The First Strong

Chapter 1850: Run after you finish


Not only the holy shrine, the thief grass, the aerial stone and the one-eyed dragon all see the fierce light, they have to do it directly.

Among them, only Liu Zheng still has a calm.

"It is a giant scorpion, who are you?"

Liu Zheng has been observing for a long time. Jue and Shen Lang have not heard of their names, and they are probably true. But the woman next to it has heard it, and it seems that it has been explained privately with them.

But in the next two sides provocative, he saw that the anger of the giants, can only press the mood, but this human, but still understatement continue to provoke them!

The ignorant is fearless.

If they don't know the Great Five Dragons at all, then there is no fear and normal. However, after knowing it, it can be said that it is very emboldened!

What is the strength of this young man?

The giant clam survives under the Tongtian River and does not communicate with the outside world. I don't know if the Great Five Dragons are normal, the Terran is a group, and there is too much information exchange. Why should he never hear about it?

Does it mean that this man is not the same as a woman? He does not live in the wilderness, but from the great wilderness!

Liu Zheng is not afraid of the Terran beyond the Great Wilderness. In fact, the Great Wilderness is even more dangerous.

The key is that the five of them have always been active in the Great Wilderness, and they have a better understanding of the situation of the great wilderness. The understanding of the situation of the Terran outside the Great Wilderness is extremely limited.

For those of them, whether it is single-handedly fighting, or when everyone joins hands, they will step on the spot and inquire about the situation. If they are sure, they will start.

This time, I thought it was just a giant scorpion and two human beings. But now if this human being comes from the Great Wilderness, there are many more variables.

Liu’s calm style is also to win a few respects from them. So he kept talking, and the other ones were listening to anger.

"We are two? You may be scared when you say it! Outside of the great wasteland, she is a flower fairy, I am the **** of the dragon!"

"Hundred Flowers Fairy... Zhenlong God...?"

Liu Zheng mourned for a moment, his brain was searching for memories quickly, and he knew about the situation outside the Great Wilderness. He had never heard of these two names.

"Liu brother! He is playing you!" Sheng Li sighed.

Originally, Liu Zheng’s mind was to be stronger than a few of them, but because of his thoughtfulness, he was thinking about the business.

They sang them, but they heard it, and Shen Lang was deliberately talking about it.

He said this, Liu Zheng also reacted.

Zhenlong Dashen, isn’t it to say that they want to town their great five dragons? The flower fairy is just used to cover and confuse him.

"If you say that, it will be boring."

Liu Zheng’s face sank, but he still kept his reason.

This young man, dare to play with him, if it is not extremely ignorant, it is really fearless!

"What do you do with him nonsense? Just kill them all!" The thief couldn't help it.

The other few, also sharpening the knife to the pig, just out of trust in Liu Zhengzhi, and waiting for him to make the final decision.

"Our wilderness is also a place where civilizations talk about rules. Just hand over the things you exchanged from the canyon, you can let them go, we don't want anything else."

Liu Zheng said this, let them a few partners, look at them, look at him incredulously.

Although Liu Zheng is calm and rational, and the means are not as ferocious as the holy shrine, but the decision to kill and cut is never soft, how can you become so good today?

I have never let go of other people in the past, let alone the ridicule of this kid to insult their great five dragons.

Not killing is not enough to vent your anger!

"Old Liu, you can think clearly, you speak this, it represents our great five dragons!" Sky Stone reminded.

Others insulted the Great Five Dragons, but also included insulting you, how can you let it go so easily?

Or to say... What good is this kid worth worrying about?

Liu Zheng waved his hand and motioned them not to talk, but their eyes were still watching the waves.

Out of thinking that they trust the decision of Liu Zheng, let them all anger and not speak.

Everyone is waiting for the response of Shen Lang, and Bai Yu and Ju Yi are also without borders.

If Shen Lang decides to surrender, then what they just got will be given out. With the experience of the Great Wild Five, it is certainly not that they can be fooled by one experience.

In the attitude of Shen Lang, the possibility of surrender is extremely small, which means that they must be ready to fight at any time!

"I also have a proposal. I am also very interested in the items that you have robbed in the Long Valley. If you hand it over, I will not do anything else. You can just leave the snake on the horse."


"shut up!"


The sentence of Shen Lang said that not only the great five dragons were too much to be forgiven, but the dragons they were riding on were also unable to bear the roar.

It’s also a fierce beast of the beast **** level, and he was actually said to be a snake!

In the end, Liu Zheng is a long-known murderer. Even if he is rational again and again, he is repeatedly ridiculed by an unknown child. He can no longer be calm.

"Get started!"

Just when Liu Zheng made this decision, he immediately felt a wave of space fluctuations in front.

This kind of anomaly makes him wary, but he has no time to stop other people. He can only control his own dragon and don't rush.

And the four of them, including the four dragons and beasts, have already displayed their own spells, and they are mad at them!

Liu Zheng saw it really. They didn't evade and didn't defend, but just as the attack arrived, as the space fluctuated, all three of them disappeared and disappeared directly from the front!

The bombardment of the bombardment bombarded an empty space, so that the Holy Grail and other people face each other.

It’s very confusing to have a gas that can’t be sprinkled!

They teased them to ridicule and then ran straight, not giving them the opportunity to avenge, this is also very depressed.

At this time, there was a voice in the passage leading to the canyon.

"Where are the guests outside, is there any need? You can come in and talk about it. Our family of red porpoises may provide you with a lot of things."

When the sound came out, they all heard it.

Then the complexion is a bit complicated. These red porpoises living in this canyon are not dare to provoke them. They used to go in and know each other. They know that it is not good and the generations, one is not careful, they will be eaten without bones. .

Even if they are now joined by five, they are hunting in the outer circle. If they don’t go in, they will directly provoke the family of the red porpoise.

Just now, I also expressed it. The other party is also paying attention to the situation here. Maybe I am waiting for it to be cheap.

:. :

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