The First Strong

Chapter 1851: Killing a single horse


At this time, Shen Lang has returned to the valley outside the Qingqiu with giant pythons and white pelicans!

"This is..." White was a little surprised.

"Safe! How did you do it?" Jubilee is very excited.

Shen Lang nodded: "The purpose of your trading has been reached. I am trading with you, this is also responsible for your safety."

"Thank you!" Bai Hao seriously thanked.

It does need security and needs to send the skeleton of the ancestor back.

Although that is not the real ancestor, it is the ancestor of the Qingqiu that they are now circulating.

This has an important role and significance for them!

Jubilee heard something else: "What is responsible for us?"

"Hey God, I will send you here, not far from the Tianhe River, you will go back."

"You are leaving?" Bai Hao and the giant cub called at the same time.

Shen Lang smiled slightly: "No! I am sending you back, I will kill myself!"

"Kill back!"

The white pheasant and the giant python screamed again.

That is the great five dragons!

Even if you don't understand their fierce name, don't understand their past. The strength of the five people is so good, there are five dragons.

"I don't respect me, I have to pay the price!"


Shen Lang’s faint appropriation directly shocked both of them.

If they were before, they would all sneer at it. I think this human kid is too arrogant.

However, after the blitzkrieg of the gorge in the canyon, they have seen the mysterious strength of Shenlang.

So when I heard the words of Shen Lang, because the Great Five Five Dragons disrespected him, he would have to send them away and then kill them alone!

They can't help but think of them, they are considered to be disrespectful to him!

This is also thanks to him for not killing.

"Are you sure? If you forget it, we are safe to get out."

The python is also angry. To be disrespectful, it is more qualified to say that it is disrespectful. At that time, it was directly slandered, but it is still sensible.

"Let's go back! I will go back to them again. Even if I can't get rid of all the great five dragons, I can kill one or two. It can be considered as a great waste. I don't want to come here!"

After Shen Lang finished, the Kunlun mirror of the Three Realms was already prepared, and he was sent back to the outside of the canyon again.

He used to secretly use artifacts when he was talking to Liu Zheng.

If it is transmitted in the same world, the mental energy consumed is much smaller than that of crossing another world. Even if it is transmitted in succession, it will have no effect on Shen Lang.

What I just said to the two of them, of course, is to force them, because they don’t need to talk too much to them, and they don’t need their help.

Because... don’t say that you have a share, at least you have a share of it?

The purpose of Shen Lang is of course the resources of the Great Wild Five!

They can't be unpredictable, they can appear there on time, and naturally there are mature methods.

That means that before today, they must have had a successful experience! And more than once!

In their body, is there a burial dragon grain item like a keel?

Shen Lang is trying to get a little more contact with the items of the Dragon Valley, but it is impossible for the Red Dolphin King. The other party is very wary of him.

Before the wilderness, which people and ethnic groups have come to trade here, it is the best understanding of this information, and it is impossible to know.

Originally, Shen Lang could only leave with regret.

But the appearance of the Great Five Dragons gave him the feeling that he was sent to the door.

If you want to work together, you must be divided into one. Other items will be gone, and there will be no more things to bury Long Valley. What should I do when I get there?

Shen Lang is definitely trying to monopolize!

Besides, the two of them are on the side, although they can help a certain amount of time. But what if you are in danger?

Can't help but save? Then it becomes a burden.

Therefore, Shen Lang decided on the spot, first send them back, and kill them alone!

It is his own words, and there are more ways to use it, without needing to be exposed to more people.

With the space of heaven and the behemoth of the Emperor, he is sure that he can come in a seven-in and seven-out drama.

Outside the canyon.

The Great Wild Five Longan looked at the Shenlang and they disappeared. The space fluctuations just made them understand that it must have been sent to a long distance.

They have encountered the "enthusiasm invitation" of the Red Dolphin King, they are a bit complicated.

The result is already the same. It doesn't make sense to keep it here, and you can't really trade with the Azolla.

So Liu Zheng sighed: "Go!"

Then, just like when they came, everyone controlled the dragon **** and quickly flew off the scene.

Except for one person.

That is the thief.

Thieves is definitely a nickname, I don’t know if it’s because of a special thief.

Anyway, the goal disappeared, the porpoise was stunned, and other people including Liu Zheng decided to implement the retreat.

The thief is still a bit unwilling!

He stopped alone and searched carefully around him.

He felt that it was a little unbelievable to be able to send away from a long distance, maybe it was just hidden in what way.

As long as he observes it carefully enough, there is still a chance for the hidden person to find out.

Even if the five of them join hands, there is no problem of uneven distribution, but it is not as good as one person.

The problem of thief grass is because it is too confident, I feel that I can make it, and I feel that they should be nearby. As long as he can find it and be able to attack it, then it is all alone!

As a result, he did not have time to search carefully, and he felt a glimmer of space, just like the previous fluctuations!

The thief is overjoyed!

The spatial fluctuations that I just felt may be transmitted, or they may be just stealth. If it is invisible, then the same fluctuations now appear, it may be to dedicate yourself!

After stealth, they can't see it, but the enemy may still see The present dedication is to find that he is alone, and wants to come out and attack him!

This consideration of the thief grass gives him a feeling that he can count the meter right away!

Under his excitement, he immediately manipulated his mastery.

In an instant, he controlled all the surrounding space in his field. Then all the grass on the ground was soaring rapidly, and it became like a myriad of sharp spikes. Like countless weapons, he twisted the space to the place where the space fluctuated. past!

The thief is fully prepared and the effect is very good.

However, it is already close to the periphery of the murderous land. There are very few vegetations. Although he has been cast by his spells, but the base is there, the overall play is limited. In terms of the inherent level of thieves, it is like a discount. .

Moreover, he "the thief-grabbing attack" that "will count the anti-sneak attack", the speed is fast and the transmission of the door of the Three Realms is fast.

When the crazy thief grass attacked the past, Shen Lang has reappeared.

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