good things that have not been seen in some places, which may help to enhance the strength.

This is attractive!

Human beings are so small and huge. That may be related to the environment in Chengdu, and there may be something special, which is not in other places, which makes them huge.

And this small personal class can also have such a fast speed, such a strong strength, certainly in their world, their environment, there are some good things that they do not know.

Perhaps in other rivers and waters, there are some good things that Tongtianhe does not have.

And the human land world, the scope is so huge, there must be more things that are not in the waters.

If it can be obtained, can you bring back something that is suitable for it and has not been there before. Is it faster to practice later?

"Even if there are some good things in other places, they will not necessarily be given to you. Will others not occupy it?" asked the giant.

When Shen Lang heard it, he understood that it was a heartbeat.

"That's for sure. There are some good things that haven't been discovered yet, and there are a lot of them that have been occupied for a long time."

"Then you have to grab it? Are you sure you have won it? For example, the human race in Chengdu."

Shen Lang smiled slightly: "In the human society, not only the **** of simple weak meat, but also the result of a win-win situation!"

"Win-win?" Giant 鳌 naturally can not understand such a situation ~ ~ It can not help but wonder: you let me eat, that is, I win; I let you kill, that is, you win. There is no win or loss, that is, flattening... How can there be a win-win situation?

“Humans have developed a way, called trading. Through trading, you can achieve a win-win situation, even a win-win situation.”


"For example, Tongtianhe does not lack fish. You can't eat it, you can't eat it too much. If you eat a little more meat, you will feel fresh and delicious, but it's not so convenient."

"And in Chengdu, or other mountains, there may be no shortage of other kinds of meat. They are tired of eating and it is difficult to eat fish."

"Normally, everyone eats each other. But if you trade, you can give them the fish and they will exchange the meat for you. So you don't have to eat your own leftovers and greasy, you can eat more without spending any cost. What a good taste."

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