The First Strong

Chapter 2324: Speed ​​barrier

The Kunlun School’s former ancestor was also trying to create an unprecedented future. Overstepping the mountains, or exploring the endless sea, is undoubtedly two world-class problems.

At that time, he chose to explore overseas, and his strength was also very well prepared. He wants to go further on the basis of his predecessors. Even if he can't directly cross the endless sea, he must also explore the law.

Why go overseas and finally return to the coastline?

Although there is no electronic equipment, no satellite navigation, etc., but to achieve such a realm, the direction can still be very accurate.

Besides, even if there is some error, it will not be so big.

On the earth, I walked forward and finally returned to the origin because the earth was round and came back from the other side.

However, if it has been sailing for a long time, it is a positive return to the original point. It must be a problem. It is a hundred and eighty degrees in the middle.

The ancestor of Kunlun School wanted to find out why it would turn 180 degrees. The legend is a vague legend. Without knowing it, no one knows what the situation is.

And everyone will feel that they are unique, perhaps they can find out what their predecessors did not find, do not try to know how to know?

The ancestors crossed the distance, came to the beach, and then proceeded in one direction.

It is very contradictory to follow the Kunlun faction who went there. On the one hand, I don’t want the ancestors to cross the endless sea. Then I really left. Without such a pillar of the sky, the Kunlun faction will undoubtedly lose momentum.

On the other hand, I hope that the ancestors can spend the time, that is, an unprecedented feat, the Kunlun faction will become the jewel in the history of civilization.

That is the great thing of Enze Wanshi!

The days they waited for were initially full of entanglements. It can become a prayer later!

Pray that the founder is safe and sound.

It is the most important thing that people have nothing to do. They can come back safely. Even if they are not groundbreaking, they can at least save the money.

And if you cross the endless sea and go to the other side, as long as people are fine, there is still a chance to come back.

The result is that they will wait until the ancestor is back!

The founder saw the familiar coastline and was very disappointed. Then he stayed in the place for a long time and realized the harvest of his trip.

Finally he left a conclusion - not fast enough!

He could not explain why he would return to the original place, because after flying far away, it has been an endless sea, an endless horizon, no trace in any direction, only to keep flying forward.

He also finally realized that the ancestors of the predecessors had no problem, and there was no turning point in the feelings. In the end, it was still a hundred and eighty-degree turn.

However, he carefully recalled the deduction, and felt that there was an abnormality in one of them. It seemed to be an inconspicuous sneak peek, as if staring at the unchanging scenery, and looking tired after a little tired.

The ancestors felt that the problem might be there. If the speed is fast enough, you can directly cross the section and you should be able to cross the endless sea!

The place where he went to sea was his own choice. It was not a fixed place with the explorers of the past, but everyone encountered the same situation.

This can also be deduced, it should be the entire giant island, have been surrounded by such an isolation, no matter where you go out, encounter the area, will turn back.

After this inference, he made another attempt.

It was groping before, and the speed was not too fast, it was experienced in all aspects. But this time, the second time, it is to maintain the limit speed.

The result is a faster return to the shoreline!

The result is still regrettable, and the founder did not continue, and gave up the exploration. But he insisted on his own argument. He felt that if the speed was fast enough, he could break through the past, but he felt that his speed could not be reached.

Later, he felt that he should increase his speed. If the speed can reach the limit, he can try again.

However, according to the records of the Kunlun School, there was no such thing as a third time, and I did not know what happened behind it. It may be that the founder saw it or had other pursuits.

Because of the lack of success, the Kunlun school was recorded as a person who had explored the endless sea. But after all, there is no success. His achievements are just personal guesses. There is not much value, and no one pays attention.

Later generations, this matter may not be remembered by many people, but for the Kunlun School, this was once the glory of his own sect, and it was recorded and well known to the disciples.

However, it is generally known that there is such a super-born ancestor, and there is such a merit.

Knowing the "exploration results" is only known to the head, and it is secretly passed down.

According to the original meaning, the founder was hopeful and younger, able to follow his discovery and eventually succeed.

However, the Kunlun School in the past millennium has been more declining than before. Although it is still a seat of the famous school, it is no longer in the position of the world.

The disciples of the younger generations do not have this strength, and there are other people who have also challenged them. There is no result, and no one will do nothing.

This so-called secret of the day is just that it is a big thing, and its secret is already worthless.

Just the ancestors of Zi Zi, in order to save their lives, in the case that Shen Lang is not interested in their resources, I thought of this.

This is also a no-brainer, the big things are over!

If it is earlier, he can make a ruin, the Yungong Holy Land, and these aspects of the Kunlun faction also have their own information accumulation.

But these Shenlang have participated in it, the harvest is bigger than them, and they know more than they do.

speed? Speed ​​beyond the limit?

The inferences left by the Kunlun Patriarchs seem to have not paid much attention to the Kunlun faction, and they feel that there is no practical significance.

Because everyone can't reach the speed of the founder, it's even more difficult. Aside from the emotional emotions of the division, it is even conjectured that there is no gain in the founder. In order not to be embarrassed, I found such a reason!

Anyway, he is already in a very high realm. Others can't even surpass his speed. Naturally, he can't prove that he is and his theory is in fact unprovable.

Because he doesn't have a formula that is strictly forbidden, and he doesn't calculate the approximate speed. He just said that the speed is fast enough to surpass the past. How is it fast enough?

Someone is ten times faster than him. If there is no success, it can be said that it is not fast enough.

This is very vague.

However, Shen Lang knows this information, but has different views. Earth civilization has made great progress in science and technology, not to mention the world of the city.

Shen Lang personally does not know much about the professional aspect, but some have already tried it.

For example... The ultimate speed that the founder refers to, is it the speed of light?

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