The First Strong

Chapter 1811: Induction

"This is a win-win situation."

Shen Lang told him about it with a simple example. It is a win-win situation, but it is actually to explain "transactions."

"This is a one-on-one transaction, which is to create a win-win situation. It can also be a one-to-many transaction, resulting in a win-win situation."

“One-to-many? More wins?”

The giant python has just understood the transaction between the two sides. It is a well-understood win-win situation to exchange the extra worthless fish in the water in exchange for other meat on the mountain.

One-to-many multi-win trading, it can't do the same.

"I still use fish to make an analogy. There are so many fish in Tongtianhe. You can't finish it. You can't trade with people who are in Chengdu. They can't change it. They can't eat that much. Their meat is also the same. You can't eat much."

"I have appeared at this time - for example, it can be other people, referring to the emergence of third parties and fourth parties."

"Understand." The giants are not stupid, just don't understand commercial transactions.

"I use a thing that everyone agrees, such as Lingshi, Lingmai, to exchange excess fish with you. Suppose I use 10,000 Lingshi to exchange 10,000 fish with you. Of course I can't eat that much, but I can. Take it to other places where there is no fish, and sell this 10,000 fish to one hundred or one thousand people, then everyone can eat it."

"The same is true for Chengdu. You can use one thing, exchange them for extra meat, or other things, and sell a hundred, one thousand, ten thousand people in places where there is no meat."

"This way, not only you, me, but more people have benefited. This is a win-win situation."

This example is actually very simple, but for the giant python, it is still a bit complicated, but still need to think hard.

"But... you buy a 10,000 fish for a human, sell this 10,000 fish to many people in need, they get the benefits, you don't get it."

The giant cockroach stared at the sinking waves and seemed to say that you have no good benefits. How could you do such a thing?

If you don’t win the core of this core, how can there be a win-win situation?

"Haha, this involves the issue of pricing. Suppose a fish is a spiritual stone, because the fish is worthless in you, you think it is very cost-effective, buy 10,000 to send me one or two thousand is no problem, right?"

"This can, you rely on the win to send?" Juyi does not believe.

"Because there are too many, it is worthless to you, you can send me some, you can give me a lower transaction price. This is one of the places I won!"


"Yes! The place where I sell fish, because they lack fish, I am not a fish and a spiritual stone, maybe ten fish and ten spirits, so I earn a stone for every ten fish."

"If there are some places, the fish there are very rare, and their Lingshi is very common. Then I might sell two fish and two Lingshi, so I will earn more."

Python simply thought about it and calculated it. If this is the case, he will not lose money in this ring, and it is very likely to earn the most!

"Assuming I have a million Lingshi, after I sold it, I will take back 20,000 Lingshi. Then I can buy you 20,000 fish next time, and then sell the fish to more people in more places, the winner. More."

Giant stunned: "You don't need to catch a fish, you can turn 10,000 into 20,000, 20,000 to 40,000!"

"Oh, this is just a hypothesis. It's actually not that simple. For example, I have to raise 10,000 Lingshi to buy fish. I want to transport the fish to different distances, look for different people, talk to them about different prices... ”

"This is also hard work."

"It's not only hard work, there are costs in transportation, time and cost, there are dead fish, and there are costs. In order not to let more fish die, I have to ship faster, I must sell it faster, so others It will lower the price. In the end, there may be 10,000 fish. I only recover thousands of stones."

"Then you won't win!"

"The transaction is a win-win situation and a win-win situation, but it depends on what aspect. Some pay for the spirit stone and get the fish. If he wants the fish very much and does not lack the Lingshi, he feels that he won. And I am an intermediate trader, There may be a loss, and it is possible to make a lot. This process is itself a kind of stimulation."

"This kind of stimulation is like..."

Shen Lang thought for a moment, take it directly for example.

"Just like I came here with my god, there is also the risk that I drown in the water, or you took me, but I also became friends with you, everyone has a harvest, the uncertain process, It is very exciting in itself."

The giant scorpion was silent and did not defend anything.

Originally, it was considered to eat Shen Lang, and it would be normal to suspect.

More importantly, the words of Shen Lang touched it!

Its life is immutable. It may take a few decades and hundreds of years to encounter something new. Even if it is in a hurry to pass through the Tianhe River, it is a pool of stagnant water.

The stimulus of change itself is a rare experience.

The bait has been thrown out, and Shen Lang is not in a hurry to close the line, but looses the rope.

"Hey God, I am talking about the trading of human society. Of course you don't care about these things. I live very well here. It's just that I can't keep my youth. It's really... very good."

But the seed that has just been broadcasted has grown up in the heart of the giant python.

Now he will praise the words here, and he will not be able to satisfy the superiority.

It is now a bit of a desire to change, expecting a win-win situation, expecting more and more.

Unknown, bring people to look forward to.

The best is always the next one.

Shen Lang also kept polite, did not go to see what it was, even to avoid suspicion, is standing still.

But if both of them don't talk, they are a bit cold.

After a moment of silence, the giant couldn't help but ask.

“If it’s not a fish, it’s something else, can you trade?”

"Of course, the fish is just an example for me. Ten thousand soulstones are 10,000 fish, obviously it is impossible!"


"But the truth is the same things are rare, the more unusual things, the greater the value of the transaction! And this strange, not the feeling of the seller, but the buyer's feeling."

"The feeling of the seller? The buyer's feeling?" Giant is now very interested in this aspect.

Shen Lang laughed: "I still use fish to make an analogy. You are the one who sells fish. Because you are in charge of the Tongtian River, the fish is almost worthless to you, so you don't think it has any strangeness. And I don't think it has any preciousness."

The giant python nodded.

"Chengdu is carrying the sky... Of course, it may not be unusual for Chengdu to carry the sky, but there are some places where the lack of fish to buy fish, they will feel strange, they will be willing to spend more value."

"The other things are the same."

Shen Lang is so tempting, that is, I want to let the giants understand that there are some things that it thinks are common, maybe it will be strange to humans, and it implies that they can come out and trade with him!

(End of this chapter)

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