The First Strong

Chapter 2323: Secret of the sea

Shen Lang will think that the mainland of the island is the central fairy island on the other side of the river basin, because the legends on both sides are the same.

According to his speculation, it is not that the sea is endless and boundless, but that there is an astronomical array of methods, or a space law that envelopes the entire island.

The result is that the island can't get out, and even if the technology is super-civilized, it can't explore landing.

His conjecture is that from the perspective of outsiders, guessing from different world dimensions, there is no way to prove what is here to people, and there is no way to verify in the river basin.

So everything is just his personal guess, but later, it was confirmed by the ruins!

The ruins of the 80,000-year-old ancient ruins, which were once opened in the millennium, are actually the future world of the river-states!

Time and space are in a mess at that moment!

It is two worlds that have entered from different places, but it seems to be the world of the same space. It seems that the space is right and the time is wrong. Or time and space are not right...

But no matter why it is so chaotic, it is proved that the mainland of the island is the central fairy island of the world in the basin.

Shen Lang later stopped entangled with these problems. Anyway, for the time and space he can enter, the world’s cold autumn is still the present; the sea and sea in the riverside city is still in parallel, not now. "Ancient future."

This time, he has no guilty conscience for the sable ancestors. Since he wants to kill him, it is normal to be killed by him.

Kuntu, vultures, plus Xiaoyao and Luyou, did not wrinkle his brows.

At the last moment, Zi Zi’s ancestors began to ask for mercy, and Shen Lang was also used to it.

He would not believe this at all, nor would he care about the resources of the Kunlun School.

Because he really wants to **** the resources of the Kunlun School, he can do it at any time!

He has already been to the interior of the Kunlun School and has entered their core treasure house. They can use the gates of the Three Realms to send them directly to their treasure chests and rob them.

You can also go directly to the interior of the Kunlun School and kill them without the resistance of the Great God.

Therefore, the Zizu ancestors offered the Kunlun School, and they felt that they were betraying the millennial division. It was a great dedication, but it was not worth a trip here.

Behind the secrets of Tianda, he also did not move his eyelids at all.

However, when he sent out the message of "Endless Overseas", Shen Lang was moved.

He does not necessarily have to understand this channel. It is purely curious. After all, this is a secret that no one knows in the ages. He is even an indigenous person here and wants to know about it.

What's more, he has been outside, more related to time and space, and even more want to figure out why.

Shen Lang immediately gave a message to the dog god, let it be merciful.

The next moment, Shen Lang has reached the mouth of the dog god, the dog **** is also obedient to send the purple ancestors.

Being tied up, plus psychological pressure, let the scorpio ancestors not say collapse, but also a little wilting.

Shen Lang easily completed the suppression of his control.

Later, Shen Lang read all his memories!

The sable ancestors were very depressed at this time. He was temporarily not eaten, but Shen Lang did not promise to spare his life. Now he is reading his memory directly, and he does not need him to cooperate.

Shen Lang actually does not care about his life at all. If he spares him or kills him, it can be changed only after a thought.

But for the secret of the sable ancestor, he must be sure to be reliable!

Yes, reliable, not correct.

Because the scorpio ancestors can know, or the Kunlun faction can know, it must be some sort of gossip, it has not been verified, and it cannot be verified.

After all, the whole world is a mystery of the ages, they can not be mastered and verified, so there is no question of whether it is correct.

The so-called reliability is to see whether this information is real, or is it temporarily made by the scorpio ancestors!

And if it is told, the scorpio ancestors may also have reservations.

From another point of view, Shen Lang’s own search for memory is faster than interrogating him.

The scorpion ancestor is now imprisoned in the air, and the dog **** is still watching, so that he can only listen to his fate, waiting for the sinking of the waves.

After Shen Lang read his memory, he immediately made a search, just searching for information related to endless overseas.

According to the information on the other side of the river basin, different city-states have the existence of psionics, and are hailed as masters of psionic power.

The source of the psionic masters points to the central fairy island.

Only the psionic masters on the other side can only be regarded as relatively primitive self-cultivators. Even when Shen Lang first passed, they can crush them.

Even in the age of the dead forest, he can also make Bi Haihuan and Changtu amazed.

Therefore, he is not in the watershed city state, but did not go to the bottom of the psionic masters, because it is very likely that it is just a climbing!

The Central Fairy Island is so mysterious that even if it develops into a super-technical civilization, it cannot be explored. Each city-state has targeted research and wants to log in earlier.

This has the innate mystery factor. People who have a little power say that they are talented and hard-working. Of course, it is better to say that they are from the immortal fairyland. In Shenlang’s view, that The scientific and technological civilization developed at the same time is completely lost for the cultivation of the truth, and there is no trace of soil and civilization.

But after all, there is a more basic population base than the earth, with a large base, there will always be some people with congenital talents.

They have certain abilities in themselves, and a little cultivation is better than ordinary people. After a long time, a system will be developed.

However, they are generally low-minded, and they can only show the superiority in ordinary people. It is the ordinary army, and there are still ways to check and balance them.

But what if someone really went out from here?

In the memory of Zi Yan's ancestors, there is not much information related to endless overseas, which is a secret of the Kunlun School.

The Kunlun School is a martial art for thousands of years. Now the scorpio ancestors seem to be more general, but they used to be very cattle. They were once the big brothers of the world.

So accumulated, they also have a lot of secrets that outsiders don't know. For example, about the Baihua Fairy, such as the rumor about this endless overseas.

Of course, every famous group may have its own core secrets, but it has no value for Shen Lang.

Once a person reaches a certain peak, there will be a kind of loneliness, and he will want to ask for defeat. This kind of failure is not necessarily that you really want to lose, but you want to have people who reach your level, friends, opponents or enemies.

Different periods, different environments, and different realms will have similarities and are essentially the same.

For example, you can fight everywhere, and finally go to the meditation area; for example, many try to cross the mountains and explore the sea.

For example, the cultivation of the earth to the peak, the desire to break the void, and the robbery and ascension are similar.

The Kunlun faction also had such a ancestors who had lost their peaks.

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